Ï The Head of the State requests to improve equestrian sphere

The Head of the State requests to improve equestrian sphere

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During video conference session on December 3, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of work for strengthening of equipment and facilities base of the sphere, protection of the pedigree of the breed, increment of the livestock of ahalteke horses and improvement of their world glory.

It is necessary to continue successful practice of international events in this sphere. . In this regard, it is important to pay unremitting attention to training of coaches, instructors, horse breeders, jockeys and other specialists and improvement of their qualification, the Head of the State said.

It is necessary to continue developing fruitful cooperation with horse breeding associations of other countries for useful exchange of practice and wide propaganda of unique equestrian art of Turkmen nation. This is the objective of International Ahaleteke Horse Breeding Association in our country, which sessions are annually held in Ashgabat, the President of Turkmenistan noted.

Continuing the subject, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of further improvement of breeding, protection of elite gene pool of ahalteke horses. At present, glorious national traditions and art of horse breeding receive dynamic development on scientific base using advanced technologies in Turkmenistan. The country has excellent profile infrastructure for this.

Turkmen leader focused on previous assignment on construction of Scientific and Production Centre in administration centre of Ahal velayat and opening of specialized university for training of qualified specialists for this sphere. These facilities and International equestrian centre located nearby will form up horse breeding cluster, which will allow bringing this sphere to new level and will support its successful integration to the world profile industry.

In this regard, the Head of the State demanded to involve modern equipment of equestrian complexes and to improve fundamentally the quality of selection and genetic work, having addressed Chairman of the State Association Turkmen Atlary M. Annanepesov with specific assignments.

The State would continue rendering comprehensive support to development of national horse breeding and equestrian sports, mutual exchange of practices and international cooperation in this sphere, creating all conditions for efficient and fruitful activity of professional horse breeders and jockeys, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.