Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference working session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference working session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with the participation of certain Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of some ministries and departments and the Hyakim of Ashgabat. Topical issues of social and economic development of the country and other subjects of the state life have been reviewed during the session.

First, the Head of the State called Deputy CHaiman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on seasonal agricultural works and on progress of the reforms in agriculture.

Vegetation irrigation of the fields as well as fertilization of the lands are carried out according to agrotechnical standards. At the same time, measures for picking of the cotton remained on the fields and transportation to the reception facilities are carried out. All payments to the farmers for delivered crop are settled on time.

Special land funds of agricultural purpose, which present land plots to joints stock ventures, farming associations and other agricultural producers, have been established in the velayats according to the decisions of the first sessions of the People’s Council and Resolutions of President of Turkmenistan.

It is special mentioned in the documents that around 70 percent of agricultural lands allocated from the first fund with total area of 118,000 hectares are to be sued for growing of wheat, cotton and other crops as per the Government order. remaining land can be sown with other agricultural crops for scientifically grounded crop rotation. Land plots provided from the second fund are designated for growing of vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops, potato, grapes and fruits.

At the same time, excess of production grown by the state order above contractual obligations on the land plots allocated from special land funds, can stay with producer or be sold to the state by set procurement prices.

At present time, scientists and specialists provide the consultancy to the farmers on implementation of advanced scientific practice and efficient management methods for practical help to private agricultural producers who received the plots on the above-mentioned terms.

In addition, government purchase price for wheat and cotton will be increased from 2019 for encouraging of the agricultural producers. Farming associations and entities, agricultural joint stock ventures and scientific and research institutes, private entrepreneurs and other agricultural producers would be able to receive beneficial bank loans up to 10 years.

At the same time, gradual privatization of livestock farms with all facilities, cattle, sheep, camels, poultry, which are currently on the balance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, and allocation of land plots to new owners are planned.

The Vice-premier also reported on the fulfilment of the assignments related to rational use of water resources, improvement of soil conditions of agricultural lands and provision with irrigation water.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of integrated approach and coordinated activities in the implementation of the state programmes aimed at the reformation of agricultural sector and growth of production volumes of national agricultural complex, having given number of relative assignments to the Vice-premier.

The Head of Turkmenistan highlighted that the government agrarian policy is aimed at the provision of food abundance, stable growth of agricultural production, improvement of potential of farming associations and entrepreneurs.

The farmers has huge benefits especially on land use, provision of equipment, seeds, mineral fertilizers and irrigation water. Modern grain and cotton harvesters, tractors and other machines and equipment is bought for the industry systematically, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Production, transport and social infrastructure is actively developed in rural areas. In general, all of these is to become solid foundation for rapid development of agricultural complex of the country and further improvement of the wealth of rural residents.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered the Vice-premier to continue steady work on integrated reformation of the agriculture and introduction of new economic relations to this sphere.

The Head of the State ordered to continue paying utmost attention to development of water management, implementation of the projects of expansion of existing and construction of new water reserves and other aquatic facilities including desalination plants as well as to the introduction of modern irrigation methods to agricultural production taking into account natural and climate conditions of our country.

Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs A. Ishanov reported on the situation in his structure, in particular on the development of trade sphere. By the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, under preparation to EXPO 2020, the delegation of Turkmenistan made working trip to Dubai (UAE) where third preparation meeting of the participants of the world exhibition took place on November 27 – 28.

The delegation of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan has met with the UAE State Minister of International Cooperation, EXPO 2020 Commissioner-General Rim Al Hashimi. The sides agreed on close cooperation during preparation works and during the exhibition, having discussed topical issues of collaboration related to this. Familiarization tour to the place of the World Exhibition has been organized for the members of our delegation. The area of the exhibition hall given to Turkmenistan is 1,572.2 square meters.

The Minister has also informed about working trip of Turkmen delegation to Cairo where the second meeting of Interstate Turkmen – Egyptian Commission for economic, scientific and technical cooperation as well as business forum took place. During the visit, the meetings with the Minister of Trade and Industry and the Minister of Investments and International Cooperation of Egypt as well as talks between representatives of some ministries and departments of our country with leading Egyptian companies were held.

Current condition and perspectives of multidimensional interstate cooperation have been discussed and directions of improvement of the partnership in different fields have been outlined. Relative protocol has been signed by the outcomes of work of Intergovernmental Commission.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that participation of pour country in the World Exhibition gives opportunity to demonstrate the achievements of Turkmenistan to the world community, to introduce targeted programmes of development of different branches of the economy, richest cultural heritage of Turkmen nation as well as to provide the promotion of local technologies, scientific developments, goods and services to foreign market. EXPO 2020 will serve as efficient ground for establishment of new contacts, exchange of the experience in different spheres, expansion of the geography of beneficial cooperation with foreign partners, the Head of the State said, having addressed the Minister with specific assignments for high-level preparation of national exposition at coming forum.

Speaking of the establishment of productive relations with Arabic Republic of Egypt, the Head of the State highlighted that this work is carried out in the context of the course to activation of the cooperation with Arabic states in general and is one of the directions of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan.

Turkmen leader focused on the objective of the trade complex for reduction of import and filling of the markets of the country with different goods of local make by affordable price.

Having noted that trade plays the main role in development of the economy of the country and in its international economic relations and is the indicator of the level of wealth of the population, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of further dynamic development of the sphere especially in the conditions of the transit to market relations, having given specific instructions to the Minister. Provision of the markets of the country with necessary volume of goods, regulation of import and export in foreign trade, systematic monitoring of the foreign market situation for the formation of flexible export policy taking into account regional and global tendencies have been outlined among utmost objectives.

Separate instructions have been given on improvement of work of the ministry, introduction of new, modern and actual methods as well as on development of the system of training of qualified personnel for trade and economic sphere.

After, the Head of the State called Head of the General State Service Türkmenstandartlary M. Kakabayev who reported on the work for introduction of international quality standards to the production.

The Head of the Service informed about the measures taken for improvement of organization and economic mechanism of quality management, its legal provision, rationalization of assessment procedures and technical regulation. This work is aimed at the protection of consumer rights, development of marketing instruments and international trade turnover.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that quality control and safety of produced goods and services have to meet the world standards.

With development of market economy, local companies and organizations enter foreign market, which requires new work conditions. It is necessary take proper measures for improvement of the activity of the Service and its structures, the Head of the State noted.

Having highlighted that development of national standardization and certification system is among the priorities of economic policy of the State, the President noted that work in this direction would support the solution of number of objectives related to the improvement of competiveness of the production, protection of local market from poor quality goods and services, introduction of latest technologies to the production and other.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention that Türkmenstandartlary is responsible for provision of inspection and expertise for the conformity of imported goods with technical standards. In this regard, the Head of the State requested the Head of the Service to take necessary measures in this direction for improvement of the quality of local and imported goods made in the country.

After, the President of Turkmenistan called Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev who reported on the fulfilment of the assignments for further modernization of bank sphere. Proper measures are taken for expansion of international cooperation, activation of investment activity, implementation of import substitutive programmes. The work for implementation of monetary and credit policy, strengthening of positions of national currency, which support steadfast economic growth, are continued.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of systematic analysis of the situation in the world financial markets where unstable situation is still present, which makes negative impact on international economic climate. Taking into consideration complicated external conditions, provision of stable development of national economy, support of stability and strengthening of positions of national currency, taking of immediate measures for adaptation of financial and economic system of the country to the processes in the world economy is key objective, the Head of the State highlighted, having addressed relative instructions

After, General Director of the State Association Turkmen Atlary M. Annanepesov reported on the work for development of national horse breeding sphere, which has centuries old glorious traditions.

Having outlined strengthening of equipment and facilities base of the sphere, protection of the pedigree of the breed and increment of the livestock of ahalteke horses and improvement of their world glory among priority objectives, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of further actual measures in this direction.

It is necessary to continue successful practice of international events in this sphere, which allows presenting ahalteke horses in the world equestrian sport deservingly. In this regard, it is important to pay unremitting attention to training of coaches, instructors, horse breeders, jockeys and other specialists and improvement of their qualification, the Head of the State said.

Taking into account huge international interest to ahalteke horse, it is necessary to continue developing fruitful cooperation with horse breeding associations of other countries for useful exchange of practice and wide propaganda of unique equestrian art of Turkmen nation. This is the objective of International Ahaleteke Horse Breeding Association in our country, which sessions are annually held in Ashgabat, the President of Turkmenistan noted.

From the ancient times, legendary ahalteke horses, unsurpassed in their beauty, grace and speed, are priceless heritage and pride of the nation. Throughout the centuries, our ancestors has been paid special attention to breeding of excellent horses, which used and remain to be faithful companions of Turkmen nation throughout its rich history.

Continuing the subject, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of further improvement of breeding, protection of elite gene pool of ahalteke horses. At present, glorious national traditions and art of horse breeding receive dynamic development on scientific base using advanced technologies in Turkmenistan. The country has excellent profile infrastructure for this.

In this context, Turkmen leader said about previous assignment on construction of Scientific and Production Centre in administration centre of Ahal velayat and opening of specialized university for training of qualified specialists for this sphere. These facilities and International equestrian centre located nearby will form up horse breeding cluster, which will allow bringing this sphere to new level and will support its successful integration to the world profile industry.

The President noted that ahalteke horses, which exterior has been improved by hard work of our ancestors, are distinguished by colour, which absorbed various shades of Turkmen nature, and by striking beauty. In this regard, the Head of the State demanded to involve modern equipment of equestrian complexes and to improve fundamentally the quality of selection and genetic work, having addressed the Chairman of the State Association Turkmen Atlary with specific assignments.

The State would continue rendering comprehensive support to development of national horse breeding and equestrian sports, mutual exchange of practices and international cooperation in this sphere, creating all conditions for efficient and fruitful activity of professional horse breeders and jockeys, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

After, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdyliyev made report on the situation in the capital and informed about the preparation to International Neutrality Day and New Year Celebration, decoration of the avenues and squares and development of programme of cultural and public activities.

It was also informed about the fulfilment of assignments for provision of coordinated activity of municipal services, uninterrupted heating of apartment buildings, schools, kindergartens, etc. in winter season.

Summing up the report, the President of the country noted that white-marble Ashgabat affirms the status of one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities, recognized centre of fruitful international cooperation in different spheres every day. Our capital is visual symbol of successful implementation of the policy of positive neutrality, peace loving and goodwill steadily pursued by Turkmenistan. This fact provides the necessity to make all conditions for big forums on international level and meeting of foreign guests who wish to learn about rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen nation and its modern achievements.

Turkmen leader gave specific assignments for high level of celebration events in honour of coming International Neutrality Day and New Year. In addition, the Head of the capital administration was ordered to hold under control the issues of urban planning of Ashgabat, creation of comfort conditions of life and work of people, provision of proper operation of heat, electricity and gas supply systems to houses and social facilities.

Finishing video conference working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all participants.