Ï Turkmen leader outlines priorities of country development in 2019

Turkmen leader outlines priorities of country development in 2019

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Giving assessment to the country’s development for 11 months of the year at the session of the Government on December 4, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted key directions of home policy of the state as well as focused on priority objectives to be solved next year.

Turkmen leader noted that despite complicated situation in the world economy as well as deficiency in work of certain branches especially in oil and gas complex, it could be confidently stated that we have managed to keep high rates of growth of national economy.

According to the forecast, the GDP growth will be 6.2 percent by the end of the year. The volumes of production have been increased almost in all branches of national economy. According to the adopted programmes, the share of private sector of the economy, which makes 65 percent nowadays, has also grown, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Income to the State budget has been provided within planned objectives. Salary wages, pensions and state allowance are paid in set order. Numerous production and social facilities have been put into operation.

In the result of the measures taken for increment of export oriented production, the production volumes of such goods have been increased by 51 percent and import of raw materials and resources has been reduced by 48 percent.

The Head of the State mentioned the necessity of further measures for increment of volumes of national import substitutive production by making new type of goods. This work has to be carried out taking into account big resources and capabilities in the country.

The President of Turkmenistan stated positive outcomes of eleven months of the year. Taking into consideration real situation, balanced State budget has been adopted for 2019. In addition, we have enough resources in Stabilization fund and big volumes of government resources. It is necessary to continue working hard and efficiently and to reach high rates of development of national economy.

It is also necessary to speed up the privatization. Initial Public Offers, organization of stock market and open competitive bidding are the main mechanisms of privatization, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

The main goal in production branches of the economy is to strengthen market institutions, to develop free competition and to stimulate private business initiative. This is an excellent opportunity for investors for expansion of beneficial cooperation.

Addressing Vice-premier G. Myradov and other members of the Government, the President ordered to start preparation to extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of current year. In this regard, it is necessary to analyse the achieved results and admitted deficiencies and to define the direction to be improved and to prepare relative proposals including on the management.

At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of the year, we would have to adopt the programme of new economic model of development of the country until 2025, which would laid in the foundation of all structural changes in the branches of national economy and would bring our independent state to higher level, would provide further improvement of wealth of the nation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

For this reason, it is necessary that every Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, every leader of the ministry and department hold under strict control the situation in his structure. You have to know how adopted programmes are implemented, which facilities are to be built and the main thing, when such facilities would be put into operation, the Head of the State noted.

It means that in 2019, all officials on ministries and departments would have responsible objectives, which have to become sacred duty for all of them. The more efficient our work is, the more we do, the better life of our people would be and the authority of the country would grow higher, the Head of the State highlighted.