Ï The President of Turkmenistan comes on working visit to Saint Petersburg

The President of Turkmenistan comes on working visit to Saint Petersburg

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left on working visit to Russian Federation for participation in informal meeting of the heads of the CIS countries. Turkmen leader was seen off by the officials in Ashgabat International Airport.

Turkmenistan is committed to traditionally fruitful dialog in the CIS format, our country pursues the policy based on the principles of peace loving and goodwill, accounting of national and common interests, equal beneficial partnership in this direction.

Our country deservingly completed the mission of the chairing of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2012. Having undertaken again the chairing of this structure in 2019, Turkmenistan aims to support the consolidation and development of traditionally friendly interstate relations comprehensively. In this regard, the concept of the chairing and the action plan have been developed and submitted to the CIS Executive Committee.

Chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS in 2019will be implemented according to the fundamental CIS documents and will be aimed at steadfast implementation of international agreements and decisions, filling of substantive part of the agenda of cooperation.

…After few hours, the aircraft of the President has landed in Pulkovo International Airport of Saint Petersburg where President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was met by the officials and members of Turkmen diaspora.