Ï Work on update of National Strategy for climate change is ongoing

Work on update of National Strategy for climate change is ongoing

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Revision of National Strategy of Turkmenistan for climate change is starting in the country under international obligations of Turkmenistan in fulfilment of the provisions of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Global Treaty and in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The work will be coordinated by the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land resources with support of the UN development Programme and German International Cooperation Society.

Personnel of some government organizations was included to working group, which will present the draft document for review next summer. It is worth reminding that National Strategy has been adopted in June 2012 and contains the provision about the revision every five year.

National Strategy for climate change including National Forest Part as one of its part was developed taking into consideration the provisions of the FCCC and Kyoto Protocol, which Turkmenistan has joined in 1995 and 1998 accordingly. Global climate changes have pushed to the start of negotiation process and development of new, more efficient document in 1995 – the Paris Treaty, which together with reduction of the emission (mitigation), included such important aspect as adaptation to climate change. At the same time, in 2015, the world community outlined new agenda in climate in the context of the adoption of the sustainable development goals. Turkmenistan was among the first countries that have started the implementation of the SDGs.

Under the FCCC obligations, our country presented three national reports in 2000, 2009 and 2015. Development of the fourth similar report will be started soon with the support of the UNEP, which is planned to be completed in 2022. The first two-year voluntary report on activity of Turkmenistan under the Convention will also be made. From the adoption of National strategy in 2012, the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources, the Minsitry of Agriculture and Water Management and other departments and various international organziations implement long-term joint projects aimed at climate stable vital activity in dry regions, energy efficiency and rational water use. At present time, implementation of the project for integrated management of natural resources in agricultural production landscapes in Central Asia and Turkey, which are affected by drought and salinization, has started. The project will last from 2018 to 2022. The project of stable cities has started in Ashgabat and Avaza under the UNDP coordination and support of the Global Ecological Fund.

Kurbangeldy Allaberdiyev, focal point under the UN FCCC, informed that national report is the inventory of greenhouse gases, review of the reduction of the emission by introduction of energy saving technologies and scientific studies in this field. The document is based on presented information from the branches, which make effect on the environment condition. It reviews water and land resources, agriculture, health of the population, condition of ecosystems and considers dangerous natural phenomena. The report includes the development of proposed scenarios of climate change, modules and programmes and Turkmenistan tries to use modern capabilities for this. Such forecast touches upon social and economic growth taking into account local priorities.

Study of climate statistics, results of global researches including those carried out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) under the FCC is continued. Analysis of macroeconomic model of development of fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, which is based on energy intensity in branches, has been made in the light of adoption of the Paris Treaty. It shows that significant reduction of atmospheric emission can be achieved using widely advanced environmentally friendly technologies in production. This date will be used in the next national report and during revision of National strategy, which main priorities will remain unchanged.

There is basic measurement unit for comparative analysis of climate conditions change. The period from 1961 to 1990 is taken for this. Meteorological date shows that average precipitation remains unchanged in general, however annual average temperature increased by 1 degree in Turkmenistan. Here is another fact – the period from 2011 to 20016 was the warmest for entire history of meteorological monitoring in our country. The forecasts show that temperature mode of the planet will remain in relatively stable condition in near future.

“We expect for some work in the future for improvement of national regulatory and legal framework including in technical development of the system of transition to ‘green’ technologies and energy efficient development, which as expected will be reflected in new strategy. Today, the country has almost waste-free production facilities, which is indicated y opened or built environmentally friendly complexes in gas processing field. Turkmenistan develops two directions – on reduction of emission and adaptation to climate change, having chosen the methodology taking the GDP into account”, - the expert noted.