Ï Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat

Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat

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Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Topical trends and original ideas are presented at architectural exhibition in Ashgabat
Architectural exhibition organized by the Ministry of COnsruction and Architecture was opened in the exhibition hall of the State Art Academy. Students and lecturers of profile universities, State Art Academy, members of the Union of Architects of Turkmenistan, the UIET as well as professional art studios presented their works at the exhibition.

One of important goals of the exhibition is to reveal new trends and directions in works of national architects who actively participate in project practice or study this profession. Therefore, the contest, which jury would have to define the best works and name the best architectural projects distinguished by high level of professionalism and skills, has been organized at the exhibition.

290 works in nominations urban construction complexes and ensembles, buildings and constructions, landscape and architectural environment design, restoration of architectural monuments have been admitted for participation in the contest. Therefore, entire spectrum of objectives, which are the part of architectural and project design activity, has been outlined in the exposition.

Projects of buildings, living estates, comfortable and planned green zones presented at the exhibition have to become the decoration of Turkmen cities, villages and white marble capital of Turkmenistan, which is by right called as architectural pearl of the region.

Models and drawings of administrative and office complexes, shopping and entertainment centres, comfort accommodation buildings are demonstrated at the review. Many of innovative projects of fashionable living complexes, white marble administrative buildings presented at the exhibition make to take new look at further functional , constructive and aesthetic development of Turkmen cities. Original ideas of talented architects are interesting with what allows making fresh look at usual images embodying them in artistic interpretation.

Sketch of Nisa Cultural and Tourist Complex named after ancient city, which territory accommodate legendary Parthian stronghold, can be referred to the projects that impress and at the same time, reflect rich history and culture of our people. Special interest is raised by the sketches of existing but artistically reconsidered concepts of buildings. For example, these are the projects of Turkmen Agricultural University, Turkmen National Conservatory, D. Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages and other.

Models and sketches of energy efficient accommodation and office buildings, shopping centres, sport facilities, parks as well as the works foretelling future architectural development of our cities have been demonstrated at the exhibition.

The projects presented at the review will be analysed and assessed accordingly by the specialists by their criteria and the winners of architectural contest will be announced and awarded with certificates and prizes in the final day of the exhibition on December 8.