Ï The Head of the State outlines the objectives for further development of sports of high achievements

The Head of the State outlines the objectives for further development of sports of high achievements

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Following the habit to spend some time doing morning physical exercise, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his associates did some gymnastics in the capital Olympic village. On his way to the gym, the Head of the State inspected the course of construction of new facilities nest to the National Institute of Sports and Tourism.

Early in the morning, the Head of the State came to the construction site of the new complex where he has been met by the members of the Government, Hyakim of Ashgabat and Director of sport institute.

Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs D. Gulgeldiyev presented the projects and drawings of the facilities, which construction has been already started, as well as informed about their provision and decoration. According the General Plan, the complex will host the Department of Olympic Sports of National Institute of Sports and Tourism, the hostel for 450 students, multiprofile sport complex, recreation zones, car parking, cycling and running tracks, technical service premises and swimming pool. Building of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs will also be built in the same place.

Having studied the projects, the Head of the State made number of remarks and some corrections. The President focused on future buildings of new department of the institute and its hostel, having noted that it is important to consider infrastructure of the buildings in addition to their functionality, proper planning of adjoin territory especially near the hostel. In this regard, the Ministers received certain instructions to elaborate on the project.

New facilities have to make harmonic architectural ensemble with existing buildings. With regards to the appearance and interior of the buildings, it is important to use the elements of national decoration in their modern design, the President said, having noted that teachers of the Art Academy and students of the Institute of Construction and Architecture are to be involved in this work.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted some aspects of development of the sports of high achievements. In particular, it was highlighted that the system of anti-doping measures has to be built in strict compliance with international standards and regulations. In this context, it is necessary to support active cooperation of all sport federations of the countries with the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA).

Special attention has to be paid to the organization of catering for sportsmen. This is the right nutrition that is able to expand the limits of the athletes’ body adaptation to intensive physical exercise during the training and competitions and to compensate energy consumption and to regain the power. Efficiency of the sportsman training and achievement of high results will be dependent on his right nutrition.

Continuing the conversation, the Head of the State noted the appropriateness of opening of special hall in the ground floor of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs where everyone would be able to see the success and achievements of national sports for the years of independence of Turkmenistan. In this regard, the President addressed some assignments to the Minister.

Number of young men and women, actively go in for sports, has grown in the country after making of the conditions for development of physical training movement and sports of high achievements. Today, Turkmen youth go in for various sports. There are always many people in multiprofile sport complexes, which have been built in the regions and capital. Owing to the support of the Head of the State, sports became the life style for bigger number of our compatriots.

This is also reflected in the image of dynamically developing Ashgabat, which turns into big centre of international sport life and place for prestige tournaments. New sport facilities give bright features to the appearance of the country, form up its image and take important place in improvement of life level of the population and assertion of the principles of healthy life style.

Starting big and important projects, the Head of the State keeps under permanent control all stages of their implementation beginning from architectural, engineering, technical and design solutions to the completion of construction and opening of the facility and the sport facilities are not an exemption. Improvement of relative infrastructure of Ashgabat is one of important directions of urban construction and social policy of Turkmen leader.

Thereafter, the President switched to the organization of personnel training in the institute of Sports and Tourism, having noted that all conditions for fruitful work of tutors, education of talented sportsmen and other specialists of this sphere have been made. However, the results of Turkmen sportsmen at international competitions do not always meet the expectations. For example, Turkmen weightlifter were not able to show themselves at the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat. In this regard, the Head of the State expressed his discontent with the work of educational institute to the Director, having demanded to review the methods of training.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that most modern sport infrastructure has been made in the country, equipment and facilities base of sports has been improved and modernized and sport facilities are able to host any big international competitions. Therefore, there are all conditions to train the sportsmen of the world level, to improve their skills and stimulate talented youth to the achievement of great victories. Unfortunately, these capabilities are not used comprehensively.

Having focused that sportsmen have to train from early age, the Head of the State noted that young men and women who have already achieved significant results, have to be accepted to profile institute and entire educational process in the institute is to be aimed at the improvement of their skills, motivation and commitment, mastering of sport technique and tactics, development of strength, agility, reaction, stamina and high moral and dedication, gaining of practice and knowledge for efficient training and successful participation in the competitions.

The work in this direction has to be scientifically grounded and tested in practice. Special attention has to be paid not only to development of physical strength of the sportsman but also his intellectual abilities. Practical and theoretical training of sportsmen has to be carried out on specific examples taking into account available experience.

Having addressed Vice-premier P. Agamyradov, the President ordered to increase the requirements to the work in all structures of sport sphere and to take measures for improvement of the feedback. It is necessary to arrange proper training of qualified personnel of sport profile, coaches and high class sportsmen after opening of new building designated for training of new specialities in National Institute of Sports and Tourism.

In this regard, the President voiced the idea on the appropriateness of creation of the tourism department in the Institute of Culture of the country, which departments study history, heritage, architectural monuments of the past, in other words the facilities that raise great interest of the tourists coming to our country. It would be logical to train the personnel for this sphere in cultural institute rather than in sport one.

Having also noted that number of educational institutes of the country teach the specialities related to equestrian branch, the Head of the State said that is would be correct to unite all these direction in new institute, which would be oriented exclusively to equestrian industry professions.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the Vice-premier to prepare the proposal on organization of teaching to touristic specialities in Turkmen State Institute of Culture and all specialities of equestrian sphere in one institute.

Having wished the success in solution of set objectives to all participants, the Head of the State went to the Olympic village of the country.

Upon arrival, the President discussed current condition and perspectives of development of national sports and shared the visions on solution of important objectives in this sphere with the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and Heads of military and law enforcement agencies.

Having said that development of physical training and health improving movement and sports of high achievements would be always under attention of the state, the President highlighted the importance of support of operational condition of all sport facilities in the country. This is another condition for qualitative training of sportsmen and achievement of high results.

The Head of Turkmenistan highlighted that care of people’s health, assertion of active life style among the population, especially among the youth, are one of the priorities of the state policy. Mass character of physical training and sport movement in the country is also important for development of sports of high achievements where the most talented and committed young people come. However, wide expansion and active involvement of children to regular sport exercises are necessary to detect the talents from young age.

All these issues have to be under permanent control and attention, Turkmen leader said, having made special mention of the importance of popularization and education activity among the children and teenagers.

Programme measures are taken in the country for assertion of the principles of healthy life style in the society and upbringing of inspired and comprehensively developed, physical fit young generation. Systematic physical training and sports have to be the habit of the population of cities and villages of the country, especially among younger generation. It is necessary to involve all existing sport infrastructure in the country efficiently for these purposes, the Head of the State noted.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that it is necessary to take programme measures for propaganda of healthy and sport life style, promotion of values and principles of Olympic movement on all levels stimulating the interest of the compatriots, especially the youth, in physical culture. Therefore, organization of different sport competitions has to be in the focus of social responsibility for all branches of the economy. In this regard, the Head of the State gave specific instructions to relevant officials.

After, the President and his associates did some sport exercises, had training in gym and spent some time playing the bowling.

Sport complex, provided with modern equipment from the world producers, has all conditions for training of professional sportsmen and amateurs, to help which there are different models of sport equipment.

The Head of the State made complex of exercises on sport machines. The Head of the State notes that sports is the source of health, it educates the willpower. It is nice to see that number of those who joined the sport movement following personal example of the Head of the State grows always in the country. recently, good tradition to hold mass sport events with the attraction of all who likes healthy life style appeared in the country.

High moral, intellectual and physically fit individual, which the power of the state depends on, is the main treasury of the country, the President of Turkmenistan says.

Mass sport movement has to be the foundation of the sports of high achievements and one of the most important conditions of physical improvement and education of moral merits of the citizens of our country, the President highlighted giving number of orders on implementation of the measures aimed at the attraction of personnel of all branches, first the youth, to sports.

In this regard, the Head of the State spoke of the necessity to take targeted measures, which would help every citizen to have it as a rule of thumb to do physical training and sports as trained people are much more healthy and inspired, they always have good mood and active life position.

The President noted that it is appropriate to combine sport competitions with cultural public events. It will inspire our sportsmen for the achievement of new higher results and success and would improve sport prestige of the country.

Having noted again that issues of development of physical training and sports are among the utmost objectives as their solution makes direct effect on the future of our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in this work to the participants and left the place of event.