Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses his greetings to the participants of the forum timed to the International Neutrality Day

The President of Turkmenistan addresses his greetings to the participants of the forum timed to the International Neutrality Day

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I extend to you my congratulations on the beginning of the International Scientific Conference: Heritage of the Great Silk Road and Current International Relations, as well as on the occasion of the upcoming International Neutrality Day, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

The principles of peace and security inherent to the Great Silk Road play great role in strengthening of peace and security of entire planet. Tremendous cultural heritage that emerged along the Silk Road reflects the rapprochement of various cultures, transparency and mutual trust. From this point of view, the policy of neutrality in international relations is the sample of commitment to these principles.

Being the foundation of the policy of neutrality and having stood the test of time diplomatic methods and approaches representing noble examples of peaceful coexistence and humanity form up the complex of permanently improving mechanisms of international relations. This is visually indicated by the experience in development of international relations gained by neutral Turkmenistan and its foreign policy, the message says.

By the initiative of Turkmenistan, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Resolution, according to which the world community observes December 12 as the International Neutrality Day, which also indicates the triumph of the policy of neutrality in international relations.

We see the Great Silk Road, which has occupied deserving place in the treasury of the world civilizations and has bound the states of the planet with political, economic and cultural links, as historical heritage of Turkmen nation. Being the centre of the Great Silk Road, Turkmen land served as a bridge connecting Asia and Europe in the past. Today, this legendary ancient route is restored in new format, which is to improve trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian relations between the countries and the nations.

Being the symbols of economic power of Turkmenistan, transport and communication, energy, water infrastructure, industrial facilities of national and global significance demonstrate new levels of international cooperation.

Turkmenistan is developing an integrated network of motor, railway, air and maritime routes as a part of the East – West and North – South corridors for provision of harmonious development of international transport sphere in Eurasia. In its turn, it secures cost effective and fastest connection to the countries of Europe and Asia, South Asia and Persian Gulf meeting the interests of the nations in the region and becoming the indicator of the scale of work for the development of the Great Silk Road.

Being major modern logistic and transport centre, Turkmenistan raises keen interest of foreign investors as an important intersection of transboundary trade routes, which is very important in attraction of the investments. Significant role is given to multi-vector energy routes that are formed up based on the initiatives and targeted work of Turkmenistan, which is great contribution of the country to the efforts for building of modern foundation of energy security as an integral condition of global sustainable development, the message says.

Being a symbol of trade and economic stage of development of human society and providing cultural progress at the same time, the Great Silk Road opened the way for friendly relations between the nations and countries located along its route. In the result, the Silk Road made the conditions for the development of international relations especially for the establishment of international relations between the East and the West. In this context, drawing on its rich historical heritage and national traditions, Turkmenistan makes valuable contribution to the enrichment of cultures and the strengthening of the peace foundation. Recognition of or state as a peace-maker and major cultural centre of the region is proven by extensive work for restoration of historical monuments along the Silk Road that used to cross ancient Turkmen land.

I trust that current conference will give the ground for fruitful exchange of the visions and expertise, which will further enrich scientific and methodological approaches to the comprehensive study of historical and cultural heritage, the message of the President says.