Ï Video conference working session takes place

Video conference working session takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with the participation of some Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and heads of number of ministries and departments. The agenda included priority objectives of further social and economic development of the country, implementation of important projects and reforms as well as other current issues of the state life.

First, the Head of the State called the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on Oil and Gas Affairs Ya. Kakayev who reported on the implementation of project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline.

In particular, it was mentioned that construction of Turkmen part of new energy routes is actively continued at present time. Preparation works for construction of the pipeline on the territory of Afghanistan and Pakistan are carried out. Relevant geological and technical surveys, study of soils and terrains, environmental impact assessment of the project are ongoing. In addition, the tenders for provision of pipes, construction of the line in Afghanistan and Pakistan and other are at the final stage.

The Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on Oil and Gas Affairs reported on the results of international tender issued by TAPI Pipeline Company Limited JSC on provision of consulting services and development of insurance strategy of the construction project of TAPI on the territory of Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as on development of insurance programme, negotiations with major insurance companies of the world and on signing of the contracts.

Tender Committee received optimal technical and commercial proposals, in particular from Willis Towers Watson (UK).

Having generally approved the course of construction of TAPI pipeline, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of specific assignments to Ya. Kakayev related to further collaboration with international organizations, financial structures and petroleum companies on this project.

The Head of the State noted that energy strategy of Turkmenistan, which has significant hydrocarbon reserves, is aimed at comprehensive development of national fuel and energy complex and its dynamic integration to the world energy system. Formation of multidimensional gas infrastructure, diversification of the export routes of Turkmen energy carriers to the world markets are the main aspect of the work in this direction.

Turkmen leader requested to keep the course of construction of TAPI pipeline, which would provide long-term supply of Turkmen gas to the biggest countries of South Asia, under permanent control.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that new transnational energy bridge is very important in the context of peaceful revival of Afghanistan, restoration of its social and economic infrastructure and solution of such current issues as creation of work occupancies, which in its turn, would support the improvement of life level of the population. At the same time, TAPI pipeline is to serve to the strengthening of peace and stability in the region.

Next, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chaliyev who reported on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State for further development of transport and transit corridor.

The Vice-premier reported that the initiative on connection of Afghanistan to transport and logistic system of Turkmenistan and further to international transport communication network is successfully implemented after opening of Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad. In this regard, it was informed that loaded railway trucks are to be dispatched from Herat (Afghanistan), which would go in transit across the territory of our country and shipped to the Republic of Azerbaijan via Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is always built on the principles of goodwill, friendship and on equal base. The Head of the State highlighted that our nations are united by primordial traditions of unity and mutual respect, common spiritual and historical values. Stating high level of Turkmen – Afghan dialog, the Head of the State noted that fruitful cooperation has been established between our countries in trade and economic sphere, energy, transport sector, humanitarian field and at the same time, there are opportunities for further expansion of bilateral partnership in different directions.

Turkmenistan forms up convenient and safe international corridors with involvement of railway, motor, air and maritime transport, which provides stable development in the region, intensification of neighbouring relations between the people, consolidation of beneficial cooperation, growth of trade turnover volumes, PresidentGurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated.

Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad, which is the part of Lazuli transport corridor, has been put into operation in February 2018. The construction of Turkmen – Afghan railway was completely undertaken by our country, which renders comprehensive help and support to fraternal nation, the Head of the State highlighted. Throughput capacity of Turgundy railway station has been increased, its significance in Afghanistan’s trade turnover has been improved and capability to bring Afghan production to international markets as well as supply of import goods to the country by shortest and cost effective way have been increased after modernization of the railroad.

Having expressed the confidence that such extensive collaboration would be reliable base for long-term Turkmen – Afghan partnership, the President noted that appropriateness of the participation of Turkmenistan delegation in the ceremony of dispatch of the first cargo caravan from Herat according to the Agreement on Transit and Transport Cooperation. Having signed the Order on the Secondment of Minister of Motor Transport O. Sukhanov to Hear, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for these purposes, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier to provide high organizational level of this event.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayats of the country and on the course of the reforms in agricultural complex.

First vegetation irrigation and mineral fertilization are carried out according to agricultural standards in the fields under winter crops. The work for preparation of the equipment to spring sowing campaign and processing of raw cotton at cotton ginning facilities are carried also out.

Relevant work is carried out with private agricultural producers, which would start the cultivation of cotton, wheat, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops from the next year. For this purpose, they received land plots on long-term lease from the special land funds established in the regions.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to pay maximum attention to qualitative and timely seasonal agricultural campaigns, which form up the basis of future production, having demanded to provide their full compliance with scientifically based agricultural methods.

The Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to take necessary measures aimed at further improvement and development of national seed production sphere.

The Head of the State highlighted that increment of volumes of agricultural production is one of the main objectives of agricultural complex. It has to be achieved by the enhancement of the culture of farming, wide introduction of scientifically based methods of crops cultivation to the production, organization of selection work on proper level.

Continuing the subject, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the special care to be paid to the cultivation of new productive varieties of wheat, cotton and other crops, which are better adapted to local soil and climate conditions, to develop the cooperation with leading international scientific centres in this sphere. Having noted the importance of intensification of works in this direction, the Head of the State gave relative instructions to the Vice-premier.

After, the Head of the State called Chairman of Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushikov who reported on the inspections of the activity of ministries and departments according to approved schedule.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of the measures for improvement of work of this structure. Turkmen leader highlighted that systematic and integrated control shall be implemented on any activity in social or economic sphere in the country from legal point of view. It is necessary to achieve the appropriateness and efficiency of such activity and to use the best world practice for proper work of the ministries and departments.

Therefore, the results of such activity are very important. It is necessary to hold the meetings with relative authorities and to discuss the way to correct the situation, to support in finding of perspective measures in this direction in case of detection of the deficiencies by the outcomes of the inspections.

At the same time, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the necessity of summarization and sharing of available positive practice, modernization of management activity and the system by appropriate application of progressive methods. Having noted the importance of improvement of relevant methods, the Head of the State addressed the Head of the Supreme Control Chamber with number of specific assignments.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called Minister of Communication B. Ovezov who reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and measures for its further development.

Having focused that tremendous capabilities have been made after launching of national communication satellite, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of improvement of activity in this direction.

Having noted special importance of intensive development of modern communications both for national economy and for the population, the President highlighted the currency of solution of the objectives for systematic improvement of the potential of this sphere and its modernization. The Head of the State said that this work has to be implemented by wide use of advanced technologies, reliable and efficient equipment.

Having highlighted that expansion of communication services provided to the population, comprehensive use of national satellite and Internet capabilities, telephone and mobile connections, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of certain assignments to the Minister.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to pay attention to improvement of the basis of digital economy – the Internet provision systems. Taking into account that further digitization of the economy serves as the main condition of the development of number of branches, it is necessary to hold under control the issues of increment of the involvement of the population, entrepreneurship and state to this field, the Head of the State said, having given relative instructions to the Minister.

Chairman of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange B. Chariyev made report on the work, situation in the structures under his supervision as well as on the sale of production made in the country in foreign markets.

Summing up the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that further development of commodity market, stimulation of foreign trade operations, increment of export volumes of own goods, expansion of business relations with involvement of foreign companies and joint ventures, formation of healthy competitive environment in local market are required for the improvement of exchange trades.

At the same time, the Head of the country stated that it would be reasonable to carry out the inspection at the facilities for detection of unsold products and materials for inclusion of these items to exchange turnover.

Having noted the importance of actual measures for consolidation of the positions of national production in foreign markets, Turkmen leader highlighted the significance of the objectives of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also ordered to take proper measures for systematic advertisement of high quality goods produced in Turkmenistan and their active promotion in the world markets.

Video conference working session was continued by the report of Cairman of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography N. Garliyev who informed about the measures for development of national system of TV and radio broadcasting.

The Head of the State noted that in addition to presentation of the information, this sphere has important function in the state, together with cultural, educational and other purposes of its activity, it makes certain effect on the population. Relevant principles are promoted, one or another political, moral and life visions are asserted, concepts of spiritual values and the world are explained via TV and radio broadcasting.

Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed serious complaints to the Head of the above-mentioned Committee, having expressed the discontent with the work of this structure. For example, modern equipment and facilities base, which has been created in the last years, is not used comprehensively. Proper measures for wide popularization of spiritual values and history of our people, opening of the essence and importance of grandiose strategic programmes are not taken on TV and radio although there are plenty of specific examples. Unfortunately, all of these is ot highlighted comprehensively by broadcasting media.

In addition, the Head of the State noted that TV and radio channels do not have the programs related to education, teaching process on some profession, which could be used as great help for students. It is necessary to continue the work for highlighting and propaganda of cultural relations between our country and various states of the region and the world, finding of talented cultural personnel, which are to perform on air, which is also among important objectives. Following what was said above, it is necessary to arrange the activity of the State Committee according to modern requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having given number of specific assignments on this account.

The Head of the State also ordered to prepare interesting informative programs on TV and Radio on occasion of the International Neutrality Day and New Year celebration, which glorify brave Turkmen nation.

After, the President called Prosecutor General, Chairman of the Commission for Citizenship and Pardoning under the President of Turkmenistan B. Atdayev and Minister of Interior I. Mulikov.

The Head of the State noted that following the principles of mercy and humanity left by the great ancestors we systematically hold the actions of pardoning of convicted citizens, who sincerely regretted about their crimes releasing them from further prison sentences.

In this regard, the Head of the state gave floor to Prosecutor General, Chairman of the Commission for Citizenship and Pardoning under the President of Turkmenistan B. Atdayev who reported on the draft of relative decision.

Following noble tradition, the Head of the State signed the Decree on Pardoning of 796 sentenced citizens on occasion of the International Neutrality Day.

Addressing Minister of Interior I. Mulikov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered him and other heads of law enforcement agencies to take all measures to release the convicted citizens from the custody and to send them home to their families.

Holding pardoning actions, we make the conditions for the penitents to atone their past crimes by hard work and to participate actively in work aimed at the prosperity of home land, the Head of the State said,

The Head of the State requested the heads of city, regional and district administrations and other relevant officials to take of the employment of pardoned citizens, to whom the President wished to work hard making contribution to large-scale activity in the country and to serve to his motherland.

Finishing the session, the President of Turkmenistan wished success in work and solution of set objectives to all participants.