Ï Turkmen leader expresses his discontent with TV and Radio programs

Turkmen leader expresses his discontent with TV and Radio programs

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During video conference session on December 10, Turkmen leader focused on the quality of work of national television and radio, the President noted that in addition to presentation of the information, this sphere has important function in the state. Together with cultural, educational and other purposes of its activity, it makes certain effect on the population. Relevant principles are promoted, one or another political, moral and life visions are asserted, concepts of spiritual values and the world are explained via TV and radio broadcasting

Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed serious complaints to the Head of the above-mentioned Committee, having expressed the discontent with the work of this structure. For example, modern equipment and facilities base, which has been created in the last years, is not used comprehensively. Proper measures for wide popularization of spiritual values and history of our people, opening of the essence and importance of grandiose strategic programmes are not taken on TV and radio.

In addition, the Head of the State noted that TV and radio channels do not have the programs related to education, teaching process on some profession, which could be used as great help for students. It is necessary to continue the work for highlighting and propaganda of cultural relations between our country and various states of the region and the world, finding of talented cultural personnel, which are to perform on air, which is also among important objectives. Following what was said above, it is necessary to arrange the activity of the State Committee according to modern requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having given number of specific assignments on this account.

The Head of the State also ordered to prepare interesting informative programs on TV and Radio on occasion of the International Neutrality Day and New Year celebration.