Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates the compatriots on the International Neutrality Day

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates the compatriots on the International Neutrality Day

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The neutrality is our greatest heritage recognized by the world community. This is a doctrine promoting peaceful coexistence and friendship, humanity and goodwill, cooperation and progress, - congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Turkmen people says.

Legal neutral status of our state, which was recognized twice by the United Nations, improves international authority of Turkmenistan as a country consolidating the efforts for strengthening of universal peace and solidarity, establishing the relations based on understanding and trust. Today, the world community appreciates the tremendous input of our country to the establishment of peace, friendship and solidarity between the nations.

Having strong creative potential, power and deep belief in the future, we achieve great success in our home and foreign policy. Guided by political slogan “State for Human!”, we carry out large-scale activity, which is to provide international recognition to Turkmenistan as to dynamically developing country with progressive political, economic, cultural and humanitarian structure. Promoting high rates of important reforms, we gradually enhance social and living level of our people, - the message mentions.

Construction of transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India, transport and transit corridors and highways based on advanced technologies, major industrial, social and cultural facilities, modern residential units, villages and settlements provides stable economic development and strengthening of the sovereignty of our state.

These are the independence and neutrality, which the guarantee of our success. This is our precious heritage, owing to which the nation gained peaceful, happy, wealthy and prosperous life.

Following the main provisions and goals of positive neutrality, which is recognized by the world community and enforced for a life time by the Constitution of our state, we steadily improve international authority of the country. We intensify the collaboration with the United Nations Organizations, European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Non-Alignment Movement, Islamic Cooperation Organization and other international structures. We strengthen political, economic and cultural relations with different world countries. We consolidate the efforts in provision of peace and harmony, internal development and national interests in the world, - the message says.

Owing to this, in 2018 our neutral state was elected as the members of Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe and the United Nations Social Council for 2019 – 2021. The UN General Assembly adopted the Resolutions initiated by our country on Support of International efforts in Afghanistan and on Cooperation between the United Nations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea. June 3 was announced the World Bicycle Day.

Mass cycling and field and track race, International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 along the Silk Road as well as the World Weightlifting Championship were held in our country. therefore, the image of our independent state as a country of inspiration and progress, sports and health was recognized throughout the world. all this success are the results of the independence and the policy of neutrality, - the message of the President highlights.