Ï Turkmen businessmen develops the production of marble beef

Turkmen businessmen develops the production of marble beef

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Two big livestock farming complexes, which were built by local entrepreneurs under the implementation of the State Programme of import substitutive production and increment of production export volumes, have been opened in Baherden etrap, Ahal Velayat.

Representative f private sector of the economy improve their positions in agrarian business every year. Owing to targeted state support, the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan have an opportunity to implement major projects in different branches of agriculture.

Livestock complex, which was built by Aýyt business entity on the territory of Mürçe farming association, is a bright evidence of this. Guş Toplumy Individual Enterprise, which production is well-known in Turkmenistan and abroad, is the end user of this facility.

Production output of new facility of Guş Toplumy is 200 tons of meat per year. The farm has 120 cattle now, which number is planned to be increased to 800 in the future. It has all conditions for breeding the cattle and calves. 305 hectares of land have been leased to entrepreneurs on long-term basis. 5 hectares are occupied by production facilities while the rest of land is used for growing of forage crops.

Ajaýyp Ussat Halal önümler Business Entity, specialized in production and processing of agricultural production, also continues expanding its business. Few years ago, the entrepreneurs have built first meat and dairy complex in Baherden etrap. Today, it has more than 2,300 cattle. Famous Holstein cows, which is known by record milk production, and Simmental breed, which is productive both in meat and milk, and adapts well in different climate conditions, have been brought from Germany. The farm also has more than 1,100 sheep.

In addition, the territory of Archman Farmign Association in the mountain valley has fruit garden with around 50,000 fruit trees. Cucurbitaceous crops are also cultivated on open grounds.

Livestock complex, built by Ajaýyp Ussat Halal önümleri, which will be specialized in production of high quality beef including so-called marble beef, became another step toward the formation of powerful livestock cluster in Ahal Velayat.

69 Aberdeen Angus cattle have been bought for this purpose in Germany. These pol black animals are distinguished with strong health and thought to be beneficial for livestock farming. Aberdeen angus cattle are known with their high resistance to adverse climate conditions, they acclimatized well and handle hot and cold weather easily. They can be kept in the open air all year around; the main thing is to provide enough good forage.

There are around 600 animals at the farm now. In the beginning, it is planned to produce 15 tons of meat per year and to increase the production up to 180 tons. Number of cattle will be increased two times approximately. Marble beef is tender and juicy with thin layers of fat and is thought to be a delicacy. And this is the meat with Certified Angus Beef label is the one that has highest value. Therefore, there is an opportunity to arrange export supplies of this product, which is on high demand in the world restaurant networks.

Entrepreneurs received 500 hectares of land for the formation of necessary forage base, which have been sown with Lucerne, grain and grass corn, special breeds of melons and beetroot. Good yields have been already produced from this land. Water saving systems has been built for irrigation of the fields. Six rain-fed units from LINDSEY (USA) will be used for mainly for irrigation. Each unit is designed for irrigation of 50-55 hectares, which allows irrigating the fields evenly and saving water at the same time.