Ï Congratulation cables come to the address of the Head of the State

Congratulation cables come to the address of the Head of the State

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“From the moment of gaining the independence as well as status of permanent neutrality by Turkmenistan, which Turkey has also voted for at the United Nations general Assembly, Turkmen State made significant contribution to consolidation of regional stability and progress improving friendly relations with countries on the planet.

Declaration of December 12 as the International Independence Day by the United Nations General Assembly on your initiative became an important step toward the peace and stability in the region and on the planet.

I trust that our friendly and fraternal relations based on common historical, cultural and spiritual links and values would be developed in all directions”, - the message of President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan to Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

“This day, unanimously approved and recognized by all country members of the United Nations Organization, marked fundamental change in modern history of your country and is significant event that serves to prosperity and peace in the country.

Fully and unconditionally supporting neutral status of Turkmenistan, we highly appreciate its foreign policy based on the principles of goodwill, non-interference into internal affairs of other states and consideration of mutual interests and equal rights.

I believe that friendly and fraternal relations between our nations, which have been formed throughout the centuries and have historical roots, would continue developing intensively, having reached that level of strategic partnership we have these days”, - President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlights.

“Declaration of permanent positive neutrality by Turkmenistan has laid the foundation of stability and security in Central Asia while the committement to selected way has received deserved recognition and respect.

I am confident that peace-loving mentality of Ukrainian people and neutral status of Turkmenistan are the key factors, which would support the developing of Ukrainian – Turkmen beneficial cooperation in all spheres in the future”, - President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko mentions in his congratulation message.

“Status of permanent neutrality of the state and peace-loving foreign course make stable foundation for the development of the partnership and improvement of wellbeing of the citizens of the country.

I trust that Turkmenistan is expected with large-scale achievements under your leadership and Belarusian – Turkmen friendly relations and constructive cooperation would continue to be improved”, - Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic Belarus highlights.

“The neutrality of Turkmenistan is objectively in line with long-term interests of the world community and is an important and actual factor of the provision of stability and security in the region.

These days, Turkmenistan is a reliable and competent partner in solution of the key objectives of international cooperation. The contribution of the country to the improvement of the activity of the Commonwealth of Independent States is also significant.

I believe that in the coming year of Turkmenistan’s chairing of the CIS, our joint efforts would lead to further consolidation and enhancement of the efficiency of integrational collaboration in the Commonwealth.

Esteemed Gurbanguly Myalikguliyevich, I wish you strong health, wellbeing and success in your versatile government activity and peace and prosperity to the people of Turkmenistan”, - Chairman of the Executive Committee, the CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev says in the congratulation cable.

“The status of neutrality turn Turkmenistan into the guarantor of stability in Central Asian region, having allowed to propose the initiatives and implement major international projects. Universal recognition of significant input of your country to the consolidation of peace and security is proven by the UN General Assembly Resolution on the International Neutrality Day.

The Republic of Belarus gives high appraisal to the success of Turkmenistan achieved for the past years in solution of topical subjects of economic, social, scientific and technical progress as well as very proud of versatile partnership between Belarus and Turkmenistan. For my part, let me extend cordial gratitude to your special positive attitude to the Republic of Belarus, support of the processes of expansion and intensification of bilateral cooperation”, - the message of Chairman of the National Assembly Council of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich notes.