Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates oil, gas and geology personnel on professional holiday

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates oil, gas and geology personnel on professional holiday

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Having enormous natural reserves, Turkmenistan is highly regarded in the world as major energy resource producer and reliable partner. We used of natural resources for the interest of entire humankind. This is visually indicated by competed and ongoing major projects, particularly Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline. At present, the this big transnational pipeline is under rapid construction. In the future, implementation of similar projects in fuel and energy complex, which has regional and global significance, would be one of the directions of the state policy, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on occasion of the Day of Oil and Gas and Geology Personnel says.

We are focused on the diversification of oil and gas sector, expansion of its infrastructure by establishment of new modern production facilities. In this aspect, processing of gas and make of new production are o high priority. Turkmenistan takes extensive measures in this direction. It includes petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene, which has been built and put into operation in Kiyanly, Balkan Velayat, as well as complex for production of high quality Euro 5 gasoline in Ovadandepe, Ahal Velayat, which construction is at the final stage. These major facilities will support integrated industrialization of the regions of the country, creation of working places as well as improvement of national economy, - the message highlights.

Great attention has been paid to the development of petrochemical industry in Turkmenistan in the last few years. Efficient use of hydrocarbons resources, growth of processing and export volumes are our main goals. This is brightly indicated by the start of production of ECO 5 diesel fuel, which complies with Euro 5 standards, and polypropylene film at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex.

The Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 provides the measures aimed at further increment of production output of the branch, which is closely related to the provision of energy security of the country, meets the sustainable development goals on global and regional levels. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of work at oil and gas deposits using new technologies meeting modern requirements.

I believe that committed hard working Turkmen oil, gas and geology personnel will manage with honour the solution of all set objectives, - the message of the President highlights.