Ï Demand of production of Lebap Cement Plant grows in neighbouring countries

Demand of production of Lebap Cement Plant grows in neighbouring countries

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Personnel of Lebap Cement Plant fulfilled year objective, having produced more than one million tons of highly demanded construction material. The facility, which was put into operation in 2013, meets high international standards by the quality of production and technical provision. Workshops, auxiliary and social facilities occupy 60 hectares. Production process is fully automated and control by computer programme. Special attention is paid to the compliance with environmental safety.

The plant produces the most required brands of cement like Portland cement, cement slurry for petroleum industry, sulphate resistant cement applied in hydro-technical constructions. The material for production of cement like limestone, clay, gypsum, quartz sand is produced in nearby pits.

Production of the facility is on high demand not only on construction sites of Lebap and other regions of the country but also in foreign market. This year, almost quarter million tons of high quality cement has been shipped to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

Another super modern plant with 1 million ton production capacity will be in the region built in the near future. The Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan issued the investment tender on provision of project design and construction of the facility.

Strategic step toward the development of export oriented segment of the economy – construction materials industry, will be made after opening of new cement production facility in the eastern region of the country, which has unique resource base.