Ï The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square

The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square

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The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree puts light on Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre square
The main New Year Tree of the country was lit up with bright light of colourful garlands on the square in front of Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre, having announced that New Year 2019 is coming soon.

Organizers of current event have made their best, having transformed Älem Square into fairy take oriental country using the stories from the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Silk Road”.

Arch shaped construction decorated with bright lights invites to New Year fairy tale. Numerous LED compositions and figures are projected at the stage with characters of Turkmen national fairy tales in combination with modern and New Year symbols. Piggy, the symbol of 2019, sees off joyful alabay puppy, the symbol of 2018, in the foreground.

Tall ‘yurtas’ with generous gifts and treats shining with filigree gold represent four corners of the Earth. Caravan of camels walking along snow-filled roads is loaded not only with oriental gifts but also with sweets and children toys.

One can meet Ak Pamyk, beautiful girl and her seven brothers, young beauties spending their time playing national musical instruments and characters of modern fairy tales and cartoons.

Fluffy beauty in splendid dress of thousands shining toys crowned with octagon start with figure of 2019 is in the centre of impressive panorama. The height of the tree is 38 meters. Thousands of young Ashgabat citizens and guests of the capital, folk and dance bands, circus and theatre artists in carnival dress, characters of favourite fairy tales have gathered together around the tree in euphoria waiting for celebration performance.

Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk are hurrying to join them for the celebration. Having climbed down for distant Koytendag Mountains, white-beard old man went on journey around the country. Amul Stronghold, which used to be one of the largest cities of ancient Khorasan, was the first destination point in his route across Lebap Velayat. The travellers have also visited modern Turkmenabat, on the central square of which the guests took part in ceremonial meeting at the main New Year Tree of the velayat. Upon arrival to Murgab Oasis, the travellers have visited the observatory located in the building of Mary Velayat Library. Ayaz Baba and his companions flew y magic carpet ride to Ahal Velayat where the guests have enjoyed the performance of art bands of the region.

Traveller caravan was seen off with good wishes to the northern region of the country. the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Kunyaurgench, which is entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is the main sightseeing of Dashoguz Velayat. Thereafter, magic carpet ride took the travellers to Balkan velayat. White-marble vessel Bagtiyarlyk took them to Turkmenbashy International Seaport, which opening was one of remarkable events of the year. Performance with participation of young singer and dancers has been expanded at the square with New Year Tree in the centre.

With a wave of a magic wand, Ayaz Baba and his companions are taken to Ashgabat. Brightly decorated motorcade of white cabriolets escorted by the caravan of double-deckers with young passengers who came for celebration from different parts of the country, started moving along the main streets of the city.

The procession was greeted by numerous residents of Ashgabat and sign and dance folk groups. Having reached Archabyl Avenue and replaced the cabriolet with snow-white carriage with fast ahalteke horse, Ayza Baba and his companions arrived in the square in front of Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre.

Finally, long-waited guests proceeded through the arch full of lights followed by joyful songs of the kids and bright carnival filled the square. Enchanting New Year performance with the participation of theatre collectives of the capital, young artists of the Children and Youth Palace and art schools as well as popular singers has expanded around New Year Tree.

Happy laughter, jokes, joyful dances and stage plays with the participation of favourite characters of national Turkmen fairly tales – all this whirlpool of amazing adventures involved not only children but numerous adults as well. Tasty treats and surprises from Ayaz Baba were the best gift for the children.

Beautiful New Year Tree, which was light up with numerous lights by the magic wand of Ayaz Baba was the top event of the celebration. All New Year trees, which were placed on the main squares of the cities and towns of our country, where bright performances have also taken place, put on the lights at this moment. The event was finished with big celebration concert at the main New year Tree of the country.