Ï Blanket from natural wool: business plan in the context of traditions

Blanket from natural wool: business plan in the context of traditions

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Homespun blankets and cushions made of camel and sheep wool are still actual in many Turkmen families. It seems as it is not only natural material but also the warmth of one’s grandmother’s hands, which carefully work over the item that makes you feel comfortable and warm. In our age of high technologies, this work is given to modern machines for processing of wool and production of wide range of practical and environmentally friendly articles.

Development of national textile industry stimulates private manufacturers to expand the range of export-oriented production. Facility of the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, brothers Rovshan and Dovran Begmammedovs, specialized in production of various items from sheep wool, which reserves are very significant in our country, is one of examples of this.

Private plant, which was built and put into operation in industrial zone of Ahal Velayat this year, is designated for 1,000 tons of production per year. The facility has two workshops provided with specialized equipment from leading foreign manufacturers. One workshop produces wool yarn for carpets, which is on high demand in local market, while another makes blankets and cushions. The variety of each type of goods is quite big. Well processed and washed wool is used for beddings. Strict quality control is implemented at all stages of production. Raw materials is produced from Mary Initial Wool Processing Factory, with which private producers have established close cooperation.

The businessmen noted that selection of raw material is not occasional. Sheep wool has healing features, relieve the pain during arthritis, sciatica and osteochondritis. It is believed that people using blankets made of sheep wool are suffering less from migraine and vertigo. In addition, the material keeps the warmth, repel the moisture as well as has antibacterial and organoleptic features.

The facility of Begmammedovs brothers started working two months ago and has already made trial consignment of blankets and comforters. Environmentally friendly and highly required goods went for sale network of the capital and regions before New Year celebration. Use of latest technologies, well-thought marketing strategy and high application properties of the articles allow local producers considering consumer demand not only in local but in the future in foreign market as well.