Ï Topical issues of the state life are discussed at video conference session

Topical issues of the state life are discussed at video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and heads of the ministries and departments.

First, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on seasonal agricultural works in the regions and fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State related to the activation of the reforms in agriculture.

The Vice-premier reported that cotton harvesting is on the final stage in Ahal, Lebap, Mary and Dashoguz Velayats. As of present, 1,099,236 tons of cotton including 231,542 tons in Ahal Velayat, 335,914 tons in Mary Velayat, 301,555 tons in Lebap Velayat and 230,225tons in Dashoguz Velayat, have been produced in the country.

At present time, vegetation irrigation and mineral fertilization of the wheat springs are carried out along with ploughing and preparation of the equipment to coming spring campaign.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to hold under control all fundamental changes in agricultural complex according with the Resolutions of the People’ Council. The Head of the State has also pointed out the importance of qualitative processing of raw cotton and preparation of the equipment for the next year.

Next, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov who reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision as well as on the outcomes of the exhibition of export production of the Republic of Turkey.

It was mentioned that delegation of representatives of the state structures of Turkey, managers and specialists of 70 companies and organizations who are interested in the development of cooperation with our country took part in the economic review. Equipment for industrial branches and agricultural complex, construction materials, electronics, furniture, textile, chemicals, perfume, food production and other goods were demonstrated at the exhibition.

During the forum, local entrepreneurs and heads of Turkish companies signed the contracts on provision of high technology equipment for food industry and hot houses farms as well as metal construction and other building materials.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight high level of traditional Turkmen – Turkish relations, which steadfast dynamics proves the commitment of the sides to multi-vector long-term cooperation.

Productive trade and economic relations, close partnership with representatives of Turkish business who are willing to improve their positions of Turkmen market indicate the efficiency of interstate cooperation.

In general, all of these makes positive effect on the development of the trade in the regions of Central Asia, Middle and Near East, establishment of new system of interregional relations, Turkmen leader highlighted. In this context, the importance of international exhibitions in our country has been highlighted. It is necessary to continue developing the partnership in such format, the Head of the State said.

Having focused on the importance of similar events and requested to highlight profile forums in mass media, the President addressed specific instructions to Vice-premiers Ch. Gylyjov and B. Abdiyeva.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Amangeldiyev presented the slide show of the drawings and technical specification of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, location of payment terminals, recreation places with motels, parking and other facilities along this highway.

According to the project, 600 km long and 34 meters wide highway will be provided with highest standards. Technical and road service points will be located along the highway.

Having highlighted the importance of new road in the context of integrated modernization and improvement of the potential of rad and transport network in our country, the President noted initiative position of Turkmenistan in the subjects of beneficial cooperation in transport sphere, which is practical factor of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Having approved the project, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to hold under permanent control all issues related to practical implementation of the project.

Working vide conference session was continued by the report of Chairman of the State Statistic Committee H. Gurbanov who informed about statistical and analytical works in all spheres and branches as well as about the measures for improvement of the activity of national statistical service.

Active cooperation with the UN Development Programme and other competent international organizations has been established in this sphere. Modernization of the state statistic system based on the implementation of the world practice, international standards to the system of collection, processing and analysis of statistical information, training of specialists and provision of the Committee with modern equipment are the main directions of the cooperation.

Preparation to national population and housing census n 2022 is carried out. This action will be organized under the implementation of the Resolution on the World Population and Housing Census in 2020, which was adopted by the UN Economic and Social Council.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of further development of statistic system, which has the main objective of comprehensive and deep study of the situation and growth of the economy, different social and economic processes and their patterns by collection, processing, analysis and summarization of relative information.

The Head of the State noted that at first, the statistics has to give integrated characteristics to all studied occurrences, to reveal their connections and to give opportunity to see and evaluate the achieved level.

In the second, the statistic authorities have to study in details the dynamics of such occurrences and to detect the patterns of changes and make relevant forecasts based on scientific base. It will give the opportunity to the management to make certain administrative decisions oriented to the improvement of life of the society.

In this context, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made number of remarks on the improvement and modernization of the Committee, having noted that it is necessary to carry out scientific and practical work for study and implementation of modern statistical methods of information analysis and development of general methods and studies.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to analyse the work in statistic sphere and to employ talented specialists. It is necessary to change over to digital economy, digital system of collection and processing of statistical data and to enforce the requirements in this sphere, the Head of the State noted.

Minister of Motor Transport O. Suhanov reported on the outcomes of the working trip to Herat, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. According to the Agreement on Transit and Transport Cooperation, Turkmen side took part in the ceremony of launching of Lapis Lazuli transport and transit corridor and the first shipment of Afghan cargoes. At present, the caravan goes across our country to Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

Information about the establishment of joint stock ventures at the organizations subordinate to the Ministry has also been presented under the report.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that cooperation of Turkmenistan with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is always built on the principles of goodwill, friendship and equal rights. Stating high level of Turkmen – Afghan dialog, the Head of the State highlighted that our nations are united by primordial traditions of friendship and respect, common spiritual and historical values.

The President highlighted exclusive importance of this event, which became another evidence of the implementation of Turkmenistan’s initiatives on transnational transport and transit corridors. Convenient corridors for international transit are created in transport sphere in the results of joint efforts, which is very important as the key condition of the global sustainable development.

Speaking of the cooperation with Afghanistan, the Head of the State said that Turkmenistan makes great contribution to the achievement of peace and stability in this country, implementing large-scale projects aimed at the improvement of Turkmen – Afghan and regional partnership. Noting the necessity of comprehensive participation of neighbouring state in regional and international projects as equal partner, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Minister to put all efforts for further implementation of similar projects.

Having highlighted the subject of implementation of modern administration methods to the management of the Ministry of Motor Transport, the Head of the State approved the project of reorganization of the enterprises to joint stock ventures and order O. Suhanov to prepare relative documents.

Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov reported on the fulfilment of the assignment on advance payment of salaries, pensions, state allowances and scholarships for December on occasion of New Year celebration. The Minister informed that all payments have been made in all enterprises and organizations of the country.

In this regard, the Head of the State focused on the importance of timely fulfilment of the activities outlined in reform programmes, which are aimed at the improvement of wellbeing of the population. It is necessary to carry out regular monitoring and analysis of work in all directions, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted, having addressed the Minister with relevant assignments.

Summing up the outcomes of video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all participants.