Ï The President of Turkmenistan outlines the main objectives of foreign policy of the country

The President of Turkmenistan outlines the main objectives of foreign policy of the country

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Today, our independent neutral state is one of the countries that provides stability and security in the region, Turkmenistan is known in the world as competent state with dynamic economy, which is attractive for the investments, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said speaking at the session of the Government with the participation of the representative diplomatic corps of the country.

We invest colossal funds to the economy of the country. Foreign trade is steadily growing. Salaries are increased every year. High development rats are achieved in construction, industry and other branches. Stable exchange rate of national currency is kept. The inflation remains within set limits. Works for industrialization and change over of the country to digital economy are carried out at high rates according to the adopted programmes. Reforms in education, health protection, science and other spheres are continued.

Measures taken for reforms in agriculture give positive results and good production of cotton and wheat has been received this year. Construction of major plants and factories is successfully continued. Oil and gas deposits are successfully developed and the main pipelines are built under the reforms. Comfortable residential buildings, schools, hotels and other social facilities are built and put into operation. In the result of all these works, we manage to keep high rates of the GDP.

Our country is distinguished with stability and strength of political system, gradual implementation of democratic principles to the life of the state and society. All of these provides our reliable positions in the international arena and equal relations with the countries of the world. The Head of the State noted that this year was successful for the country in solution of international issues. According to our objectives, we have been developing the relations with many countries of the world.

Foreign policy of Turkmenistan is implemented on fundamental base, namely on the principles of neutrality, peacefulness, goodwill and beneficial cooperation. Such policy allows establishing fruitful relations with our partners, having direct and multilateral talks on any subjects, finding acceptable solutions, Turkmen leader highlighted.

As is known, international cooperation of Turkmenistan and our diplomatic activity are carried out in two strategic directions. These courses are outlined by the Concept of Foreign Course of Neutral Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023. They encompass in steadfast strengthening of bilateral relations with foreign states and active cooperation with international organizations.

Regarding bilateral cooperation, great importance is paid to the improvement of friendly dialog with neighbouring countries, with which the highest level of trust and understanding has been achieved. We support open and fruitful relations in various direction with all these states.

The efficiency of such policy is indicated by the fact that just in this year, our country was visited by the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. We pay special importance to development of trade and economic cooperation with neighbouring states and joint projects in energy, transport and communication spheres. We have achieved good results in this, Turkmen leader noted.

Works on Afghan part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line have been started this year. Foundations of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines have been laid. Construction of Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad has been completed. Construction of new section of the railway has been started from Afghan railway station Akina. International ministerial conference with the participation of the Ministers of Transport of the countries participating in Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey corridor (Lazuli route) have been held recently in Avaza national tourist zone. The forum has proven high level of willingness of the above-mentioned countries to consolidate the efforts for implementation of this perspective project.

Regarding the cooperation with Afghanistan, we always say that this country has to join the implementation of regional and international projects as full member and equal partner. The Head of the State confirmed the willingness of neutral Turkmenistan to provide its political space for peaceful talks on Afghanistan. We would continue working in this direction, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Our country will continue improving good relations with Azerbaijan. Recent official visit of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkmenistan was important step on this way. Directions and cooperation in different spheres has been outlined during the visit in Ashgabat.

We also build friendly relations and fruitful beneficial cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. We would continue close cooperation in political, diplomatic, trade, economic and humanitarian spheres for the interests of our nations, the Head of the State noted.

We have agreed on significant expansion of the partnership during the meeting with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkmen leader said. Taking into consideration Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran railroad that was put into operation, we have paid special attention to the cooperation in transport sphere, the Head of the State continued.

We have entered new level of strategic partnership with the Republic of Uzbekistan recently. Our fraternal relations in political, economic and cultural spheres indicate the efficiency of such cooperation.

We would continue expanding friendly and goodwill relations with Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, with which we are united by historical and cultural similarity, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Improvement of relations with neighbouring states, turning of the region into the zone of peace, stability and wide international cooperation would remain the strategic priority of foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan in the future. In this regard, the Head of the State has ordered the ambassadors of Turkmenistan to intensify the work on implementation of achieved agreements and to achieve the fulfilment of taken obligation.

Intensification of friendly and partnership relations with the state of Asian Pacific region is one of the most important directions of foreign policy of the country. At present time, this is the region where new centres of financial, economic and technological progress are formed up. In this context, we have to work with such countries as China, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia and to establish permanent contacts with their financial structures, business circles and to achieve active participation of these states in economic projects initiated by Turkmenistan.

Our country is located on the intersection of Eurasian road, in geographically beneficial place, on the important part of the Silk Road. It allows Turkmenistan being the shortest way to the markets of Europe, Middle and Near East, South Asia, Black Sea and Mediterranean regions.

Active support of the implementation of this function by Turkmenistan is the main objectives of our diplomatic and consulate services in the states of Asian Pacific region.

We have to achieve qualitative improvement of cooperation on bilateral base in European direction with the European Union. Our European partners confirmed their willingness to expand joint work with Turkmenistan in such spheres as security, energy, transport, trade and ecology in October this year. We are also ready for this work and support our European partners in their intent to develop steadfast long-term cooperation with our country. We will speed up the rates of our work under slogan “European Union – Central Asia”.

The head of the State highlighted that the Russian Federation is our strategic partner. Special feature of bilateral relations with long close cooperation of Turkmenistan and Russian on international political arena and mutual support of the initiatives. Turkmen – Russian economic partnership is distinguished by the focus on the expansion of joint work, establishment of direct trade and economic relations with the regions of the Russian Federation. We see that improvement of scientific, educational and cultural relations with Russian partners has great perspectives.

Turkmenistan expands traditional friendly relations with Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. Taking into account our plans for development of transport infrastructure, it is very important for the entry to Black Sea region and the countries of South and Eastern Europe.

Our fraternal dialog with the Republic of Turkey is also expanding, Turkmen – Turkish cooperation makes positive effect on the development of versatile cooperation for improvement of the relations in Central Asia, Middle and near East regions and establishment of new structures of interregional relations.

South Asia is also very important region for Turkmenistan. Building the dialog with India and Pakistan on the principles of mutual respect, our country consider these countries as important partners in political, trade, economic and energy cooperation.

Cooperation between Turkmenistan and Arab countries has been activated recently. Official visits to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates took place recently. Cooperation with these and other Arab countries, with the Middle East countries, gives additional benefits to Turkmenistan for successful integration to global economic and trade systems.

The ambassadors representing our state in the Middle East have to intensify the work for fulfilment of achieved bilateral agreements aimed at the development of the partnership in such spheres as investments, energy, transport and industry, Turkmen leader said.

We would continue cooperation with the United States of America in such important directions as protection of peace and stable development in Central Asia and border zones. We would achieve energy security, development of the economy, trade and investments.

We also have to activate the work in the countries of Latin America. Such states of the continent as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina are in the top twenty of the biggest economically developed countries of the world. They implement major investment projects in different spheres. In addition, the states of Latin America are distinguished that they are not the members of any groups and traditionally support developing countries in international organizations. It creates additional opportunities for cooperation in foreign policy.

Taking into account that Turkmenistan has started the cooperation with the African states, establishes the relations with the African Union and countries of Northern and Western Africa, we can speak of great perspectives of this partnership.

Remarkable event took place in August this year. The Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea has been signed at the Summit of the Heads of Caspian States. Adoption of this document gave start to new stage of cooperation in such spheres as economy, trade, transport and environmental protection.

Now, we face the objective to consolidate the efforts for the fulfilment of these decisions reflected in the document. In this relation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the ambassadors of Turkmenistan in Caspian states to intensify the work on the implementation of the provisions of this Convention. The Head of the State highlighted the appropriateness of the establishment of close and steadfast cooperation with the authorities of the coastal states for solution of this important objective.

Solution of Aral Sea issues in another significant aspect. We have managed to activate the work of the structure and give necessary orientation to the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea for two years of chairing this organization.

For example, the Summit of the Heads of the state founders of this Fund has been held for the first time in nine years in Avaza National tourist zone. The provision on the foundation of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea states has been included to the Final Document of the meeting by Turkmenistan initiative.

The UN General Assembly Resolution on Cooperation between the United nations Organization and the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea has been adopted by the initiative of our country in April 2018. Representatives of Turkmenistan in the UN offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna have to intensify the work on the implementation of this initiative and to achieve the support by the members of the United Nations.

At present, it is necessary to develop actual forms of regional cooperation on water issues with the support of all countries on the principles of equal right, respect and responsibility. Steadily following this point of view, Turkmenistan always stands for solution of these problems, first on the base of universal standards of international law, in the second, taking into account the interests of all states of region, and, on the third, with the participation on international organizations, especially the UN.

In this case, we follow the concept that water is common value of people on the planet and provision of equal and fair access to water is an integral right of people. Discussing water issues, all diplomatic representatives of our country has to follow these criteria. In other words, we have to strengthen the position of water diplomacy in our international activity, Turkmen leader highlighted.

Speaking of priority directions of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan, we have to note the growing role of transport and energy diplomacy. We have some experience in this sphere. However, the time does not stay still and requires the development of scientifically grounded approaches, training of qualified specialists who understand the objective and have to have specific and comprehensive talks with the partners.

The Head of the State said that it was decided to found special training centre for the most current aspects of Turkmen diplomacy under the structure of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Speaking of this, the President of Turkmenistan noted that we have managed to create the school of national diplomacy for short period. As is known, the Institute of International Relations observes its 10 year anniversary.

At present time, the Institute has four departments and two centres. We plan to intensify scientific and research activity of the institute. Special attention will be paid to study of political science, condition and tendencies of the global policy and economy. It is also necessary to improve the work of the Institute in practical sphere and to send the tutors and students to other countries for participation in the seminars.

Turkmenistan proposed the initiative on having 2019 under slogan “Peace and Prosperity” at the last session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Making this proposal, we set the objective to reduce the tension, to solve the disputes by peaceful, political and diplomatic measures. We have provided the development of specific measures aimed at responsible and weighted decisions for this purpose.

In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was ordered to develop relative proposals, which will assist to find the subject of common negotiations under the UN and other international organizations as well as to come over the obstacles in solution of the main issues of the world policy and achievement of the understanding.

Development of international relations in foreign economic sphere is an important aspect of our foreign department. Today, Turkmenistan has economic, trade and investment relations with more that hundred states of the world. in this regard, we have to intensify analytical work providing the conditions for timely and correct evaluation of economic contacts with other states as well as for definition of their perspectives in the future.

In this regard, the Head of the State informed about the decision to found new structural division – foreign economic cooperation department, under the Foreign Ministry. It objectives will include such subjects as development of proposals on study and implementation of major international projects, coordination and control of the activity of bilateral intergovernmental commissions on economic, scientific and technical cooperation. It is necessary to arrange this work on systematic base and to give permanent character and orientation for certain result to this work.

Improvement of potential of archive service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also important. The Service has to be ready to give necessary documents on the subjects of international relations of Turkmenistan by the request of official authorities. Archive Department of the Diplomatic Service is opened in the Foreign Ministry for improvement of this work.

The activity of diplomatic service of our country is very important. The competence and pride of our independent neutral state in the world arena, security and stability of the country, level of its economic development and life of people mainly depend on the efficiency of this work. We have to understand this and follow this in our routine activity, the Head of the State mentioned.

The state would continue paying utmost attention to the work of the diplomats and making all necessary organizational, financial and other conditions for comprehensive work of the Foreign Ministry, embassies, consulates and representatives of our country abroad, the President of Turkmenistan said.

The Head of the State expressed the confidence that our diplomats would treat the solution of set objectives with full responsibility and would continue serving the interest of the Motherland, independent and neutral Turkmenistan.