Ï The Head of the State takes part in New Year event

The Head of the State takes part in New Year event

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The Head of the State takes part in New Year event
The Head of the State takes part in New Year event
The Head of the State takes part in New Year event
The Head of the State takes part in New Year event
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the event dedicated to New Year organized in Mizan Centre.

Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement structures, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, ambassadors of our country, cultural personnel and art masters have gathered there.

The Head of the State extended warm congratulations on coming celebration to the participants, having noted that 2018 became another important milestone in modern history. This year, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, has been marked with numerous events indicating great success and achievements of our country and its high authority in the world arena.

The Head of the State continued that big plans and objectives aimed at further strengthening of national economy, steadfast development of science, education, health protection and social sphere are planned for the next year of 2019, which would be held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Home of Prosperity”. Having highlighted that all of these is to improve the wellbeing of Turkmen people, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished happiness, family prosperity and great success in work to all participants.

In their turn, the participants wished the Head of the State strong health, longevity, unexhausted power and energy and success in all noble beginnings congratulating the President on the celebration.

Integrated programmes aimed at efficient use of colossal natural reserves, implementation of huge economic potential of the state, spiritual and cultural prosperity of the nation are implemented under the leadership of the President in Turkmenistan. This is visually indicated by numerus social, cultural, production, transport and communication facilities, which have been put into operation in the capital and regions this year.

It includes Turkmenbashy International Seaport, carbamide plant in Garabogaz, petrochemical facility for production of polypropylene and polyethylene in Kiyanly, sanatorium and aqua park with entertainment centre in Avaza national tourist zone, Turkmenabat International Airport, combined power station in Mary, glass production facility Türkmenaýnaönümleri in Ahal Velayat, Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad as well as schools, medical facilities, comfortable residential buildings.

Construction of new phase of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, power and fibre optic lines on the same route, which according to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov would serve to economic growth of the countries and wealth of the nations in the region, are among the projects that have been launched this year.

Potential of agrarian sphere is steadily growing. New livestock and poultry complexes, hothouse farms have been opened under implementation of the State import substitutive and export increment programmes. Due to important decisions taken at the first session of the People’s Council, actual impulse has been given to the reforms in agriculture, which would bring national agricultural complex to new levels.

Foundations of new modern villages have been laid in Ak Bugday, Gyoktepe and Kaahka etraps of Ahal Velayat according to the National Programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020.

In general, all of these makes conditions for dynamic economic growth of Turkmenistan in 2019, which is indicated by the forecasts of the world financial structures including International Monetary Fund.

Foreign course based on the principles of positive neutrality, peace, goodwill and beneficial cooperation pursued by the Head of the State brings actual results. Constructive initiatives of Turkmen leader aimed at the development of balanced solution of current issues and problems of time, intensification of fruitful partnership in regional and global scale, which were made at the United Nations General Assembly and other important forums, have received wide recognition and support of the world community.

Mass cycling ride and International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, which were organized on occasion of the World Bicycle Day instituted by the UN by proposal of Turkmenistan, the World Weightlifting Championship are among remarkable events of 2018. These sport events have improved the world image of our country and gave new impulse to physical training and sport movement.

Bright New Year performance with the participation of the art masters has been expanded in Mizan centre during the event. New song “Arzuw”, which lyrics has been written by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and music by his grandson Kerimguly Berdimuhamedov, raised special enthusiasm of the participants. Distinguished by modern style and arrangement, the song was performed in Turkmen, English and German. The song penetrated the soul of all audience with its beautiful tunes and heartfelt lyrics, having left enthusiastic impressions indicated by the storm of applauses.