Ï International forums are the platform for improvement of innovative potential

International forums are the platform for improvement of innovative potential

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Outlining directions and priorities of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in near future, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted innovative sphere, which has to become the drive engine of the growth of all branches of the country. science and education as well as international cooperation are the source of innovations not only in the aspect of the attraction of technologies but also in the improvement of potential of national scientific and educational system.

These tendencies gave special currency to different forums, which are held in Turkmenistan with the participation of academic structures and universities. The themes of the these meetings is permanently expanding and new subjects of activity of industrial facilities, social structures including such spheres as health protection, ecology, sport and other are included to the themes.

International conference, which is currently organized in Ashgabat on the Science Day on June 12, became an efficient ground for activation of the contacts between Turkmen and foreign scientists of major research institutes of the world.

Representatives of scientific circles from more than 30 countries of the world including Russia, USA, Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Finland, Bulgaria, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and other countries took part in forum “Science, Equipment and Innovative Technologies” in addition to Turkmen scientists.

Reports presented at the forum were dedicated to theoretical and practical issues of introduction of advanced developments to different spheres, starting from energy to ecology. Foreign delegates focused on the advantage of cooperation with scientific circles of our country on such current directions as nano, chemical and computer technologies, production of new materials, energy, biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics, information and communication systems, production of medicine, innovative economy and humanitarian science.

Sectional sessions were held in Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University under the forum where development of information and telecommunication technologies has been discussed. Agriculture, ecology and biotechnologies were the main subjects in the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Science. The meeting in International Oil and Gas University was dedicated to industrial innovations and technologies. Current economic processes, law and cooperation in tourism sphere were reviewed in Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management. Medical science and production of medicine were discussed in the State Medical University. Subjects involving the aspects of development of humanitarian studies outlined the reports in Magtumguly Turkmen State University.

Development of health protection system remains among the priorities of Turkmenistan and international cooperation plays great role in this sphere. Modern medical innovations were presented at the profile review in Ashgabat, which was held in July this year on occasion of the Day of Health Protection and Medical Industry Personnel.

International Exhibition “Health 2018”, which included profile conference and the session on establishment of Regional Platform for improvement of nutrition for Central Asia and Caucasian countries, has gathered the professionals of medical sphere from 40 countries. 240 foreign companies – producers of pharmaceutical production, medical equipment and consumables from Germany, USA, Turkey, Iran, European countries and other demonstrated their products at the exhibition.

International certificates on elimination of number of infectious diseases in our country were the indicators of the success of national medicine, which were demonstrated in the exhibition hall of the Ministry of Health Protection and medical Industry. as is known, the practice of Turkmen medics has been recommended for the states of European region of the WHO.

10th volumes of encyclopaedia work of the Head of the State “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” has been presented at the forum. Creation of multi-volume encyclopaedia about the plants growing in our country was an important step in the development of national pharmaceutical science and in the world phytotherapy.

Attention of foreign participants of the review has been attracted with the exhibition stands of sanatoriums and medical facilities of our country. health improving facilities of Bayramaly, Berzengi, Mollakara, Archman, Yilsuw, Farab and Dashoguz do not yield to foreign analogues by the provision and services. Different natural landscapes, mineral springs, medicinal plants growing in Turkmenistan make unique conditions for development of sanatorium and resort business and ecological tourism.

Socialists had an opportunity to see the latest diagnostic and laboratory equipment, consumables, tools, pharmaceutical production, special furniture, communication devices for hospital, experimental sample of sanitary and cosmetic profile.

Development of mass physical training, sport and health improving movement in Turkmenistan was one of the main directions of the state policy. The focus is made on growing generation in this sphere. Therefore, upbringing of healthy and active youth is the subject of care of the state. Our country has gained positive experience and useful developments in this sphere, which we are willing to share with our partners.

School cultural and sport festival of Caspian States, which was held in Avaza National tourist zone, is the sample of such goodwill cooperation.

Weekly event included belt wrestling, futsal, 3X3 basketball, table tennis and chess competitions. The festival brought together the teams from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, different regions of the Russian Federation and other places. More than 200 participants have been accommodated in comfortable children cultural and recreation centre Daýanç.

Having set the objective to turn Turkmenistan into dynamically developing state, which is able to compete in political, economic and cultural space of the world, the country has started the training of specialists knowing the achievements of scientific and technical progress and innovations. For this purpose, the state invests big finances to national education system. Large-scale reforms are carried out to bring the quality and content of educational sphere to the compliance with international standards. Equipment and facilities, scientific and methodology base of all levels of education is modernized. The process of education is changed to digital format.

Turkmenistan actively cooperates with other countries, international and regional structures in educational sphere. Adoption of the Resolution on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day at the 82nd plenary session of the UN General Assembly became the evidence of support and recognition of the initiatives of our country, which are aimed at the consolidation of peace and cooperation, by the world community.

We will always support the expansion of multidimensional cooperation in sports and education, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says, directing these spheres to innovative way of development and wide cooperation with all countries.

International conference and exhibition “Education and Sports” in Ashgabat on November 13 – 14 became another step on this way.

Representative composition of the delegations – around hundred guests from thirty countries of the world including Russia, USA, China, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Yemen, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Mongolia, Latvia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other, which came to Turkmenistan for participation in the forum, is the evidence of the recognition of significant input our country to development of education and international sport movement.

The goal of the forum is to introduce current trends in these spheres, to promote modern technologies and implementation of advanced methods, which support the improvement of quality of education and sport skills, mass character of health improving movement.

Advanced equipment of the laboratories, scientific, learning and methodological literature, manuals, encyclopaedias, dictionaries published in the country as well as cups, medals and certificates of the winners of international student contests are exhibited at the displays of the Ministry of education and universities. Consultation on the specialization and modern methods of education was available at the stands.

Projects of Turkmen students including the models of different architectural facilities and development of the Centre of Young Scientists have also been widely presented. Works of the students of secondary specialized schools, which visually indicated the introduction of information technologies to educational process, have also raised the interest.

Dozens of displays demonstrated educational potential of foreign countries including the production of leading IT and laboratory equipment producers. New computers, programme software, various gadgets raised great interest of the youth.

Specialists of high educational institutes and centres of foreign countries, producers and distributors of study literature were among the participants of the exhibition.

Sport sector was presented through the prism of the popularization of mass physical training and health improving movement and sport of highest achievements at international review. The exhibitors included leading national and foreign organizations, producers of specialized equipment, hardware and clothes as well as different federations and clubs.

In addition, the forum became the ground for establishment of business contacts and exchange of practice. This dialog was continued by scientific conference. New directions of cooperation by the development of direct relations between universities, institutes, specialized educational facilities, sport organizations as well as the aspects of joint humanitarian projects have been discussed at the plenary session.

Sectional sessions were held in Magtumguly Turkmen State University, the State Institute of Economics and Management, the Institute of Sports and Tourism, International University of humanitarian Studies and Development. Meetings of the members of the forum with tutors and students of high educational institutes of the capital served to the activation of wide dialog in education and sport spheres

The most important thing is that the forum achieved its main goal. These are the expansion and intensification of the cooperation with foreign partners, consolidation of efforts of the state administration authorities, public organizations, science and business in development of modern society, stimulation of innovative projects aimed at efficient implementation of priority national programmes, promotion of technologies and scientific production in local market and demonstration of success and achievements of Turkmenistan.

It is also planned to hold several international events with the participation of Turkmen and foreign experts of scientific, educational, medical, sport, high technology developments spheres in coming year. Their subjects and content will include the innovations in digitization and other current subjects of development of technologies in Turkmenistan and in the world.

This is the fields if profile forums where representatives of government, science, business would be able not only discuss various aspects of digitization of different spheres of life but also to find certain solutions and understanding what has to be done for innovative development of Turkmenistan as a member of global processes.