Ï Exhibition and congress activity stimulates investment activity in fuel and energy complex

Exhibition and congress activity stimulates investment activity in fuel and energy complex

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At video conference session with the representative of the Government on December 17, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of business profile forums of international level, which are held regularly in our country. The Head of the State noted the importance of exhibition and congress activity repeatedly for improvement of the prestige of Turkmenistan in the world community, popularization of the success and achievements in national development, promotion of national production in foreign markets and improvement of export potential.

Such events present interest for exchange of practice, attraction of the investments and new technologies, useful ideas and establishment of direct business contacts. Therefore, quality organization of such forums including their content, talks and consultations, which are aimed at making of perspective contracts and implementation of joint projects, are very important.

At the same time, profile forums, scientific and practical conferences on topical subjects of development of one or another branches, bilateral and multilateral business forums, give opportunity to discuss current themes and new trends of the world market in professional and expert level, to analyse the situation of the market, existing and future requirements. It allows to adjust the tactics and strategy in relation to increment of the production and sale and the establishment of advertising and informational campaigns.

Business events held in our country on fuel and energy complex can be exemplary in this case. Gas Congress of Turkmenistan and International Exhibition Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan (OGT), which gather top managers of big profile companies and transnational holdings, scientific and research community, academic and financial institutes to representative delegations, became such competent discussion grounds.

IX International Gas Congress was held in Avaza in May 2018. New vectors of development and interstate cooperation in gas spheres have been outlined, plans for cooperation in nearest future in diversification of energy supplies, national and regional gas transport infrastructure and training of qualified personnel have been coordinated at the Congress.

High interest to the Congress was raised mainly by the fact that cost of gas in the structure of the world consumption of the hydrocarbons is growing, therefore, the intent of the leading companies of the planet to establish close cooperation in gas sphere with our country is logical taking into account that modern Turkmenistan confidently stated of itself as one of perspective partners among biggest suppliers of energy carriers to the world markets.

It is remarkable that number of local private companies expanding the geography of their activity in the region participating in the forum as sponsors is growing every year.

Representatives of European Union, USA, UAE, Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, CIS countries and other states participated in the IX Turkmenistan Gas Congress. Direct participation of the members of the Government, heads of profile state concern and scientific and research centre from Turkmen side improves informational status of the event where the most recent data and information are presented, analytical reviews are given and next steps in development of gas industry in our country are announced.

Foreign participants of Turkmenistan Gas Congress 2018 received trustful information on all directions of profile development from geological survey, drilling, production, transportation and storage to processing of energy carriers and expansion of production infrastructure.

Initiatives of Turkmenistan on diversification of foreign supplies of energy carriers for sustainable development of the countries were the main subject of the forum. In this aspect, special emphasis has been laid on strategical importance of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline for the region.

It is worth reminding that the construction of Afghan part of TAPI pipeline has been started I Serhetabat etrap, Mary Velayat in February 2018 with the participation of the President of Turkmenistan, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of India.

Welding of the first sections of the pipeline will take place in Pakistan part soon and preparation works are carried out in India.

Undoubtedly, relative work is carried out on all levels, first on the Government and diplomatic, however, the role of international business forums creating wide informational field including in international mass media can not be denied.

Reports on development of gas processing industry in Turkmenistan, in particular making of the largest in the region petrochemical cluster in Caspian region, raised increased attention of news agencies of many countries. The cluster includes the plant in Garabogaz for processing of natural gas and production of carbamide, which has been built by that time, as well as petrochemical complex in Kiyanly. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in opening ceremonies of both industrial giants.

It was planned to build another similar complex for production of polypropylene, low-density linear polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, caustic soda, sulphuric acid and liquid chlorine next to existing facilities.

Plant for production of high quality gasoline from natural gas is under completion in Ovadandepe, Ahal Velayat. Reconstruction of the unit for processing of natural gas and production of liquefied gas in Bagaja deposit in Lebap Velayat is among new investment projects. It is planned to build petrochemical complex with production output of 80,000 tons of Butadiene Styrene rubber and 45,000 tons of polystyrene per year on the base of the complex.

Construction of the plant for processing of ethanol and production of 55,000 tons of polyvinyl acetate is studied at the deposits of Central Karakums located near gas compressor installation Yilanly in Dashoguz Velayat.

At the same time, preliminary discussion with oil and gas companies, which expressed the interest in cooperation, are held on the fields of the forum for attraction of direct foreign investments for long-term projects in exploration, production and comprehensive processing of hydrocarbons.

Implementing these projects, Turkmenistan not only improves its positions in the world energy market as biggest supplier of energy but also change the character of its presence at this market by diversification of trade structure of energy export and active development of new forms of international energy business.

Representatives of the leading world companies believe in great perspectives of beneficial partnership with Turkmenistan and its important role in provision of global energy security.

Since the IX International Turkmenistan Gas Congress was held in Caspian coast few weeks after the opening of Turkmenbashy International Seaport, special attention has been paid to the opportunity of cooperation in sea supply of Turkmen petrochemical production to the world markets.

Built in one of the most developing regions of the country where the foundation of modern petrochemical industry is laid, Turkmenbashy International Seaport is able to implement huge potential of the country in export of fuel and energy complex production to the world markets. Activity for stimulation of the attention to logistic, resource and production capabilities of Turkmenistan gains special importance in the conditions of high competition and saturation of the markets.

Participation in international exhibitions and fairs is one of marketing communications, which is able not only to make direct connections and promote the products and services but also to study advanced achievements in relative spheres and results of scientific progress.

Innovative policy of our country in fuel and energy complex is defined by the introduction of new technologies, of production and processing of hydrocarbons. Traditional Turkmenistan oil and Gas Exhibition and the Conference are organized in this aspect. This is the event where the world producers of equipment and technologies, specialists who makes the decision are meeting.

The forum was held for the 23rd time in November of this year, having gathered prominent scientists and experts, representative of government structures and competent organizations, leading foreign fuel and energy companies and profile organizations in Ashgabat. Great attention of foreign businessmen to this event is induced by open energy policy of our state and constructive international initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which are aimed at the provision of global energy security and which have been unanimously supported by the world community.

50 companies from more than 30 countries as well as divisions of national fuel and energy complex have placed their displays in the Exhibition Centre of the Trade and Industrial Chamber. They have presented the products and services in production and transportation of hydrocarbon materials, deep drilling, offshore exploration and construction of coastal infrastructure, which is required for the projects in Caspian Sea, modernization of existing and construction of new pipelines, etc.

Considerable place in the exposition was given to ecological innovations and perspective development in renewable sources of energy sphere, improvement of ecological safety at the facilities – the issues, which Turkmen leader pays special attention.

According to numerous experts, profile review in Ashgabat gives unique opportunity to the leading producers of Europe, Asia and America to present advanced special equipment, to make direct trade contacts and to solve marketing objectives.

Being an efficient platform for business communication of national and foreign specialists, Turkmenistan Oil and Gas forum became the place for launch of new projects, familiarization with the world trends and perspective of growth of the industry, priorities of fuel and energy policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as real marketing tool supporting successful development of business.

Profile conference with the participation of the delegates from USA, European, Asian, Middle East and CIS countries has taken place under the exhibition. It included the specialist of oil and gas sphere, production plants, scientists and other. There were 500 delegates from 200 international and government organizations as well as representatives of foreign companies, mass media and diplomatic missions of more than 40 countries.

Reports on topical subjects such as perspectives of development of international, regional and national oil and gas industry have been presented and discussed, review analysis of tendencies at oil and gas markets, transportation of hydrocarbons and marketing strategies has been given. Turkmen side made proposals for further expansion of cooperation in oil and gas sphere.

Discussion session on the project of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline has been held during the conference. It was mentioned that this projects is another real measure in the implementation of energy strategy of Turkmenistan with modernization of fuel and energy complex of the country, expansion of the potential taking into account the future perspectives, creation of diversified system of transportation of energy carriers to the world markets with the provision of balance of interests of producers, transporters and consumers as its main aspects.

Constructive initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are aimed at the achievement of set objectives. Relevance of these initiatives is visually indicated by the fact of unanimous adoption of relative Resolutions by the United Nations General Assembly.

Speaking from the positions of equal beneficial cooperation, Turkmenistan has significantly expanded the geography of direct energy dialog with foreign partners and established close contacts with the leading oil and gas companies, competent financial structures of the world together with established traditional relations in this sphere.

Today, explored reserves of hydrocarbons are measured by hundreds millions of tons of oil and trillions of cubic metres of natural gas, which are enough for guaranteed provision of local consumers and export for many years.

Around two hundred of wells have been discovered and hundreds of oil and gas deposits have been prepared for deep drilling in Turkmenistan. It is planned to study the perspectivity of oil bearing pre-Jurassic deposits of central and northern areas of the country. Survey and exploration of deep and not discovered grounds in the southwest of the state are carried out more actively.

Rich oil and gas deposits of the country give big opportunity for investments and beneficial cooperation. Representatives of the leading international companies expressed the willingness to provide advanced efficient technologies for exploration and development of deep onshore and offshore deposits to Turkmen partners.

Numerous meetings between foreign businessmen and heads of Turkmen profile facilities and concerns have been held under Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2018 International Forum. Deep elaboration of all subjects, on which agreements and new opportunities has been outlined, starts after such meetings.

Therefore, exhibition and congress activity stimulates profile development and investment policy, creates necessary informational field and helps to form up the conditions for attraction of foreign investments for implementation of the projects in Turkmen fuel and energy complex.

At modern stage of economic changes in our country, the exhibitions, fairs, business forums and conferences have become significant segment of market. Exhibition industry, which closely connected with number of branches of national industry and private sector, is developed, equipment and facilities base is expanded and level of technology service, use of latest equipment and software is growing. In addition, the guest and participants are presented with catalogues, posters and booklets about profile facilities and branches of Turkmen economy, which provide review and topical information.

Analysing the efficiency of such forums, we cannot help mentioning that huge influence that they make on activation of business tourism, learning of the culture of our country, traditions and modern life of Turkmen nations by foreign delegates.