Ï International construction forums – Key factor of activation of the partnership

International construction forums – Key factor of activation of the partnership

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Gradual improvement of level and quality of people’s life are the main objectives of large-scale urban construction programme, which is steadily implemented in Turkmenistan. Taking into account great perspectives pf construction section, profile forums play big role in exchange of practice and establishment of the contacts between national and foreign specialists.

The most optimum conditions have been made at present time for successful business – national legislation is improved and investment activity is stimulated. Of course, rich natural resources, favourable geographic location of the country open wide opportunities for this. The state provides the investors with significant support in the form of tax, custom, visa, insurance and other benefits. Share of financial investments to production of gross domestic product is growing and number of investment projects and joint ventures are established in the result.

International exhibition “Turkmen Construction 2018” and conference “Development of Construction Industry of Turkmenistan” were held in Ashgabat on August 28. Demonstration of success and achievements of construction complex and industry, modern technologies, projects and competitive production, expansion of trade and economic relations, exchange of practice and information in the sphere of innovative technologies, provision of conditions for beneficial contracts between the producers and customers are the main goals of specialized exposition.

More than 130 companies from 14 countries such as China, Russia, Germany, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Austria, France, Greece, Finland, Poland, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine took part in profile review.

Foreign businessmen who intend to expand their presence in rapidly developing Turkmen market observed the availability of perspectives for establishment of the partnership, which was supported by the production of national state and private construction sector, which representative have number of big projects in the list.

Individual enterprises of the country develop the production of dozens of construction and finishing materials, which meet international quality standards, in particular, glass mosaic made of local material. Local glass mosaic is widely used in decoration of the buildings distinguished by artistic solutions, which unite bright expressive national colour and traditions of national applied arts. Production of this decorative material allowed to reject imported analogues.

Production of leather goods has also been developed. Raw material comes from local livestock farming complexes, which created the opportunities for production of new goods including high quality footwear and furniture, which successfully competes with foreign analogues in home market. In the future, these items are planned to be exported.

Leading foreign profile companies, producers of innovative construction and decoration materials and specialized equipment placed their displays at the exhibition. Exhibits of the companies, which are willing to provide their know-hows in road construction, raised great interest of the participants and guests.

Heads of profile ministries and departments, representatives of national private sector, specialists of the companies and organizations from foreign countries took part in forum “Development of Construction Industry of Turkmenistan”. Speeches of reporters reflected conceptual directions of development in this sphere taking into consideration modern technologies and the world urban construction practice.

Implementation of profile projects, improvement of reliability and durability of facilities, compliance with ecological and seismic safety, perspective of international cooperation in this direction were the main subjects of the reports.

Our white-marble capital, which impresses with expansion and magnificence of its new buildings, is a good example of the reforms and changes in the country. Rapidly turning into modern megacity, Ashgabat improves its status of one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities in the world for living every day.

Today, Turkmen capital is to become the centre of constructive cooperation. Everything in the city attracts foreign tourists and travellers who wish meet closer modern achievements including in construction industry. active use of latest technologies in this section of national economy allowed changing the image of the country fundamentally.

XVII International Universal Exhibition “White City Ashgabat”, which was held on May 24 – 25, became the platform for presentation of new projects and proposals and allowed foreign guests familiarizing with success in development of different branches and structures of Turkmen national economic complex, which presented industrial, cultural and intellectual potential of the main city of the country, its huge social and economic resources and capabilities.

More than 80 local and foreign companies and organizations as well as business circles of Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Korea, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries presented their production this year.

Organizations and companies that take part in joint projects in urban construction and industrial spheres as well as in road and transport infrastructure were among foreign exhibitors. It is worth mentioning that international profile forums that are regularly held in our country are important instruments for improvement of quality of production and services provided for Turkmen market.

High technology equipment, instruments, modern construction and decoration materials, computer and communication capabilities, achievements in food industry, success in solution of ecological issues, development of sports and tourism, scientific, personnel and cultural potential have been presented at the forum. In other words, the exhibition presented everything, which forms the image of big city.

Turkmen entrepreneurs and producers specialized in various spheres from agricultural and food industry to construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities, and production of construction materials have demonstrated their capabilities at the review. Their number grows every year in Turkmenistan owing to targeted measures for support and stimulation of private sector of the economy.

Achievements and perspective in urban construction sphere have been demonstrated at exhibition “Development of National Architecture” held in the Exhibition Hall of the State Art Academy in December 6 – 8. The exhibition was organized by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. Students and tutors of profile universities present their works at the exhibition together with professionals.

The contest, which was supposed to find new trends and directions in work of national architects, has been organized under the exhibition. The jury reviewed around 300 works in four nominations: urban construction complexes and ensembles; buildings and facilities; landscape architecture and design of architectural environment; restoration of architectural monuments. The winners of the context have been awarded with the certificates and prizes.

Regular organization of profile forums, which introduce success and achievements of Turkmen economy , especially its construction section to wide world community, serves to establishment and comprehensive expansion of cooperation with all partners.

During the exhibition, foreign businessmen present their proposals on intensification of the cooperation in construction sphere, production of building materials, equipment, etc. In addition, presentation of the companies giving necessary information about their production potential and activity on international market is made. Therefore, managers and specialists as well as entrepreneurs define priority directions of the partnership in this important sphere.