Ï MFA forums indicate versatile activity of Turkmen diplomacy

MFA forums indicate versatile activity of Turkmen diplomacy

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Foreign policy of our country is based on the status of permanent neutrality, which was recognized twice by the Resolutions of the UN General Assembly on December 12, 1995 and June 3, 2015. Following the principles of neutrality, the Head of the State outlined the main vectors of the Concept of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan for 2017 – 2023. It includes the provision of favourable conditions for peaceful and stable development of the state and society, improvement of the role of Turkmenistan and steadfast protection of its national interests in international relations. Objectives fulfilled by the Foreign Ministry in the country and foreign states are aimed at successful solution of set objectives.

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the conference “The Diplomacy of the Great Silk Road: Triumph of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation” on February 17. It was timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country. The speakers at the conference made special mention of steadfast growth and improvement of the authority of our sovereign state in the world arena, its desire to increase cooperation with foreign partners and international cooperation.

Exhibition, which was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the diplomatic missions of foreign states, was the supplement to the exhibition.

On March 20, the Institute of International Relations has celebrated its 10th anniversary. Forum “Diplomacy of Neutral Turkmenistan: From History to the Future” has been organized on this occasion.

Decision of the Head of the State on the foundation of the Institute was important step that put the beginning of the formation of unified system of training of high-qualified personnel for diplomatic services of the country, in the provision of the government structures with specialists involved in the sphere of foreign policy and international relations, in scientific and research activity on fundamental issues of development of the modern world. It was caused by the activation of the activity of Turkmenistan in the world arena, by the process of the wide integration to the system of international relations, which has required new professional knowledges and experience.

For ten year, more than 400 specialists, who work in Government structures, foreign diplomatic missions and consulates, in permanent representatives at international organization, have graduated the Institute.

The Institute focuses its work on active cooperation in exchange of practice and specialists with high educational institutes and diplomatic academies of foreign countries. The Institute regularly holds scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings on various aspects of international agenda with the participation of foreign guests.

During the forum, the speakers mentioned that Turkmenistan is committed to the principles of legal status of permanent neutrality and always proves that goodwill and cooperation for the sake of common interests have always been and remain to be the base for its foreign policy.

It was highlighted in the reports that the initiatives of Turkmen leader o provision of ecological and energy security, formation of continental transit and transport corridors, peaceful regulation of the situation in Afghanistan and development of relative important international legal mechanisms receive the recognition of the world community.

The Resolution of the United Nations Security Council on renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan adopted on March 8 this year is bright evidence to this.

It was mentioned that this important document gives special role to the measures taken by our state for restoration of social and economic infrastructure of neighbouring country. It also makes special mention of the importance of Turkmenistan’s initiatives on international projects in transport and energy, in particular the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline, the Agreement on Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey international transport corridor (Lapis Lazuli Route), construction of the railroad from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan.

Having announced 2018 as the year “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, representatives of our country abroad have organized the event dedicated to the introduction of the world community with the main directions of the strategy of Turkmenistan in transport and logistic sphere, energy diplomacy, achievements of the country in different spheres. It includes round table meetings, briefings, conferences and exhibitions.

International events of cultural aspect have also been held in the context of the slogan of the year. For example, the Institute of International Relations of the MFA hosted scientific conference and exhibition “The Great Silk Road: From Asia to Anatolia” on May 15. It was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey. The representatives of friendly state highlighted in their speeches that proposals of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on restoration of this ancient routes in new quality meet big support of Turkey side.

Cultural event “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road. Touch” was held in Moscow on June 5. Bright performance, which reflected the connection of this caravan route with historical mission of Turkmen state as central link of economic and humanitarian cooperation of countries in the region, has expanded in the halls and on the territory of the Roerich Museum (affiliate of the State Museum of the East). The programme of events included the exhibition of works of Turkmen painters dedicated to the Silk Road as well as the presentation of sing, dance and cuisine of our nation.

International scientific conference “The Heritage of the Great Silk Road and Modern International Relations” timed to the 23rd anniversary of neutral status of Turkmenistan was held in the Trade and Industrial Chamber on December 11.

Heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country as well as Turkmenistan embassies to foreign countries, deputies of the Mejlis, political scientists, representatives of competent structures, public organizations, professors and students of the universities, mass media took part in the forum.

Exhibition that demonstrated the activity of national ministries and departments aimed at the improvement of fruitful cooperation with foreign states as well as diplomatic missions and international organizations working in Turkmenistan was organized under the conference.

The reports presented at the conference gave characteristics to the main milestones and outcomes of the implementation of foreign course of Turkmenistan for 23 years, which was reflected in all spheres of national development, conceptual reforms for modernization of the state and social organization.

It was highlighted in the speech of the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Partnerships with the Middle East and Central Asia Rashid Khalikov that this conference is to make input to the consolidation of peace and global security. It was mentioned in this context that adoption of the Resolution on declaration of December 12 as the International Neutrality Day by the UN General Assembly is the evidence of stable development of Turkmenistan, which makes constructive initiatives and offering its resources and capabilities for successful solution of topical issues.

Foreign strategy of our country is aimed at the prevention of the conflicts by integration of peace, economic development and human rights. The UN appreciates the contribution of Turkmenistan to the expansion of social and economic cooperation, which promotes the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the region, R. Khalikov noted.

In her turn, Head of OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd highlighted that her organization supports the position of neutral Turkmenistan related to the regulation of all disputes between the states by negotiations based on the principles of equal responsibility for peace and security.

Permanent Coordinator of the United Nations Organization in Turkmenistan Elena Panova noted in her speech that the UN Resolution on declaration of December 12 as the International Neutrality Day is the recognition of successful foreign policy of Turkmenistan and neutral status is the factor of provision of global peace, security and prevention of conflicts as well as beneficial cooperation and sustainable development.

The participants of the forum were unanimous in the opinion that following undertaken obligations and pursuing the policy of neutrality, Turkmenistan plays actual role in the issues of non-proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction, improvement of trust and cooperation between the states. Neutral status also gives unique opportunities to the country for active use of efficient peaceful political and diplomatic methods of solution of the conflicts.

The Foreign Ministry carries out integrated work on systematic base for the implementation of foreign policy, which is based on the principles of permanent neutrality, consolidation of the relations with foreign states and reaching of new levels in bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Today, Turkmenistan has diplomatic relations with 146 states of the world and is a member of 47 international organizations. At present time, there are 38 embassies, consulates and permanent representatives of our country to foreign states. Ambassadors of Turkmenistan with the residence in foreign countries officially represent the state in dozens of other countries.

At the same time, 35 embassies, consulates and representative offices of 15 international organizations work on permanent base in our country.

The Laws of Turkmenistan adopted by the initiative of the Head of the State on Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, on Diplomatic Ranks and other legal acts have made legal framework for efficient activity of foreign department of the country abroad.

Therefore, the forums held in 2018 are bright evidence of versatile activity of Turkmen diplomatic service for successful implementation of constructive foreign strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.