Ï Session of Central Asia branch of the Menzibir Ornithology Society is held in Ashgabat

Session of Central Asia branch of the Menzibir Ornithology Society is held in Ashgabat

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National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna hosted annual meeting of the members of Central Asia branch of the Menzibir Ornithology Society. The meetings are held are held annually in December starting from 2007. The goal of this session was the discussion of the results of scientific work for the year, new information about study of birds, outcomes of the expedition for monitoring of rare bird species.

The event has brought together biologists, tutors of universities, experts in biodiversity and bird protection, representatives of public ecological organizations and students. The reports on international activity of Turkmenistan for protection of biodiversity, improvement of protection of rare birds and their habitats have been presented at the meeting. The hosts presented the activity of prominent scientists in this sphere including Professor G. P. Dementyev and Academic A. K. Rustamov in the lecture on the history of development of the ornithology in the country.

In the last two years, the ornithologists of the country took part in several national and international conferences of the countries of the Ramsar Conventions as well as in the forums dedicated to rational use of water resources, protection of environment, regional practice of stable use of hunting resources and protection of fauna.

Partnership of Turkmen ecologists with international programmes for improvement of the management of specially protected territories, state natural reserves and main ornithological lands has been discussed in this context. Successful cooperation of Menzibir Ornithology Society with the UK Royal Society for Protection of Birds and Natural Protection Association of Turkmenistan has been highlighted.

Award of Rustamov’s Prize, which has been instituted by the RSPB for young scientists of Turkmenistan working in the sphere of bird protection, has been held under the meeting. This year, it was awarded to Aziza Beshimova, the Head of the school social club of bird lovers and protection of Dovletly etrap, Lebap Velayat.