Ï Tallymerjen receives international status of cranes and other wetland birds hibernation

Tallymerjen receives international status of cranes and other wetland birds hibernation

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Tallymerjen receives international status of cranes and other wetland birds hibernation
Ecological event dedicated to grey cranes, which are permanently observed in Tejen and Amudarya valleys – the places of permanent hibernation of these birds in Central Asia, was held in Dovletly etrap, Lebap velayat.

The hosts of the Day of Crane gave a lesson, having told to the school students about the protection of cranes in different countries. During the event, representative of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Natural Protection and Land Resources awarded Deputy Hyakim of Dovletly etrap with the Certificate of the Secretary Office of the International Convention for Protection of Migrating Birds proving international status of Tallymejen area as important place of hibernation of cranes and other wetland birds.

Winners of children contest “Crane by the eyes of children” have been named during the event. More than hundred school students took part in art contest. Six best works have been awarded with special prizes. The participants of the event received the badges of the Day of Crane and informational booklets.

The Day of Crane has been held by the initiative of national experts of the working group for study and protection of cranes of Eurasia with the support of Natural Protection Association of Turkmenistan and Menzibir Ornithology Society as well as the administration of Dovletly etrap under the cooperation with the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources and the UK Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.