Ï The Head of the State receives the congratulations from the members of the Government

The Head of the State receives the congratulations from the members of the Government

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On occasion of New Year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received congratulations from the members of the Government of the country.

Congratulating on coming 2019, which would be held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Home of Prosperity”, the participants – the Speaker of the Mejlis, deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, Heads of military and law enforcement agencies, addressed the President of the country with the wishes of strong health, happiness, family prosperity and new impressive success in his versatile state and social activity.

The participants highlighted that 2018, which was held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, was very important for the country. Due to progressive reforms, solid foundation for further improvement of the potential of industrial sector, agricultural complex, transport and communication section, private business has been laid in the country, which is to serve to steadfast improvement of live of Turkmenistan citizens.

Along with high technology branches, big investments are used for intellectual sphere – education, science, information and communication sector, for improvement of equipment and facility base of health protection, culture and sports, which development is priority direction of the state policy that has social direction.

Comfortable residential houses, schools and kindergartens with all modern equipment, modern medical centres and cultural clubs, stadiums and sanatoriums and other important social and economic facilities are built in the country under the implementation of National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for changing of living and social conditions of rural population until 2020.

2018 will enter the history as the time of exclusive important events, which improved the authority of Turkmenistan in the world arena. All activities have been oriented to maximum involvement of the country to international system of coordinates for more efficient use of available rich geo-political, economic, resource and human potential of the country.

Foreign strategy based on the principles of peacefulness, transparency and good will that is steadily implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov directly supports the expansion of beneficial trade and economic partnership and fruitful cultural and humanitarian connections. Following chosen course, which is based on the principle of permanent neutrality, our country steadily improves the relations with all countries of the world and big international organizations.

Last years were marked with growing dynamics of fruitful cooperation with the United Nations Organization and its leading structures. In this regard, the fact of election of Turkmenistan to the members of the UN Economic and Social Council in 2019 – 2021, which opens new opportunities for improvement of productive cooperation in development of balanced solution of present problems, is very remarkable. The proposals of the President are to support the consolidation of common efforts in such topical issues of global agenda as provision of energy and food security, protection and rational use of water resources as well as number of other important subjects.

Today, positive practice and impressive social and economic indicators of our country raise keen interest of the world community. Being one of the first countries, which adapt the Sustainable Development Goals on national level, Turkmenistan actively participates in the implementation of the Global Agenda 2030. Our country carries out this work on systematic base using basic criteria and indicators of the SDGs during development and implementation of the reforms and perspective plans of development.

It was highlighted that Turkmen people is proud of growing importance of peace-making potential of neutral Turkmenistan, which initiatives proposed from the tribunes of big international forums including the UN General Assembly receive understanding and support of the world community, which is indicated by the Resolutions adopted recently and approved and supported by all members of this major international organization.

Expressing sincere gratitude on behalf of all compatriots for scientifically grounded home and foreign policy, the participants assured that being inspired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, they would serve to the nation and Motherland using all their knowledge and experience to solve large-scale objectives planned for 2019, which is declared in our country under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for the congratulations and good wishes, the Head of the State congratulated his associates and all Turkmen people on coming celebration, wished 2019 to be the year of new great achievements and all hopes and desires to come true.

To achieve set objectives, we have big and targeted work, the President noted, having expressed the confidence that all planned large-scale plans would be successfully implemented. Turkmen leader highlighted that bright creative talent and selfless work of our nation, which has confidently demonstrated its unity and solidarity, would be reliable guarantee to this.

At the same time, the President said that care of people is and would be the main priority of the state policy and all what is made in our country is made for provision of deserving life of Turkmenistan citizens and future generations.

Having congratulated again the participants and all Turkmen people on coming New Year, which Turkmenistan welcomes with good hopes, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished health, family wealth, happiness and great success in coming New Year 2019.