Ï The President of Turkmenistan outlines initial results of 2018

The President of Turkmenistan outlines initial results of 2018

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held final session of the Cabinet of Minster of 2018 where initial outcomes of the year have been summed up.

Addressing the participants, Turkmen leader has noted that 51 sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers as well as 41 session of the government level on various subjects have been held this year. 10 foreign visits and 10 visits of the heads of the states and government of other countries to Turkmenistan have been held in the context of foreign policy activity.

Numerous meetings of the President of Turkmenistan with official representatives of foreign states and international organization, official persons on ministerial level, leaders of international and regional organizations, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country as well as leading world companies and corporations have been named among the events that were held during the year.

Political, economic and social subjects have been reviewed at the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers and during visits and international meetings. Following the principles of neutrality, which is legal status of our independent state, relative decisions have been made and documents have been signed.

Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention that comprehensiveness and appropriateness of resolutions and decisions made at the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers, coordinated and targeted activity, wide support of people became the guarantee of success in foreign policy and positive results in the economy.

The President continued that in general, the year was good, successful and rich on various events.

At first, despite the complexity in global economy, our country has strictly followed its course, the President of Turkmenistan stated with delight. This course is oriented to our independence, neutrality and commitment to wide and productive international cooperation and provision of successful life of our people.

Speaking of the achievements in the economy, the President highlighted that 2018 was marked with high rates of growth of national economy. Particularly, increment of production growth has been provided in all branches, high technology production facilities have been put into operation. The country turned into industrially developed state. In general, the outcomes of the year can be outlined as positive, the Head of Turkmenistan said.

Continuing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed on his decision to declare December 31 as off day for good rest and celebration of New Year by Turkmen people. Due to the provision of four day holidays on occasion of coming celebration, the Head of the State has focused on organization of duties and coordinated work of all structures, which provides uninterrupted activity of all relative services in the cities and villages.

The Head of the State ordered the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers to hold the sessions with the heads of the ministries and departments under their supervision on the duties in structural divisions during the holidays. The President also ordered to organize the work of municipal, power and water supply services, health protection facilities, passenger transport, shops on proper level. Heads of law enforcement agencies have been ordered to hold under control the public order in the country.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State signed the Decree on declaration of December 31 as non-working day.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov cordially congratulated the participants on coming New Year, having wished strong health, family happiness and great success in work.