Ï Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere

Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere

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Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Winter school holiday season starts in children recreation centres of Gyokdere
Opening ceremony of winter schools holidays was held at the square of the Children and Youth Palace of the capital. After the ceremony, school students from all velayats went for holidays to recreation centres of Gyokdere. More than 7,000 students will have holidays in 14 facilities. 1,500 young Turkmenistan citizens will spend their winter holidays in 5recreational centres of the velayats of the country.

The ceremony, which is organized annually by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is traditionally accompanied by performance of young artists. This year, the square of the Palace was turned into magic site with decorated New Year tree surrounded by miracle forest decorated with garlands and bright toys.

The children with Ayaz Baba, Garpamyk and other fairy tale characters had dance around the Tree, sang songs and danced. Members of art sections of the Children and Youth Palace – Şatlyk and Gyzyl güljagaz choreographic ensembles as well as young singers, have adorned the celebration with joyful songs and songs. The school students went to the buses in the atmosphere of joy and shortly left toward winter holidays.

The Gyokdere Gorge is one of the most beautiful place of Turkmenistan and favourite camping place of Ashgabat residents. Landscapes of evergreen slopes of the Kopetdag and picks covered with snow in the morning haze seem to be the illustrations of fantastic stories.

During winter holidays, the kids will make tours around picturesque surroundings, museums and attractions of Turkmen capital. In addition, school students will be able to improve their physical training in sport complexes, visit various sections according to their interests including for future designers and craftsmen, to study foreign languages and computers.

New Year performances will be held at the stages of amphitheatres and concert halls of Gyokdere. Children themselves and popular singers, art and theatre collectives of the country will be the participants of these events.