Ï TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in

TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in

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TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
TDH reporter visits one of the military division on the day of swearing-in
Provision of security of the state is priority direction of the Military Doctrine implemented by President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This is the direction, in which further development of the Armed Forces of the country, which are to protect peace, important values of the independence and creative work of the citizens, is implemented.

…Time go fast especially for military personnel as everything is scheduled literally by seconds in well coordinated army life, which is like a single organism. It seems that yesterdays’ school students have left their homes recently and put on military uniform and it is already the time for the most important event in life of every soldier – swearing-in military oath. TDH reporter has visited one of the military divisions of Ahal Velayat on this important day for every soldier.

The soldiers take military oath after the programme of initial military training or as it was said before “young warrior course”. Military swearing-in is unforgettable ceremony in life of every military personnel and it takes place once in lifetime. Depending on the period when young man was enrolled to military service, the ceremony may take place in June or December and this remarkable event stays in the memory forever.

After young man is distributed to certain division of Armed Forces for military service according to his abilities, wishes and preferences, he arrives in the place of service and starts to get military training.

During initial military training, young soldiers had physical training and drill practice, study the regulation of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan. Young men undergo another thorough medical test and receives all necessary vaccinations. Upon arrival of recruiter to the place of service, he receives the uniform, which is adjusted to his size. Young soldier familiarizes with timetable of the military unit and general duties and responsibilities of personnel.

Young man, who received initial training, has to know general duties of military personnel, responsibilities for violations and damage caused to the state, rules of wearing the uniform, provision of personnel with all necessary things, tactical and technical specification of his weapon, regulations of its use and maintenance, personal hygiene and methods of diseases prevention, timetable of his military unit, its history, historical and modern military traditions.

The soldier has to understand the basic military safety and know the words of military oath, which he will have to take soon in front of the State Flag of his country, military colour and line of his fellow soldiers. Therefore, swearing-in is the completion of initial training and marks the beginning of military service.

This is special day for young soldiers. In ceremonial atmosphere in the presence of their families, they give an oath to fulfil their military duty, defend the independence, territorial integrity and constitutional order of Turkmenistan selflessly and bravely.

Entire personnel of the military division is lined up on drill ground on this important day. Officers, sergeants, privates wear parade uniform. Combat colour of the military division is taken out. Sounds of steps of colour bearers are spread around far away.

The commander greets the personnel and congratulate young soldiers on this important event. The State Flag of Turkmenistan is hoisted under the sounds of the National anthem.

Infantry, tank, signal, engineering, artillery, special forces troop personnel stay still in single line. Commanders of the units call out young soldier one by one for swearing-in. having read the text of the oath, soldiers put their signature in relative document and having bent the knee, kiss the edge of the State Flag of Turkmenistan.

After completion of the ceremony by all new soldiers, platoon commanders report to their commanders who, in their turn, report to the commander of the military division who congratulates all military personnel on this remarkable day. Threefold “Hooray!” is sounded.

Traditionally, relatives and friends of young soldiers, who comes to support and congratulate personally their sons, brothers and friends on the beginning of military services, are present at the ceremony. Some guests also make speeches addressing all participants.

After, the soldiers demonstrate the skills of hand-to-hand combat, which they were trained in by the officers. Ceremonial march of all personnel of the division finishes the ceremony. After, military personnel are expected with the concert of song and music ensemble representing the Central Officer Club of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan.

On the next day after the swearing-in, young soldiers start general military and specialized training. Someone will be appointed to different military positions, young men will be involved to fulfilment of military tasks of different character (combat duties, guard duty, etc.). Weapon and military equipment will be assigned personally to him.

- Indeed, the emotions are overwhelming, swearing-in is unbelievable exciting moment, which will stay with me forever. This is very important day for soldier. I wanted to enrol to the army and I think that every real man has to serve and to experience this deservingly, - recruiter Oraz Bayramov said.

Turkmenistan is very young as an independent and neutral state but for this historical period the efforts and care of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have established modern Armed Forces that meet the latest standards and requirements. The main components of Turkmen army are the discipline and patriotism allowing solving various tasks on provision of security and peaceful life of our people shall it is necessary.

Looking at anxious, although precisely and skilfully swearing-in by young soldiers and the awe, with which they kiss the State Flag, you realize that future of the country for them is not just words. Owing our sons and brothers, Turkmenistan will always has clear sky, conditions for our happy life and honest work as they follow sacred the advice of our brave ancestors, keeping the face to the Motherland!