Ï First new year session of the Government of Turkmenistan is held

First new year session of the Government of Turkmenistan is held

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held first session of the Government in 2019 where current issues of the state life have been discussed.

Having announced the agenda, the President gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the structure under his supervision as well as on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State earlier. It was informed that at present time, the facilities under his supervision control the implementation of national development programmes as well as take specific measures for improvement of the activity of organization of financial and economic complex.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the utmost objectives for provision of stable growth of all sections. For successful fulfilment of planned objectives, it is necessary to use available resources, the President continued. Having noted that implementation of the concept of digital economy is one of the main vectors of coming work, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who reported on the situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy complex and on the measures for successful implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030.

Information about work for carried out for increment of oil and gas production including by enhancement of oil well output, wide implementation of advanced drilling and overhaul technologies.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments on further improvement of the management system of oil and gas industry. The Head of the State ordered to analyse the situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy complex including in those that specialized in production of hydrocarbon materials and to use available reserves for stable growth of production and economic indicators.

The President noted that it is necessary to provide coordinated work of relative services for efficient activity of national fuel and energy complex, which is important in satisfaction of the requirements in petroleum products as well as in steadfast improvement of export capabilities of the branch.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayats.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave instructions to pay special attention to improvement of wheat and cotton production, timely and quality agrotechnical activities, improvement of soil condition of arable lands, provision of water for irrigation to the Vice-premier. It was also ordered to prepare to spring sowing campaign comprehensively and on high level.

The Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific instructions for activation of the implementation of advanced methods and management in agrarian section and comprehensive support of entrepreneurship.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the work for development of the Provision on National Maritime Transportation.

The Vice-premier reported that for modernization of the activity of maritime fleet and improvement of transport services, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport together with relevant ministries and departments have developed relative document, according to which Maritime Commercial Fleet CJSV is defined as National maritime carrier.

According to the Merchant Shipping Code of Turkmenistan, the Provision outlines legal, economic and organizational foundations of management in the sphere of transportation, protection of marine environment and other rules of international cooperation.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted strategic importance of Turkmenbashy International Port for all countries of Central Asian region and Caspian basin as comprehensive use of its capabilities brings our states to new level of partnership promoting the integration to international system of economic relations, improvement of the role of Turkmenistan in the system of multimodal communications of the continent.

Advanced infrastructure of Turkmenbashy International Seaport is able to satisfy not only existing but also perspective demand by quality proposal and high-class service. Attaining of full operation capacity will lead to strategic changes in logistic chains of continental cargo transportation with Turkmen transit terminals as the most suitable for shortest and beneficial routes, the President stated.

It is worth mentioning that by the initiative of Turkmen side, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolutions on Transport in 2014, 2015 and 2017, which are aimed at the development of wide international partnership and meeting fundamental interests of all countries and nations, and Turkmenistan takes steadfast measures for their practical implementation.

Having focused on the demand of the increment of number of regular export trips, the Head of the State noted that growth of production potential in the country allows arranging the supply of many local goods abroad and maritime shipping opens new directions for commercial cargo flow.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that increment of volume of cargo transit in Turkmenbashy International Port, expansion of national merchant fleet would make direct effect on increment of share of Turkmenistan in the world trade, diversification of structure of foreign trade turnover and active integration of the country to global economy, having addressed the Vice-premier with the assignments on this account.

Having focused on development digital economy in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State ordered M. Chakiyev to start developing the concept of digital Government.

After, the Vice-premier reported on the measures for production of the cocoons in 2019.

Türkmenýüpek JSV of the Ministry of Textile Industry works on increment of cocoon production for further improvement of material base of silk production industry.

It was informed that relative measures have been taken in this direction together with the hyakimliks of the velayats. Therefore, wide perspectives for provision of silk production facilities with raw material and sale of readymade production in local and foreign markets have been outlined.

In this regard, it was proposed to set the target to produce 2,030 tons of cotton this year including 155 tons in Ahal Velayat, 25 tons in Balkan Velayat, 485 tons in Dashoguz Velayat, 960 tons in Lebap Velayat and 405 tons in Mary Velayat.

Information about current stocking of silkworm eggs by Türkmenýüpek JSV has been presented.

Summing up the report, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our country creates all conditions for successful development of silk production. Today, high quality of local silk yarn makes it competitive product in the world market. It was mainly supported by the fact that facilities of this sphere are provided with the most advanced high technology equipment.

Production volumes and variety of high quality Turkmen silk are steadily increased by production of new readymade items, which successfully replace the production of foreign manufacturers. It is necessary to pay special attention to the development of forage base of silk industry, the President highlighted.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the work for construction of water purifying facilities in Ashgabat.

The Vice-premier informed that at present moment, four water purifying plants and water treatment units operate in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat. It was proposed to build water treatment facilities in Bagtiyarly etrap of Ashgabat and Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat for further uninterrupted provision of the population of capital with pure drinking water.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan adopted the General Programme of provision of residential areas with pure drinking water. Opening of modern water purifying plants and water treatment facilities is a bright example of integrated measures in this direction. In addition, big work for construction and expansion of existing water reserve pools, which allow improving the provision of the country with water resources and accumulating sufficient reserves, is continued.

Having highlighted the subject of construction of new water purifying facilities, the Head of the State pointed out the importance of strict fulfilment of the General Programme, which provides the complex of specific targeted measures, which implementation requires well thought scientific approach.

Having emphasized the importance of large-scale urban construction programme, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the important of the compliance with the main construction criteria – comfort for people, provision of reliability and durability of infrastructural facilities.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the activity of inter-departmental commission for improvement of food provision of the population and regulation of export of food product as well as increment of production capacities of the state and private structures including in import substitutive sphere.

It was said in the report that import of food production has reduced by 27.5 percent in general including meat and sausage products by 39.7 percent, fish production by 33.9 percent, dairy by 59.5 percent, confectionary by 48.5 percent, pastry by 41.9 percent, juices and soft drinks by 94.1 percent.

At the same time, consumer demand on number of imported goods has been studied and work for systematic procurement has been carried out. At present time, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs build livestock farming complexes, facilities for production of sunflower oil, sugar, poultry meat, eggs, etc. Volumes of export of food products made by these facilities are growing.

Summing up the report, Turkmen leader noted growing role of the private sector in import substitution sphere and increment of export potential of the country, having highlighted the importance of support of investment projects implemented in agricultural complex and saturation of local market with high quality agricultural production. The Head of the State also gave instructions for activation of foreign trade relations and search for new foreign channels of sale of the excess of food production made in the country.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation of cultural events and celebrations dedicated to national holidays as well as to opening of production facilities this month.

It was informed that New Year performances are held in the capital and velayats on January 1 – 10, 2019. Music concerts, sport competitions and various contests are organized for children in recreation centres of Gyokdere and all regions of the country. theatres, cinemas and concert centres as well as the State Circus also hold various celebration events.

Gulbaba Child Award ceremony is planned on January 5, opening of the facility for production of polyethylene and polypropylene items in Bayramaly, Mary Velayat on January 9. Opening of hothouse farm for production of 500 tons of vegetables will be held in this region.

On the same day, the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre and velayat centres of the country will host launch ceremony of the events planned under the programme of 2019, which will be held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”.

Art exhibition and scientific and practical conference will be held in the State Art Academy on January 14 and ceremonial events dedicated to the Motherland Defender Day will be held on January 27.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all cultural and public events in the country have to represent national art and rich heritage of our nation in its full variety and to promote their wide popularization.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the activity for implementation of the reforms in education, science, health protection, sports and youth affairs.

The Vice-premier mentioned that at present time, the work for introduction of digital economy to all spheres on national economy, active implementation of scientific developments is carried out, which has special importance in modernization of the activity of all branches.

Giving instructions to the Vice-premier on creation of necessary conditions for the formation of intellectually, physically and spiritually developed generation, provision of actual input of science to rapid diversification and stable economic development of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of close relations between academic circles, production and education.

Having focused on the objectives of introduction of digital economy in the country and development of information and communication technologies, the Head of the State noted growing importance of this sector in the improvement of the GDP and influence on quality of life of the population, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the fulfilment of assignments given by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the session of the Government on December 20, 2018. In particular, the information about practical measures for development of multilateral cooperation with countries of Central and South Asia, Middle and Near East as well as creation of new structure of regional relations has been presented.

It was informed that at present time, Turkmen side together with foreign departments of the states of the above-mentioned regions study the potential of improvement of the partnership. In improvement of interstate relations, special role is given to the activity of Central Asia – India Dialog, which objective is to create new capabilities for expansion of the cooperation between the countries of this structure taking into account modern political and economic trends based on old friendly relations, similarity of traditions, historical, cultural and spiritual values.

It is planned to review the subject of further development of the contacts in political, diplomatic, trade, economic, scientific and technology spheres as well as in educational and cultural fields on regular and systematic base under the Dialog. For this purpose, it is planned to make proposal on invitation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to participate in the activity of this structure.

Such format of cooperation opens big opportunities for expansion of multilateral cooperation, practical implementation of the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and major international and regional projects. In this context, the information about the preparation to the first session of the head of foreign departments of the country members of Central Asia – India Dialog, which would be held in Samarkand (The Republic of Uzbekistan) on January 12 – 13, has been presented. The agenda will include the subjects of consolidation of economic and humanitarian contacts between the states of Central Asia and India as well as implementation of regional projects with the participation of Afghanistan.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that foreign course of Turkmenistan makes positive effect on consolidation of fruitful relations in Central Asia, Middle and Near East. South Asia is traditionally important region for our country. Building the relations with India based on the principles of mutual respect, our state sees it as important political, trade and economic partner, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having highlighted that improvement of multilateral cooperation under this structure is very important in the aspect of entry of Central Asian countries to Indian Ocean. Cooperation under the Dialog is to support further expansion of productive contacts and establishment of close relations in different spheres between the states of the region, the Head of Turkmenistan noted, having addressed the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister with specific instruction regarding the participation in coming session.

Continuing, the President stated increased role of energy, transport and water diplomacy. In this sphere, Turkmen side has already gained the experience, Turkmen leader said, having focused that at present time, it is necessary to develop actual forms of regional and international cooperation in these directions, which is based on the principles of equal rights, mutual respect and responsibility, with the participation of all countries.

Following this point of view, Turkmenistan always stands for the solution of these issues based on universal standards of international law taking into account the interests of all states in the region and with the participation of competent organization especially the United Nations. Constructive initiatives proposed by Turkmenistan in the world arena, number of Resolutions adopted by the UN by our proposal are good examples to this, the Head of the State noted, having ordered the Vice-premier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs to develop long-term programmes of international meetings and forums n practical implementation of the initiatives of Turkmenistan supported by the world community.

At first, these measures have to be aimed at the creation of modern transport corridors, water diplomacy, provision of energy security and anniversary of our neutrality, the President of Turkmenistan said, having ordered to establish relevant organizational committees and select the places of the forums.

Addressing Vice-premier G. Myradov, the Head of the State ordered to carry out relative work for organization of planned events. The Head of Turkmenistan addressed Vice-premiers E. Orazgeldiyev, D. Amangeldiyev and R. Meredov with number of certain instructions for organization of coming forums on proper level.

After, the floor was given to Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova who informed about the work of the Parliament for further improvement national legislation.

The President of the country highlighted that systematic improvement legislation base is an integral factor of steadfast development of the country at modern stage.

All laws have to be aimed at successful implementation of the reforms, consolidation of unity and solidarity of Turkmen society and its democratic foundations. At the same time, the Head of the State noted that deputies has to work on sites and explain the importance and meaning of legal acts. They have to cooperate with local authorities for solution of the issues of social and economic development of their electoral districts.

Other subjects of the state life, on which relevant decisions were made, have been reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.