Ï Turkmen delegation to take part in the session of Central Asia – India Dialog in Samarkand

Turkmen delegation to take part in the session of Central Asia – India Dialog in Samarkand

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The information about the measures for development of multilateral cooperation with the countries of South and Central Asia, Middle and Near East as well for creation of new structure of interregional relations has been presented at the session of the Government on January 4.

Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov informed that at present time, Turkmen side together with foreign departments of the states of the above-mentioned regions study the potential of improvement of the partnership. In improvement of interstate relations, special role is given to the activity of Central Asia – India Dialog, which objective is to create new capabilities for expansion of the cooperation between the countries of this structure taking into account modern political and economic trends based on old friendly relations, similarity of traditions, historical, cultural and spiritual values.

It is planned to review the subject of further development of the contacts in political, diplomatic, trade, economic, scientific and technology spheres as well as in educational and cultural fields on regular and systematic base under the Dialog. For this purpose, it is planned to make proposal on invitation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to participate in the activity of this structure.

Such format of cooperation opens big opportunities for expansion of multilateral cooperation, practical implementation of the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and major international and regional projects. In this context, the information about the preparation to the first session of the head of foreign departments of the country members of Central Asia – India Dialog, which would be held in Samarkand (The Republic of Uzbekistan) on January 12 – 13, has been presented. The agenda will include the subjects of consolidation of economic and humanitarian contacts between the states of Central Asia and India as well as implementation of regional projects with the participation of Afghanistan.

In this regard, the Head of the State noted that foreign course of Turkmenistan makes positive effect on consolidation of fruitful relations in Central Asia, Middle and Near East. South Asia is traditionally important region for our country. Building the relations with India based on the principles of mutual respect, our state sees it as important political, trade and economic partner, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having highlighted that improvement of multilateral cooperation under this structure is very important in the aspect of entry of Central Asian countries to Indian Ocean. It was mentioned that cooperation under the Dialog is to support further expansion of productive contacts and establishment of close relations in different spheres between the states of the region.