Ï Provision on National Maritime Carriers is under development

Provision on National Maritime Carriers is under development

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Vice-premier M. Chakiyev informed the Head of the State on development of the Provision on National Maritime Carriers at the first session of the Government this year.

It was reported that for modernization of the activity of maritime fleet and improvement of transport services, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport together with relevant ministries and departments have developed relative document, according to which Maritime Commercial Fleet CJSV is defined as National Maritime Carrier.

According to the Merchant Shipping Code of Turkmenistan, the Provision outlines legal, economic and organizational foundations of management in the sphere of transportation, protection of marine environment and other rules of international cooperation.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted strategic importance of Turkmenbashy International Port for all countries of Central Asian region and Caspian basin as comprehensive use of its capabilities brings our states to new level of partnership promoting the integration to international system of economic relations, improvement of the role of Turkmenistan in the system of multimodal communications of the continent.