Ï The President of Turkmenistan outlines the priorities of integrated development of Ashgabat

The President of Turkmenistan outlines the priorities of integrated development of Ashgabat

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip around the capital and inspected the projects of further architectural and infrastructural development of the city prepared under investment and construction programme at the request of the Hyakim of Ashgabat.

Successful implementation of social and economic strategy of Turkmenistan, major projects of international significance, industrialization of national economy allow our country making big investments to large-scale urban construction. This is brightly indicated by rapidly growing Ashgabat, which receive new architectural ensembles, entire districts and streets. The city expands its borders and grows up revealing itself to the world and striking with its beauty, for which he received many epithets.

Issues related to the changes in the main city of the country, creation of favourable conditions for people’s life are always under attention of Turkmen leader. Making regular inspections of construction sites and paying unremitting attention to the measures for modernization of all urban systems of life support, the President of Turkmenistan highlights that compliance with modern requirements and standards including quality, aesthetical and ecological ones, innovative long-term approach are the main criteria of these works.

In the morning, the Head of the State came to Choganly residential estate where some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, Hyakim of Ashgabat and other officials including the management of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, State Architectural and Construction Institute have gathered.

The President went to special pavilion with the exposition of the models and drawings of the facilities proposed to be built in various areas of the city.

In particular, project designs of the complex of administration and social facilities and residential buildings, which are planned to be built in Bagtiyarlyk etrap in 2020 – 2030, have been presented to the attention of Turkmen leader.

This major social facility provides the construction of entire complex including local administration and other municipal buildings, service sphere and other social facilities.

It is planned to build 8 kindergartens for 320 children each, which makes total for 2,560 children, six secondary schools for 960 students each making 5,760 students all together, as well as Cultural Club, two clinics and wedding hall.

All of these were presented in various options of layout and location on detailed schematic drawings.

For example, one of the options proposed to locate 184 houses on 564 hectares: 15- and 9-storey buildings for 16,614 apartments or 74,800 residents.

72 15-storey buildings will have 88 apartments each where 28 apartments will have 3 rooms, 60 – 4 rooms and will accommodate 3,336 families.

66 9-storey buildings will have the same capacity. They will have 96 apartments each (60 – 3-room and 36 – 4-room apartments).

Other two blocks of 9-storey buildings will have almost 4,000 apartments.

In addition, it is planned to build parking lots, public service facilities, sport complex for 1,500 people and children creativity centre, park with total area of 48 hectares, infrastructural, road and transport facilities, municipal service and shopping outlets, engineering and communication networks and roads inside the blocks.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov studied the projects of new buildings of Turkmen National Conservatory and D. Ovezov Musical School in Ashgabat, which are planned to be located opposite Alem Cultural and Entertainment Centre on 10-Yil Abadanchylyk Street or according to the second option, on Archabyl Avenue opposite Mir 7 living estate. According to the general plan, the complex of training facilities will also include concert halls, hostels, sport centre and stadium, recreation zone and parking lots in addition to the main buildings.

Concepts of construction of additional buildings for the State Art Academy, training centre of the State Medical University and two hostels, multilevel parking and flower market have been presented.

The Head of Turkmenistan has paid special attention to the projects of big residential complexes with various buildings including those that are planned to be built in Kyoshi it is also planned to build kindergartens and schools, clinic for 40,000 patients per year, to make parks and green zones in this rapidly growing district of the city.

Having studied in detail presented models, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that self-sufficiency of organization of living environment of urban space has to be the main concept of further development of the capital in order to the population would have the opportunity to work, study, rest do sports and arts, use modern services of trade, entertainment and health improving services, which have to be in a walking distance.

The Head of the State made remarks on architectural appearance of the buildings and facilities as well as on planning solutions. There are standards of permissible distance between the buildings, industrial zones and residential areas, transport facilities. This is very critical from seismic safety and sanitary and hygiene standards point of view. This requirement is the guarantee of comfortable and peaceful living of the citizens, Turkmen leader highlighted.

Addressing relative officials, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to study advanced world practice and modern methodology in this sphere, to introduce proper regulations, which are mandatory during development of the construction and planning projects residential buildings and kindergartens has to be remoted from the highways, first from the safety, comfort of people, favourable environment and reduction of noise point of view.

All these details have to be considered at planning stage of future facilities, the President said, having ordered to form up special group for comprehensive expertise of construction projects.

Continuing the conversation, the Head of the State mentioned that rational organization of urban infrastructure has to be based on the position of systematic and integrated approach, professional management and control. Avaza National tourist zone with well thought system of operation of transport and communication and other systems has been brought as an example of such organization by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Aesthetic image of the city is also very important, therefore, monotony should be avoided in urban construction, the President noted. New architectural projects have to be original and expressive. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the elements of national decorative and applied arts and modern interesting solutions in design of buildings and constructions.

The Head of the State gave separate instructions on decoration of streets, squares and parks with sculptures and art compositions reflecting Turkmen culture, its richness and traditions. The exterior of high-raise buildings can be beneficially decorated by mosaic panels. The main thing is not just to build the facilities but also to create new space with it, to transform the space in a way that people would feel comfortable.

Presented projects require considerable elaboration, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Summing up the main remarks and conceptual recommendations, the Head of the State urged the officials to study best foreign practice more actively, to analyse the principles of efficient organization of urban administration in developed countries and to apply modern technologies including solar energy, for example. Atmospheric precipitations can also be used wisely – rainwater collection system can be used for watering of lawns.

Our capital - white-marble Ashgabat, has not only be beautiful and comfort city but also true innovative megacity. It has to be reflected in uninterrupted work of all life support systems and it its appearance, Turkmen leader highlighted. For this purpose, it is necessary to attract young creatively thinking specialists including students of Architectural and Construction Institute and the Art Academy.

We have good educational background for educating our own personnel potential in urban construction sphere, which has to be used and developed more comprehensively stimulating art initiative, creativity and innovative thinking of young architects, designers, engineers, the Head of the State noted, giving instructions on this account.

New facilities of Ashgabat, either residential areas or administration complexes and architectural and landscape ensembles, have to be deserving continuation of beautiful scenery of our capital, the President said. We build modern, dynamic, open and radiant city. Therefore, it is very important to create all conditions for ideal cleanness and order comfort and life quality of people in the city.

The Head of the State has also focused on the ecological issues of the capital, plantation of trees, implementation of advanced mechanisms of improvement of the environment, resource and energy saving technologies, successful world practices in this field.

Summing up the results of review and discussion of presented projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific orders to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev on infrastructural development of Ashgabat, modernization of its road and transport network, planning of the city, creation of comfortable conditions for the residents and guests. In particular, priority directions of urban construction concept, which require special attention and efforts, have been given.

Together with the above-mentioned expert group and specialist of different profile, it is necessary to review all subjects of development of architectural and construction projects on systematic base starting from geodesic surveys to design of the constructions with national style. The circle of these subjects has to include ecological planning, engineering and technological analysis of future facilities taking into account natural and climate conditions including such factors as direction of prevailing winds, solar beams on the buildings, etc.

Large investments are drawn for formation of modern social and economic infrastructure, which is to provide the most favourable conditions for people’s life, their creative work under programmes of fundamental changes in our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

New villages that have been built in different parts of the country, renewed image of etrap cities and administration centres of the velayats, architectural and construction releases, which serve as visual embodiment of the state policy of Turkmenistan, are specific outcome of large-scale reforms expanded all around the country the main priority of this policy is to care comprehensively of the wealth of people, every family and every citizen.

In general, all of these indicate huge success of our country, the achievements in different spheres of the state and social life, which turned into benefits of modern civilization and improvement of life level for Turkmen citizens, even for those who live in remote areas.

Long-term effect from the implementation of urban construction programme in Ashgabat has to match the status of the capital of prosperous, highly developed, strong state, the President highlighted. Having wished success in solution of outlined objectives to the officials, the Head of the State left the place of event.