Ï The President of Turkmenistan inspects the work of subsidiary farms of security forces

The President of Turkmenistan inspects the work of subsidiary farms of security forces

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The President of Turkmenistan inspects the work of subsidiary farms of security forces
President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held offsite working session with the participation of the members of the State Security Council and inspected the situation at the facilities of Administration Department of the Ministry of Interior.

In the morning, the Head of the State came to the place of the session where Turkmen leader was greeted by the commanders of military and law enforcement agencies.

The President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country received the report from Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev.

After, the Head of the State inspected the situation at livestock farming complex. Minister of Interior I. Muliov reported on the activity of subsidiary Administration Department, which includes several facilities.

Livestock farm of the Ministry of Interior has around 360 cattle. It has all conditions for proper care of animals including new-born calves.

Organization of technological process of milking of cows also meet the requirements. Work of veterinary service, which is responsible to support the health of animals, improvement of nutrition of milk is on high level. At the same time, practical measures for regular supplement of the forage base are taken. For this purpose, special agricultural crops, in particular barley, clover and corn are cultivated at the fields of subsidiary farm.

Having expressed the satisfaction with the level of works, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of further expansion of livestock farming and agriculture in relative structures of security forces.

After, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the interest in development of poultry farming in subsidiary farms of military and law enforcement agencies. Various breeds of domestic birds, which are bred in subsidiary farm of the Ministry of Defence including chicken, ducks, geese, quails and Guinea fowls, have been shown to the President.

The attention of Turkmen leader was attracted by service dogs of the State Border Guard Service. The President expressed the interest in special features of breeding of dog and in their training.

Throughout centuries-old history of our nation, Turkmen alabay has been loyal friend and strong and brave defender, with which one can feel safe. At the same time, unlimited faith and trust ae very typical for this breed of dogs.

Speaking of economic viability of breeding of livestock and poultry at subsidiary farms of military and law enforcement structures, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of care of animals in labour education of young soldiers.

Provision of food abundance by maximum involvement of available resources and potential is among priority vectors of the state policy. Creation of high profitable subsidiary farms in different structures and branches support successful solution of this subject. Livestock farming complex of the Ministry of Interior and subsidiary farms of other security forces are bright examples of it.

Production capacities of every facility as well as gradual growth of volumes of production allow full provision of foodstuff to personnel of military and law enforcement agencies as well as making the input to the improvement of food safety of the country.

After, the President looked around the exhibition of goods of the facilities of security forces. Samples of parade and casual uniform of military personnel produced by sewing workshops of the Ministries of Interior and Defence, which is distinguished by durability and comfort. Special attention is given to the selection of colour scales, texture of environmentally clean fabrics depending on the season during design of military uniform.

Different types of special equipment including fire fighting means made by innovative methods, which are used for fire prevention of high level, have also been demonstrated.

Goods of production facilities of defence department including various types of plastic items made from the materials of petrochemical complex in Kiyanly, which was opened with the participation of the Head of the State, have been presented in separate exposition. Spare parts for military equipment and other necessary devices have also been presented there.

Upholsters for vehicle and ship seats, various types of equipment, camouflage nets for military equipment were among the production of subsidiary facilities of the State Border Guard Service.

Wide variety of agricultural production has also been presented at the exhibition. More than 100,000 seedlings including fruits and berries are cultivated on allocated 150 hectares. Production of processing facility are also presented in wide variety.

By the way, local subsidiary facility has 600 cattle and 10,000 sheep. Milk and dairy production is processed by the recipes of traditional national cuisine.

Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev informed that pharmaceutical drugs on natural base are made from the herbs growing in frontier zone based on the method described in book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan”.

Samples of the harvest picked from pistachio and walnut trees growing in mountain area have been presented at the exhibition. Work in this direction is not only economically favourable but also provides high nutrition products to elative structures.

After, Turkmen leader looked around the exposition of the State Custom Service, which subsidiary farm has 50,000 chicken. It was mentioned that last year, 11 million eggs have been produced, which made positive effect on improvement of profitability of self-sustainable divisions of the Service.

In addition, different construction materials made in subsidiary facilities of other military and law enforcement structures of the country have been presented at the exhibition. Establishment of production structures in military divisions will improve their provision with necessary things.

Food production like meat, cold cuts and dairy occupies the main place in the exposition. This is another evidence that together with other goods, subsidiary farms of security forces pay great attention to production of foodstuff.

Taking into account production potential of military and law enforcement agencies of the country, it would be reasonable to continue this work on systematic base, the Head of the State noted. Together with military activity, it is necessary to pay special attention to improvement of desire of military personnel and young soldiers to do different work, craft, agriculture and livestock breeding, which will help to many of them to choose the profession upon completion of the service.

The President of Turkmenistan looked around the samples of transport vehicles of the Ministry of Interior presented at the exhibition. It includes portable porta cabins. Having expressed the interest in technical specification of the porta cabins, Turkmen leader noted that this type of transport is on high demand during field drills of personnel of military and law enforcement agencies.

After, Minister of Interior I. Mulikov on behalf of all personnel of the Ministry presented the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces with a foal, which was born on the first day of New Year, and asked to give a name to it.

Taking into consideration that ahalteke foal was born in the year, which slogan is “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov named it “Rovach” (Prosperity).

This name is related to the belief of Turkmen nation in successful promotion of our Motherland along the way of progress and creativity as for our people, which has wise saying “At – myrat”, the birth of sorrel foal in the beginning of the year, which thought to be a good sign for Turkmens, marks the prosperity.

After, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country held offsite session where issues related to activity of subsidiary farms of military and law enforcement agencies including by opening of modern production facilities, farming and livestock complexes have been discussed.

Heads of security forces reported on the situation in the structures under their supervision and fulfilment of the assignments given previously by the Head of Turkmenistan. The information about practical measures for improvement of subsidiary facilities of some military and enforcement agencies has been presented.

It was informed that at present time, relative ministries and departments have livestock farming complexes under their jurisdiction. At the same time, the Administration departments work on development of poultry farming, horse breeding and beekeeping.

Security forces of the country also have hothouse farms where different fruits and vegetables are grown.

Summing up the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of the appropriateness of using of free lands near water sources for farming and livestock breeding by relative divisions of military and law enforcement agencies.

Speaking of the necessity to expand the territory of subsidiary farms, the President has ordered to study the opportunity to increase the production of different fruits and vegetables.

The Head of the State outlined the necessity to grow the seedling of different trees among priority objectives. The President noted that it would be the contribution to the environmental protection.

Having wished everyone strong health, prosperity and success in solution of set objectives, President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said goodbye to the members of the State Security Council and left the place of event.