Ï Test runs start at the GTL plant

Test runs start at the GTL plant

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip to Ahal Velayat where he inspected the construction of major facility of fuel and energy complex of the country – the plant for production of gasoline from natural plant, which is under construction in Owadandepe.

In the morning, the President of Turkmenistan arrived by vehicle to new industrial giant, which is planned to be put into operation this year. The Head of the State had a brief session where different aspects of energy strategy of the country have been discussed, current objectives for leading branch of national economy in the nearest future have been outlined.

Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the work for further steadfast development of oil and gas complex including gas processing section, increment of production volumes of petrochemicals, which is on high demand by local and foreign consumers, expansion of variety of such production and attraction of foreign investments to fuel and energy complex.

Having reported that construction and installation works at the GTL plant in Ahal Velayat have been completed, the Vice-premier asked Turkmen leader to give a start to test runs of new facility.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that owing to huge natural reserves, industrial and scientific potential, fuel and energy complex takes leading position in national economy. Implementation of latest achievements of scientific and technical progress, advanced technologies and modern equipment in this sphere will strengthen the positions of the country in the world energy markets.

In this context, the importance of unique, the only in the world plant for production of environmentally friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas, which is to expand export capabilities of Turkmenistan significantly, has been mentioned.

The Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to hold commissioning works at the facilities under permanent control and to provide the compliance of these works to international standards. The President has also requested to pay special attention to training of qualified personnel for work at modern facilities of the branch.

Director of the GTL plant D. Sapbayev reported on the main phases of the project implementation and situation at the facilities of new industrial cmplex.

Photo illustrations and technical drawings giving visual image of new facility have been presented to the attention of the Head of the State.

The complex is built by joint efforts of the State Concern Turkmengas and consortium of the companies «Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.» (Japan) and «Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri Inşaat Sanaýi ve Ticaret A.Ş.» (Turkey). It is worth reminding that relative Agreement has been signed during official visit of the Preisdent of Turkmenistan to Japan in September 2013. Construcation launching ceremony was held with the participation of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in August 2014.

Super modern petrochemical plant provided with latest equipment and advanced technologies from the famous world manufacturers will process 1,785,000,000 cubic meters of gas and produce 600,000 tons of A-92 (RON-92) gasoline per year, which meets the highest ecological requirement, as well as 12,000 tons of purified diesel fuel and 115,000 tons of liquefied gas. Total cost of this investment project is almost 1,700,000,000 US dollars. It is financed by the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation ((JBIC). It is remarkable that around 800 working places will be created after opening of the facility in 2019.

The facility includes four main technological installations – methanol and gasoline synthesis and improvement of quality of vehicle fuel. All processes are automated and operated from central control room. Auxiliary service for production of the components such as compressed air, nitrogen and oxygen necessary for technological process also operate at the plant. It also has the facilities for treatment of technological condensate, electrical substation and other.

The Director of the plant informed that personnel of new facility had special training course and is ready for commissioning works. On behalf of all personnel of fuel and energy complex, he expressed deep gratitude to the Head of the State for construction of such modern infrastructural facility with the most comfortable working conditions.

Having highlighted that entering of petrochemical complex to full designed output capacity and efficient use of all capabilities directly depends on the level of qualification of specialists, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed number of assignments on this account.

It is worth mentioning that new facility of national fuel and energy complex built in Ahal velayat is unique by many parameters. For the first time in the world practice, it will implement the distillation of natural gas to liquid fuel in industrial scales. The GTG, gas-to-gasoline, project is based on IGAS™ technology developed by Dutch company Haldor Topsоe, which allows to produce high quality gasoline with minimum energy losses and environmental impact using high efficient catalysts.

Synthetic gasoline is not only competitive alternative to traditional gasoline received from oil refining but also new type of energy carrier. It can be used both as fuel for vehicles without changing the construction of the engine and in addition, is suitable for dissolution of high viscosity oil as well as for blending with gasoline fractions received during refinery process, which gives an opportunity to produce wide range of ecological fuel.

Representative of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Key Noumura introduced the main stages of production of synthetic liquid hydrocarbons to the Head of the State. it Was mentioned that during the conversation that technology of gasoline production from natural gas was successfully tested on relative pilot installation in laboratory conditions. Today, due to far-seeing decision of National leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the GTG technologu is implemented in Turkmenistan in commercial scale for the first time in the world.

In the beginning, natural gas received from the main pipeline will be cleaned from additives (sulphur and sulphur containing components). After, the gas is separated by the catalysts into hydrogen (H) and carbon monoxide (CO). These are the main components, which allows making almost any hydrocarbon production depending on the catalyst.

Reactor of auto thermal reforming is the main equipment for production of synthetic gas. Another component – pure oxygen, is required in this process. The oxygen is produced at air separator unit. Pure oxygen and natural gas are supplied to the reactor where they are burnt in swirl flame at the temperature above 1,000 Celsius degrees. Such reaction is exothermic and produced heat is used for production of steam.

After, having gone through special chillers, the gas is delivered under pressure to synthesis reactors. After, methanol is delivered to gasoline synthesis section, which includes six reactors, where operations for separation, fractioning, regeneration, improvement of quality and mixing of final production to gasoline are carried out. Special catalysts are placed inside these reactors.

In general, part of technology train is similar to traditional technology of gasoline production – the material undergoes the isomerisation process and separated to light and heavy fractions. Light gasoline goes to three tanks designated for ready-made production. The volume of each tank is 18,000 cubic meters. Heavy fractions go back of recycle processing.

Test runs of water treatment, steam and power production systems have already been completed. These units are successfully used by the engineers of the State Concern Turkmengas. At present, thorough preparation to test works at the gasoline production unit is carried out.

Finishing the presentation, representative of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd on behalf of the management of his company assured the President of Turkmenistan that all works at the facility would be performed with high quality.

The Head of Turkmenistan stated with delight productive character of cooperation between Turkmenistan and largest Japanese corporation, having noted that today, these traditional business relations enter new level successfully developing in wide spectrum of directions.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the work of the Ministry, which is focused on energy diplomacy, implementation of the initiatives of the Head of the State related to the formation of modern architecture of global energy security.

It was mentioned that Turkmenistan stands for wide international cooperation in this strategic sphere, development of new models, which are to turn multilateral energy dialog to drive engine of the world development based on the balance of interests of all participants – the suppliers, transporters and consumers of energy resources, provision of equal, uninterrupted and guaranteed access to sources of energy and transportation methods.

Creative initiatives of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who repeatedly expanded the position of our state on the above-mentioned subjects from the tribune of the UN, have found understanding and recognition of the world community, which was set out twice in the Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly.

Subjects related to energy range of issues, formation of new architecture of global energy security, international legal base of cooperation in energy sphere meeting the realities of the third millennium have been discussed several times at international forums held in Turkmenistan.

At the same time, the partnership with Energy Charter is worth to be highlighted. For example, Forum “Reliable and Stable Transit of Energy Carriers” and the first international meeting of the experts on this subject have been organized together with specialized structure in Turkmen capital in December 2014.

Today, integrated approach to the solutions of problems of energy security is required to provide its global security. In other words, it is important to develop political format of relations and mechanism of creation of organizational conditions for systematic, professional discussion of entire range of subjects of energy issues.

In this regard, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed to found special authority – the UN Energy Council, as well as the UN expert Group on Energy Security. According to Turkmenistan, current situation in this sector of the world economy dictates the necessity of development and adoption of relative UN Convention.

In this aspect, Forum of the International Energy Charter “Toward Multilateral Framework Agreement on Transit of Energy Resources”, which was held in May 2017 under the chairing of Turkmenistan on the Energy Charter Conference, was important measure. Fina document of the forum in Ashgabat was published in official languages of the United Nations as official document of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly.

Turkmenistan repeatedly initiated major energy projects that have important regional and global significance. It includes the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline, which will not only allow increasing export potential of national fuel and energy complex but also will support the revival of economic and social infrastructure of neighbouring Afghanistan and its integration to modern system of the world economic relations, improvement of energy security and economic stability in the region, will make new perspectives for development of fruitful cooperation.

The Resolution making special mention of the importance of Turkmenistan’s initiatives on international projects in transport and energy spheres, in particular the construction of the TAPI gas line, Kerky – Imamnazar – Akina railway, Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor, has been adopted at the session of the UN Security Council in March 2018. The UN Security Council officially urged all members of the United Nations to support these projects and to assist to their efficient implementation.

Summing up what was said above, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that wide interested cooperation in energy sector is one of the most important factors of stable and steadfast development of global processes in XXI century. Having colossal energy potential and trying to implement this potential for the common sake, our country does steadfast work for the implementation of the initiatives in provision of energy security, demonstrates practically the appropriateness and efficiency of these ideas. Large-scale projects for creation of multidimensional energy infrastructure implemented by Turkmenistan are visual confirmation t this.

Neutral Turkmenistan would continue taking most active part in constructive solution of the issues that have strategic importance in the context off the provision of global peace, prosperity and sustainable development, the Head of the State said.

In this regard, the President of the country gave number of certain assignments to the Vice-premier on further intensification of productive dialog in energy sphere with the participation of all interested sides including in the format of competent organizations and structures.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, the Foreign minister reported on key subjects of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation including in political and diplomatic, trade and economic, scientific, technical and investment spheres.

The Vice-premier has also informed on planned visit of Co-chairman of Joint Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation, Head of ITOCHU Corporation Yoichi Kobayashi to Turkmenistan.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that intensification of versatile cooperation with Japan is one of priority directions in the context of development of constructive dialog between Turkmenistan and Asian Pacific countries. Having stated with delight dynamic and traditionally friendly character of bilateral relations with Japan, the President noted that this partnership, which is built on long-term and beneficial base, gains new stimulus and specific content every year.

Completion of the construction and putting into operation of the plant for production of synthetic gasoline would be another significant evidence of high efficiency of energy strategy of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

At the same time, the Head of the State highlighted that Turkmenistan would continue focusing on creation of scientifically based production facilities and active implementation of high efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, innovative developments and know-hows. Having taken the course toward the industrialization and diversification of the economy, our country welcomes investment activity of Japanese partners, the President said.

In this context, the Head of the State gave assignments to relative officials on intensification of Turkmen – Japanese economic cooperation and investment activity where oil and gas processing and industrial sectors as well as improvement of the relations between financial and banking structures, small and medium business, science and education are priority vectors.

In his turn, Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas affairs Ya. Kakayev reported on the situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy complex, on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State for modernization of work of the complex and bringing of it to the compliance with modern requirements.

Having highlighted the importance of scientific and integrated approach to solution of all set objectives in this sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is reasonable to introduce the technology used at new facilities for production of synthetic fuel to educational programme of relative departments of International Oil and Gas University.

After, the President of Turkmenistan looked around the main production sections of the plant, having expressed detailed interest in different activities of future production and capabilities of its further development.

In particular, the specialists told that the most advanced equipment from the leading world manufacturers of USA, UK, France, Holland, Sweden, Japan, Korea, India and other countries has been bought for the facility. For example, the reactors were supplied by Dutch Haldor Topsоe and Japanese Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Powerful compressors were delivered by Mitsubishi, programme software for production operation was developed by Yokogawa, diesel generators by German heavy machinery company MAN.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to catalytic reforming installation, which is the central base part of entire technological process. Manager, representative of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd K. Noumura informed in details about the work of the unit. The technology developed by Dutch Haldor Topsоe provides high output production of gasoline, more than 85 percent. Liquefied petroleum gas, which share in total volume of received production is around 11 – 13 percent, is the second important product. Therefore, high efficiency of entire production is achieved.

With regards to the said above, it is necessary to mention that synthetic fuel produced by the facility would be distinguished by almost ideal ecological characteristics. It will not have neither sulphur compound nor nitrogen contained organic compounds, which are very harmful for the environment.

In this aspect, it is also necessary to highlight that provision of energy security of the country are also considered in close connection with ecological problems. Big work is carried out in this field and it brings the results, which is confirmed by international experts. For example, British BP provides the information in its BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2018, according to which the volume of atmospheric emission of harmful substances (carbon dioxide) has reduced by 30 percent in our country since 2007. At the same time, dozens of big industrial facilities including in oil and gas, chemical, textile, power energy and construction industry have been put into operation in Turkmenistan for the past ten year.

According to the forecasts in energy sphere, the importance of natural gas in development of the world economy will grow in the future. Hence, our country having colossal reserves of gas would play significant role in the world energy market, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Following this, actual measures for increment of volumes of oil and gas production, expansion of the geography of export supplies of energy carriers to international markets are taken. The work for diversification of gas sphere gains wider scale, the potential of this important segment of national economy is steadily increased by the construction of new petrochemical production facilities.

Speaking of the necessity of further development of national petrochemical industry, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to provide the capabilities for production of A95 gasoline during the development of the second phase of construction of the complex.

The Head of Turkmenistan noted that creation of optimum conditions for efficient work of the specialists, training of professional personnel as well as planning of surrounding territory on proper level are important criteria, having given the instructions to relative officials on this account.

Having said warm goodbye to the participants, the Head of the State left the place of event.