Ï Priorities of the state development are discussed at the session of the Government

Priorities of the state development are discussed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers where the subjects of the state economic and social policy have been discussed, new projects and other utmost issues of implementation of national programmes have been reviewed and number of documents have been adopted.

First, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision as well as on integrated measures taken for improvement of banking system of the country. It was informed that advanced methods of non-cash payments are applied for the expansion of the spectrum of services and improvement of quality of these services.

At present, number of users of Internet-Bank and Mobil-Bank services of Altyn Asyr payment system, which are used by the clients to manage their bank accounts and make remote payments of different services, is growing. In the nearest future, Rysgal Joint Stock and Commercial Bank is planning to introduce payment method using the QR-code.

Having informed the Head of the State about preparation works related to the joining of this bank to the members of Master Card international payment system, the Vice-premier presented national samples of banking cards designated for users of this system to the President of Turkmenistan for review.

Summing up the report, Turkmen leader noted that stable development of banking sphere is one of the key factors of the provision of competiveness and dynamic development of national economy, successful integration of our state to the system of the world economy.

Expansion of list and improvement of quality of banking services including on international level, introduction of advanced practice and innovative technologies have been outlined among perspective directions. Having generally approved the samples of cards of Master Card international payment system for local users, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with number of instructions.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M Meredov who reported on the work for fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State for further improvement of production potential of oil and gas industry, stable growth of technical and economic indicators.

Information about the work for the increment of production volumes of oil and gas including by the increment of production output of the oil wells and wide implementation of modern drilling technologies has been presented.

The President focused on the key aspects of national model of the economy of Turkmenistan, according to which the state allocates big investments to the development of basic branches of industry including to fuel and energy complex.

Wide implementation of innovations and digital technologies in all spheres, which is to increase the competiveness of our economy in the world scale, are the main objectives at current stage, the Head of the State said. In this regard, the utmost attention shall be paid to the training of engineering and technical personnel. The investments to human capital is one of the most important investments, which would play big role in development of the economy and improvement of its efficiency, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Having noted that this subject is very current for national fuel and energy complex, where large-scale projects of construction of super modern petrochemical facilities are implemented, the Head of the State gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier on improvement of the system of professional education and qualification of the specialists of oil and gas industry.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldieyv reported on seasonal agricultural works in the regions of the country. At present time, vegetation irrigation of the springs and mineral fertilization are carried out at the fields under winter crops. At the same time, planning of the land plots and ploughing of the soil, preparation of the equipment for spring sowing of agricultural crops are continued.

Information about the measures taken for rational use of water resources and wide implementation of advanced world practice to this field as well as for further improvement of the management system of agricultural complex has been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier on the implementation of the programmes of development of agriculture and reforms in agrarian section. Having highlighted the importance of qualitative organization of all seasonal agricultural campaigns, which put the base for good yield production, the Head of the State ordered to provide their compliance with scientifically grounded agrarian technology.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the work for arrangement of the production of mixed fertilizer – sulphuric carbamide, in the structure of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya as well as on the Draft Resolution on production of cocoons in 2019.

The Vice-premier informed that facilities of chemical industry produce different types of mineral fertilizers – nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, which are also exported abroad. As for today, specialists of the Concern have developed the production of new highly efficient fertilizer by adding sulphur to the composition of carbamide.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of the increment of production of various types of mineral fertilizers in the context of provision of food abundance both in our country and in the world, which is priority direction of the development of chemical industry. This industrial sector will give huge economic payback in the future by opening of new and modernization of existing facilities on innovative base.

The State Concern Turkmenhimiya will have to increase the volumes of deep processing of mineral resources, to attract the investments for construction of new and modernization of existing facilities for bringing of our country to the rank of the world leaders for production and export of chemical products, the President highlighted, having addressed the Vice-premier to expand the variety of production by implementation of new technologies.

After, the Head of the State has mentioned the importance of the silk production, which has big role in the context of development of textile industry – one of the leading sectors of national economy. Having highlighted the significance of gradual measures for bringing of the branch to modern industrial level as well as continuation of national traditions and use of innovations in production, the President ordered to render comprehensive support to the sill producers. Having signed the presented document, Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to hold these issues under strict control.

At the same time, the Head of Turkmenistan has focused on the growing of mulberry trees, which is forage base for silk cocoons, having addressed relevant officials with specific assignments for planting of mulberry along the banks of Karakum River and other appropriate places.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the work for the fulfilment of the Concept of development of power energy industry of Turkmenistan in 2013 – 2020.

The Vice-premier informed the Head of the state that according to the Concept, it is planned to build 25 facilities including 14 power stations and 9 aerial power lines and power supply systems, service centre for power equipment as well as to carry out repair works at Seydi Thermal Power Station and Balakanabat Hydroelectric Power Plant until 2020. 10 power energy facilitates in Ahal, Lebap and Mary Velayats have been put into operation for the past period.

Having listened to the report and studied presented proposals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made number of recommendations. The Head of the State noted that at present time, Turkmenistan implements national programmes, among which the Concept of development of power energy industry is one of the most priority. In general, the establishment of modern energy system is an integral factor of successful development of entire national economy, in modernization of which the country relies on the attraction of the best world practice.

Speaking of huge potential of national power energy industry, the President highlighted that Turkmenistan is one of the richest states in the world by energy resources and production of power energy is one of the most profitable productions in the world. Following this, the volumes of investments to this important branch always grow. In the result, Turkmen power energy industry demonstrates stable high development rates and is able to increase the export of the energy, which is on high demand in the world markets.

The Head of the State said that all set objectives need to be solved by using latest technologies, creation of innovative production structures under implemented programmes and addressed the Vice-premier with relative assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the projects developed for the increment of production volumes of confectionary in the country, having informed on the measures for construction of the facilities for substitution of the import of this production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

38,324 tons of confectionary have been produced in the country last year. 30,423 tons have been made by private companies. The production under such famous trademarks as Hasar, Oguzkhan, Bars, Tyaze Ay, Nagmat is on high demand in foreign markets, in 2018, the import of confectionary to Turkmenistan reduced almost two times.

The proposals of the members of the UIET are related to the expansion of the variety of chocolate production, flour confectionary, etc. in particular, it is proposed to build three facilities in Ahal Velayat as well as to modernize existing ones introducing new production lines.

After implementation of the these projects, which are planned to fulfilled by private and credit finances, the production of confectionary will increased by 13,800 tons per year. The excess of the production is planned to be exported. Additional working places will be created after putting of new facilities, which would be provided with advanced equipment from the leading European companies, into operation.

Having studied the projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted growing role of Turkmen business in import substitution sphere and increment of export potential of the country, having highlighted the necessity to intensify analytical component in marketing strategy of Turkmen business. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to elaborate on proposed projects for establishment of new confectionary facilities in details taking into account the consumer demand in the country and the situation in the foreign market and to find optimum sale links of this product.

After, the Vice-premier reported on the project of construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, which implementation has been entrusted by the President of Turkmenistan to private companies, the members of the UIET.

2,300,000,000 US dollars project is proposed to be implemented in three phases in 2019 – 2023 and put into operation as follows: the first phase of Ashgabat – Tejen section in December 2020; the second phase of Tejen – Mary section in December 2022; the third phase of Mary – Turkmenabat section in December 2023.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of this project for Turkmen economy and international cooperation as well as the necessity of strict control of its implementation. The Head of the State expressed the satisfaction with active participation of Turkmen businessmen in the implementation of national programmes of social and economic development including in the formation of modern industrial and transport infrastructure.

We trust major and important projects to national business, which are to strengthen national economy, improve its competiveness in the region and in the world, the President said, having noted that following the policy of neutrality and open doors, our country aims at the expansion of international cooperation, increment of trade turnover volumes with other states. implementation of our transport potential also meets economic interests of neighbouring countries, supports the establishment of strong logistic connections in the continent and in general, to the consolidation of trustful partnership, stability and sustainable development.

We would continue rendering state support to small and medium business in our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that this support is aimed at the creation of versatile market economy and improvement of general level of life of the population and its wealth, which is the main direction of our policy. Having noted that implementation of the project of construction of the highway would create many working places, the President gave instructions on implementation of advanced practice and innovative technologies to road construction.

Signing the Resolution on Construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat Highway, the Head of the State said that this is historical moment in development of national entrepreneurship, which enters new level of professional growth and social responsibility.

Having highlighted that this is drive engine, which unites material, labour, intellectual and technology resources in efficient innovative combinations, the Head of the State noted important input of the entrepreneurship to the economy of the country. its integration to the world economy, development of production infrastructure, implementation of innovative solutions and improvement of knowledge, qualification and competency of the specialists.

The entrepreneurship performs not only economic functions, it also closely connected to all spheres of life activity of the society, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having again noted that non-governmental section has leading role in national model of modern economy of our country being the catalyst of innovative processes.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the work for popularization of national cultural heritage. It was mentioned that the funds of the museums are always supplemented with artefacts found during archaeological excavations at historical monuments of the country. number of findings became the values of the treasury of national heritage of Turkmen nation. According to the order of the President of the country, the information about the findings has been reflected in national and foreign mass media.

At present time, the artefacts are studied by Turkmen specialists and later will be handed over to the museums of the country. scientific data will be used during preparation of the documents for inclusion of the branches of the Silk Road on the territory of Turkmenistan to the UNESCO World Heritage List and will serve not only as valuable information but also significant argument for the nomination.

According to the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the grounds of international forums including exhibition events held I Turkmenistan and in foreign countries are widely used for the popularization of rich culture and history of the country. For example, 219 museum values, which have already been seen by 390,000 people, are demonstrated at archaeological exhibition “Margiana – the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan”, which is held currently in Hamburg (Germany).

This exhibition named “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” will be demonstrated in Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim (Germany) on March 1 – February 30. This fact indicates great interest of the world community in cultural heritage of our nation.

The Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan has signed number of agreements on cooperation in the sphere of archaeological scientific studies with leading research centres of the world. at present time, the work for organization of joint activity is carried out.

In addition, it is planned to exhibit the articles of national craft, items of decorative and applied arts and museum values in the exposition of our country under the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in UAE. Wide coverage of the subject of national heritage is continued in mass media.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the work for deep study and popularization of the monuments of tangible and spiritual cultural of Turkmen nation, which is an integral component of universal value.

This activity has to have targeted and gradual character as well as to use the opportunities of mass media for introduction of the culture of Turkmen people, which roots go far to the past, to the world community, the Head of the State said.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that culture, in its wide understanding, outlines ideological content of all reforms in our country, values of modern society, implementation of intellectual and creative potential of Turkmen nations while the subject of policy in humanitarian sphere support the development of international cooperation, rapprochement of the states and nations.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity of development of ancient cultural traditions and rites of the ancestors and giving them modern tune, having addressed the Vice-premier with assignments on this account.

Having highlighted that all events planned for the next year held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” have to support the popularization of national heritage, achievements of the country, to meet high creative spirit of the epoch, the Head of the State gave specific assignments on this account to the Deputy Chairperson.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the activity of the branches under his supervision and on the work for development of educational system in Turkmenistan including the improvement of educational plans of secondary schools, having presented the slide show on this subject.

In particular, the Vice-premier informed about the proposals developed in accordance with the assignments of the President of Turkmenistan on content improvement of educational programmes at all stage of school education, inclusion of new subjects required by modern time and objectives of upbringing of comprehensively and harmonically developed generation prepared to life, professionally oriented and having necessary skills and knowledge.

Improvement of educational programmes is aimed at the finding of backgrounds, interests and abilities of school students, stimulation of their world outlook, development of own thinking as well as mastering of the basis of modern technologies, legal and social culture, etc. It is planned to introduce new disciplines of natural science direction and other. All of these will allow making rich educational environment, which is the most favourable for reveal of the potential of students and comprehensive learning of studied materials and receiving of modern knowledge.

Education is the heritage of the individual, the means to realize oneself in life, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. It directly related to the upbringing of children on moral values, civil positions, hard work and creativity. The school has not only to help understanding that future success of high-grade students depends not only from fulfilment of their duties but also from the proactivity, professional knowledge, desire for permanent growth.

Giving instructions to the Vice-premier for establishment of close relations between scientific specialists in educational sphere, methodologists and managers and teachers, the President pointed out the importance of regular pedagogical sessions and seminars, study of the best world practice in this field and its wide practical implementation.

The President of Turkmenistan gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier on thorough elaboration of all organizational issues of the improvement of educational plans of secondary schools and their implementation with application of advanced technologies and methods, to take measures for systematic improvement of qualification of teachers.

In the context of the assignment for training of specialists for solution of the objectives of digitization of national economy given earlier, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of activation of work in this direction.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the activity of the ministry in the context of steadfast implementation of constructive foreign course of Turkmenistan, on fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State and on international events planned for the first quarter of the year.

Information about integrated measures for expansion of efficient cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats as well as with competent international and regional organizations including the UN has been presented. Active work is carried out for promotion and practical implementation of peace-making initiatives of the Head of the State on the provision of energy security, creation of modern transport and transit corridors, water and ecology diplomacy.

Preparation to coming high-level meetings and intergovernmental talks of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was one of the subjects of the report. It was informed that at present time, relative activities are carried out and packages of bilateral documents are coordinated. Visits of the heads of competent structures to our country, during which perspectives of further consolidation of fruitful contacts would be discussed, are planned in near future.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that Turkmenistan would continue improving and expanding fruitful cooperation with all foreign partners based on existing significant potential. Steadily pursuing foreign policy based on neutral status, principles of peace-loving, goodwill and transparency, our country make significant contribution to common efforts for development of mutually accepted solution of current issues of regional and global agenda and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Speaking of the main vectors of the activity of Foreign Department, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of integrated approach to the fulfilment of set objectives, having noted the importance of work for practical implementation of the proposals, the Head of the State ordered to pay utmost attention to the development of scientifically grounded approaches in this direction. At the same time, it is necessary to improve personnel potential of foreign department, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments.

Having highlighted the subject of coming important events of international significance, Turkmen leader made instructions on preparation and provision of high organizational level.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament in the context of the implementation of integrated programme for the formation of modern legal base of the country.

Deputy corps continues work for development of new and improvement of existing legal acts, which are to provide reliable foundation for further implementation of large-scale programme of the state development initiated by Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, to support the consolidation of social solidarity and its democratic basis.

Deputies carry out the work on the sites for explanation of the meaning and importance of legal documents. International cooperation including under the consolidation of inter-Parliamentarian relations and study of the world law-making practice is developed.

The Head of the State noted important role of National Parliament in the formation of modern legal base in the country and high responsibility of the deputies of the Mejlis.

The President highlighted that special attention has to be paid to the development of new laws supporting further improvement of legal and economic basis of the state taking into account democratic values of Turkmen nation. Economic prosperity of the country directly depends of the level of social wealth of its population, the Head of the State said, having cited the lines from his new poem:

You are the great belief of ancestors,
Strong power of example,
You are the epoch and era,
You are the holly pray, the Prosperity!

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished everybody success in work.