Ï Turkmen leader and the World Customs Organization Secretary General exchange the visions of future partnership

Turkmen leader and the World Customs Organization Secretary General exchange the visions of future partnership

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Turkmen leader and the World Customs Organization Secretary General exchange the visions of future partnership
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Secretary General of the World Customs Organization Kunio Mikuriya.

Having expressed sincere gratitude to the Head of the State for warm welcome and opportunity to discuss current subjects of cooperation in private conversation, the guest highlighted invariable interest of his organization in further improvement and expansion of efficient partnership with Turkmenistan, which meets the goals of universal prosperity.

Greeting the Head of the organization, Turkmen leader confirmed the commitment of our country to fruitful cooperation with international structures in different directions. Turkmenistan stands for the establishment of multi-vector dialog, which is to make positive effect on global development processes, the Head of the State highlighted.

The guest made special mention that international community is watching large-scale reforms implemented under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with great attention and in this aspect, the World Customs Organization comprehensively supports open door policy of Turkmenistan and the policy of expansion of trade and economic relations with neighbouring Central Asian countries.

During the conversation, the sides exchanged the visions on the aspects of activation of cooperation in wide spectrum of directions including the partnership in customs sphere. Having modern infrastructural facilities, our country becomes an important part of trade, transport and logistic systems on regional and international levels. In this regard, organization of joint seminars, exchange of practice in customs programmes, development and implementation of automatic customs system and other were recognized to be practicable.

Turkmen leader highlighted that our country is interested in study of the practice of the World Customs Organization in improvement of control at the borders. At present, Turkmenistan steadily works on modernization of the custom service.

Located on the intersection of the Silk Road, which connects the North – South and East – West routes, Turkmen state plays big role in establishment and development of international trade and economic contacts. In this regard, the importance of the Agreement on establishment of Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey transport corridor (Lapis Lazuli) has been mentioned. This corridor will support the enhancement of cooperation on wide geographic and economic space including the regions of Central and South Asia, Caspian and Black Sea basins and Mediterranean. Legal, material and equipment base of the State Customs Service is steadily improved.

Turkmen leader and the World Customs Organization Secretary General highlighted the currency of international initiatives aimed at the formation of modern model of the partnership, development of new approaches to intensification of cooperation in the context of objectives for support of peace and security in regional and global scale. The necessity to protect custom borders in the combat against drugs trafficking and transboundary crime has been highlighted.

In the end of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Head of the World Customs Service Kunio Mikuriya expressed mutual willingness to constructive cooperation supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.