Ï Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents

Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents

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Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents
Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents
Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents
Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents
Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents
Representatives of Turkmenistan and UNFPA sign number of documents
The Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry hosted the ceremony of signing of documents between the State authorities of the country and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Heads and representatives of the Ministries of Health Protection and Medical Industry, Education and the Academy of the Government Service under the President of Turkmenistan and UNFPA were the participants of the event.

It has been mentioned that today, our country and the UN Population Fund implement the fourth Action Plan of the Country Programme of Cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the UNFPA in 2016 – 2020. This Programme is correspondent with the priorities of the country development outlined by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Co-financed by the Government of Turkmenistan and UNFPA, the Programme is based on achieved success of cooperation by the integration of the analysis of actual data on the dynamics of the population and their relation with sustainable development.

Developed plans will be the part of the fulfilment of 5-year Country Programme and will outline the main directions of activity and events in 2019.

The participants noted that strict implementation of democratic changes aimed at the protection of the interests of the citizens of the country, provision of their freedoms and rights is one of the priorities of the State policy steadily pursued by the President of Turkmenistan.

For example, our country actively works with specialized structures of the United Nations on implementation of the programmes and action plans on provision of human rights and freedoms, which have been adopted based on international legal documents of the UN in the context of the implementation of National Action Plan on Human Rights in Turkmenistan in 2016 – 2020 and National Action Plan on Gender Equality in 2015 – 2020 adopted by the Resolutions of the Head of the Stat, the participants of the ceremony mentioned.

Special attention in the policy of the Head of the State is paid to the subject of family and support of maternity. It provides the allowance during pregnancy and for care of children as well as additional postnatal leave, which gives the opportunity to provide healthy development of the child from the first days of life.

Our country implements the Programme of Safe Maternity for provision of healthy pregnancy and birth of healthy children, improvement of conditions on maternity hospitals, etc. Women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children up to two years old are covered by the activities under the programme of combating and prevention of anaemia.

Signing ceremony of Work Plans of the projects of “Improvement of quality of integrated services in the field of reproductive health” and “Disaggregated data for sustainable national development” between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the UNFPA, the project of “Improvement of access to knowledge about reproductive health by youth” between the Ministry of Education and the UNFPA, the project of “Use of population data for development of national strategies and plans of sustainable development” between the Academy of the Government Service under the President of Turkmenistan and the UNFPA was held in the end of the meeting.

The Agreement on co-financing between the Ministry of health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the UNFPA on improvement of service of men’s reproductive health has also been signed during the ceremony.

The sides have mentioned that these documents would support the activation of fruitful cooperation of our country with the UN Population Fund, which acquired efficient character and entered new level.

Current ceremony confirmed the constructiveness of the partnership between our country and the United Nations agencies, with active support of which dozens of programmes and projects have been successfully implemented. Having joined number of the UN conventions, Turkmenistan invariably follows undertaken obligations being an active participants of the process of consolidation of common efforts for provision of peace, stability and security on the planet.