Ï National programme of reduction of seismic risk is under development

National programme of reduction of seismic risk is under development

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The information about preparation of the draft programme of reduction of seismic risks in high seismic zones of the country by the Academy of Sciences with the Mejlis and relative ministries and departments was presented at the session of the Government on January 18.

Systematic scientific and practical studies including on the formation of relative National strategy initiated by the Head of the State and proposed at the III World Conference on Reduction of Risks of Natural Disasters in Sendai, Japan in 2015, are carried out in this sphere in Turkmenistan.

In the partnership with Japanese Agency of International Cooperation, Turkmen specialists work on the project of Improvement of system of seismic monitoring in Ashgabat and surrounding territories. Also, the strategy of forecast and monitoring in this sphere is under development under joint project of Improvement of national potential of Turkmenistan on evaluation of seismic risks, prevention and response to potential earthquakes with the UNDP. The document outlines the measures for reduction of volumes of social, economic and ecological losses related with possible earthquakes in seismic zones as well as for improvement of level of preparedness of the population of Turkmenistan, buildings and facilities, transport and communication systems to similar natural disasters.

Implementation of the Programme will make positive effect on social, demographic and ecological condition of the regions, on key indicators of economic development of seismic zones.

Having noted the importance of development of this Programme, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that goals of the project meet the priorities of the country in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.