Ï The plan of events in honour of the slogan of 2019 is approved

The plan of events in honour of the slogan of 2019 is approved

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution, having approved the Plan of events in honour of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”.

Organization of various cultural actions, international conferences, forums, exhibitions, meeting and contests, educational activities, musical festivals and sport completitions are planned during the year. Releases of theatre performances and operas as well as opening of thematic sections on internet sites are also planned.

The document assigns the Minister of Culture and other related ministries and departments, administrations of Ashgabat and velayats to provide high-level organization of these events.

Focusing on the preparation of events dedicated to slogan of 2019 “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” at the session of the Government on January 18, the Head of the State highlighted special importance of this activity in popularization of modern achievements of our country and its richest cultural heritage, in improvement of friendly relations with foreign countries. Every event has to bear large educational importance, it has to be educational and developing, the President said in this regard.