Ï Regular issue of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan magazine is published

Regular issue of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan magazine is published

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Regular issues of scientific and practical magazine Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan published by the Foreign Ministry in Turkmen, Russian and English languages is dedicated to the review of important events of foreign activity of our country in the fourth quarter of the last year.

The magazine is opened by traditional section highlighting the talks held by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with high-rank officials of foreign countries. It includes the information about working visit of Turkmen leader to Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation) for participation of the meeting of the Heads of the CIS countries, which has demonstrated the commitment of Turkmen side to traditional fruitful dialog under the Commonwealth, the country of which are united with Turkmenistan by old good and close relations.

Having undertaken the chairing of this structure in 2019, our state would continue to provide comprehensive support to the improvement of cooperation. In this regard, the Concept of chairing of our country and Implementation Plan have bee developed and presented to the CIS Executive Committee.

Official visit of the President of Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan in the last decade of November 2018 wrote new chapter in the history of friendly bilateral relations developing in the spirit of goodwill. The magazine contains detailed information about the outcomes of the talks held between Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Ilham Aliyev.

The events dedicated to International Neutrality Day are among the reviews. For example, the magazine has published the speeches of the participants of International Conference “Importance of the Silk Road: Present and Future Development” organized on the threshold of the holiday by the Government of Turkmenistan in cooperation with the UNESCO - the UN specialized structure for education, science and cultural affairs. The forum has brought together the ministers, high-level representatives and experts from more than 40 countries and demonstrated the significance of legendary route for sustainable development and support of intercultural dialog.

The Days of the Sustainable Development Goals held in October to mark 1,000 days since the adoption of 2030 Global Agenda were important event in life of the country. The event was organized by the Foreign Ministry, the UN Permanent Representative Office in Turkmenistan and Methodological Centre of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Trainings, seminars and festivals have been organized under the Days.

The UN Permanent Coordinators Elena Panova informed the readers of the magazine about the outcomes of these events where she expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Government of Turkmenistan for the support of Global Agenda and commitment to the implementation of the SDGs in our country.

Articles “The Great Silk Road and Practice of International Cooperation of Turkmenistan”, “ “Turkmenistan in the system of international economic relations”, materials dedicated to cooperation of our country with the CIS members and work for improvement of sustainable development and ecological culture present great interest as well.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Turkmenistan Jin Ki-Hun deliberates about the revival of the Silk Road in modern conditions on example of the development of Turkmen – Korean relations.

Another article of the magazine is dedicated to the Silk Road, which is described in details by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in two-volume book. The article highlights joint work of our country in cooperation with the UNESCO on study and popularization of cultural heritage facilities located along the Silk Road.

Author of article “Youth Affairs – Priority Objective of Foreign Course of Turkmenistan” reviews this subject in the context of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on national level.

Traditional section “Chronicles of Diplomatic Life” is dedicated to conferences, briefings, foreign department political consultations, sessions of inter-governmental commissions, bilateral meetings and talks with foreign delegations as well as to the events held together with foreign embassies accredited in Turkmenistan.