Ï The State Concern Türkmengaz to take part in Petrotech 2019 forum

The State Concern Türkmengaz to take part in Petrotech 2019 forum

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The State Concern Türkmengaz prepares to participate in International Conference and Exhibition Petrotech 2019 in New Delhi on February 12. National stand will introduce future development of oil and gas industry of the country, big investment projects including the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line. The Head of the State was informed about the preparation to profile exposition by Vice-premier M. Meredov at the session of the Government on January 23.

In this regard, the President highlighted that energy policy of our country that has huge reserves of hydrocarbon resources is aimed at comprehensive development of national fuel and energy complex, its diversification and dynamic integration to global energy system. Active cooperation with other countries and business circles of the world built on the principles of goodwill and understanding is one of the priorities of this strategy.

In this context, important role is given to specialized profile forums in the country and abroad. The Head of the State said that such events present the interest for exchange of practices, attraction of investments and new technologies, establishment of direct business contacts with leading financial and petroleum companies of the world.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier to organize large-scale national exposition on high level, which is to demonstrate the achievements and versatile potential of national fuel and energy complex at International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition Petrochem 2019.

It was mentioned that initiatives of our country in the formation of new architecture of global energy security, according to which large-scale projects of creation of diversified infrastructure of export of Turkmen energy carriers are implemented, have to be one of the main subjects. TAPI pipeline is a bright example of these initiatives.