Ï Digital video conference of the Cabinet of Ministers is held

Digital video conference of the Cabinet of Ministers is held

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held digital video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where reports on works in different branches of the economy of the country have been presented.

First, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov who reported on the development of new Provision on work appointment of the graduates of high and secondary professional education facilities. In the mean time, Ministers of Education M. Geldiniyazov was called by digital video call.

It was mentioned that private sector has received active development in the result of the reforms in the country, number of small and medium enterprises in non-governmental sector of the economy grows and its share in national GDP increases. Hence, the requirement in specialists with secondary and high education at the facilities of this form of ownership is increasing.

Legal and regulatory base of education is also improved in the country. In this regard, the amendments and addendums of existing Provision on work assignment of the graduates of educational facilities are required. Foreign practice in this sphere has been studied. In particular, the graduates with secondary and high education are assigned to the work in organizations, facilities and establishments regardless of the ownership for two years.

The President of Turkmenistan requested the Vice-premier and the Minister of Education to analyse again all articles of Draft Provision taking into account the requirements of labour market and future perspective.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the development of the Programme of Reduction of Seismic Risk in Seismic Zones of Turkmenistan.

Having highlighted the necessity of responsible approach to the risk management of natural disasters, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on adoption of the Programme and Action Plan of its implementation, which has been immediately sent to the Vice-premier by the system of electronic document management.

After, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made video call to Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov who reported on the activity of his organization and departments, preparation to the II International High-level Conference on Prevention and Control of non-infectious diseases in Turkmenistan.

The Forum, which is expected to gather specialists from more than 50 states as well as representatives of the WHO, UN and other international and regional organization, is planned to be held in April. The agenda of high-level conference will include current subjects of development of health protection, exchange of advanced practice in prevention of non-infectious diseases and successful implementation of the state programmes in this direction.

The Head of the State ordered to hold the reforms in health protection system especially in rural areas under strict control. Development of medical service of the population has to be based on science, its world achievements and advanced practice, the Head of the State said, having given specific assignments to the Minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on coming Intenrational Petroleum Conference and Exhibition Petrotech 2019 in New Delhi, the capital of India on February 10 – 12 this year. The State Concern Türkmengaz is planning to participate in this big forum for introduction of the perspective of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, implementation of big investment projects including the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line to major world companies.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted that energy policy of our country that has huge reserves of hydrocarbon resources is aimed at comprehensive development of national fuel and energy complex, its diversification and dynamic integration to global energy system. Active cooperation with other countries and business circles of the world built on the principles of goodwill and understanding is one of the priorities of this strategy.

In this context, important role is given to specialized profile forums in the country and abroad. The Head of the State said that such events present the interest for exchange of practices, attraction of investments and new technologies, establishment of direct business contacts with leading financial and petroleum companies of the world.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered the Vice-premier to organize large-scale national exposition on high level, which is to demonstrate the achievements and versatile potential of national fuel and energy complex at International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition Petrochem 2019.

It was mentioned that initiatives of our country in the formation of new architecture of global energy security, according to which large-scale projects of creation of diversified infrastructure of export of Turkmen energy carriers are implemented, have to be one of the main subjects. TAPI pipeline is a bright example of these initiatives.

After, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmennebit D. Hajiyev was called by video. The Official reported on the measures for increment of production of oil and growth of hydrocarbon reserves. It was mentioned that the works for construction of new and overhaul of existing wells, introduction of modern technologies allowing increasing the production of perspective deposits, which have been under production for a long time. Survey and exploration works, which are to find the areas and structures with perspective reserves of oil and gas, are carried out. The proposal on financing of the contract signed by the State Concern Türkmennebit for procurement of drilling pipes has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Having made some critical remarks for unsatisfactory performance of duties and shortage admitted in work, the Head of the State reprimanded Chairman of the State Concern Türkmennebit D. Hajiyev.

The President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on financing of the contract for procurement of drilling pipes for the State Concern Türkmennebit, which was sent via the system of electronic document management to Vice-premier M. Meredov.

Next, the President called Chairman of the State Concern Türkmengaz M. Archayev, who reported on the construction of Turkmen section of TAPI gas line.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted again that efficient use of rich natural reserves of Turkmenistan is an important condition for successful fulfilment of large-scale programmes in the country.

Having expressed the discontent with the work of the State Concern Türkmengaz, the Head of the State demanded M. Archayev to correct existing deficiencies as soon as possible and to hold under control the implementation of major investment projects, which are to improve the positions of the country in international energy markets.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan earlier and on the results of work of performed by the departments under his supervision for the state regulation of prices and tariffs.

After, the Head of the State called the Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov who reported on the situation in the structure under his supervision and proposed measures for improvement of pricing system.

Timely efficient practical measures in this direction is to support the provision of food abundance in the country, improvement of profitability of national production facilities, the Head of the State highlighted, having requested the Vice-premier and the Minister of Finances and Economy to analyse relevant regulatory and legal act and to develop the draft of some documents.

After, the President made video call to Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev who reported on the measures for modernization of the activity of crediting departments and coming work in 2019.

Having listened to the report, the President of the country focused on the importance of expansion of the spectrum of banking services by the introduction of advanced technologies as well as by active implementation of distant services of clients. In this context, the Head of the bank has been addressed with number of specific instructions.

Addressing the Vice-premier, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdieyb and Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov, the Head of the State ordered to hold under control construction works of social and industrial facilities, which opening is planned in the next year.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayats.

Speaking of the fulfilment of the assignments, the Vice-premier presented the proposals prepared by the State Commissions of the velayats and Ashgabat to the Head of the State for review. In particular, it is planned to allocate land plots of total 67.67 hectares for construction of different production facilities to the ministries, departments, administrations and their lower organizations. It is also planned to allocate 8,583.35 hectares of land for organization of agricultural and other production to the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of the implementation of integrated programme of reforming of agricultural complex, solution of the decisions take at the first session of the People’s Council. It was mentioned that the utmost attention has to be paid to the increment of volumes of various agricultural production and attraction of private section to agrarian sector. It is necessary to use new efficient management methods of agricultural complex, to implement the best world practice, the Head of the State said, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments.

Having approved in general presented proposals on allocation of land plots to profile ministries, departments, administrations and members of the UNIET, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to provide their targeted and efficient utilization.

Further, Minister of Agriculture and Water Management A. Yazmyradov reported on the work for stable provision of arable lands with irrigation water as well as on the implementation of the state programmes aimed at the improvement of water supply of the population of cities and rural areas of the country.

The President ordered to take relevant measures for efficient use of seasonal winter and spring precipitations and spring floods, their accumulation in water ponds for creation of reserves for the needs of agricultural complex.

The Head of the State has also ordered to speed up the implementation of scientifically grounded projects for rational use of water, implementation of modern irrigation technologies and to hold under control the construction of new hydro technical facilities, desalination units and drinking water plants.

In his turn, General Director of the State Association Türkmen Atlary M. Annanepesov reported on the preparation to National Turkmen Horse Celebration, which is traditionally observed on the last Sunday of April. Information about selection and breeding work carried out for further improvement of pedigree characteristics of ahalteke horses and their gene pool has been presented.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the management of the State Association Türkmen Atlary with number of instructions for organization of coming celebration on high level.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of permanent improvement of breeding, increment of the livestock of thorough bred horses. The work in this field has to be carried out on systematic base.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the work for improvement of the Provision on Radio Electronic equipment and High Frequency Devices.

The role of modern communication and telecommunication systems has been increased in economic development of the country after the adoption of the Law of Turkmenistan on Radio Frequency Spectrum. High technologies and latest developments are actively implemented to this sphere.

Information about the work with the ministries and departments for improvement of relevant Provision, which outlines legal base of management, use and control of radio electronic equipment and high frequency devices on the territory of our country, has been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that radio frequency spectrum is national resource of Turkmenistan, therefore, it is necessary to use it efficiently. Total informatization will lead to fundamental changes in life activity of the state and society, numerous functions will be automated. Use of modern digital technologies have to be used wisely in the condition of transit of Turkmenistan to market economy, the Head of the State said, having addressed the Vice-premier and the Minister of Communication with number of assignments on this account.

After, Chairman of Turkmenhowayollary Service D. Saburov spoke online and reported on the measures for improvement of the activity of his organization. Information about the construction of airports and infrastructural facilities in the velayats of the country, which provides the passengers and cargo carriers with full complex of services, has been presented.

The Head of the State noted that these services have to meet high international standards. It is necessary to implement new technologies, exchange the practice and useful innovative developments with foreign partners including with French company Thales, which is an old and reliable partners of our country in development and production of high technology electronic systems including aviation equipment in the sphere of civil aviation.

Having noted the appropriateness of dynamic development of aviation sector, the Head of the State demanded to speed up the works for construction of new airports in velayats and addressed the Head of the Service with number of specific assignments.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev continued his report on the measures for establishment of the production of non-woven fabrics (spansleys) at the facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry.

The Vice-premier reported that 250 out of 4,200 tons of textile production wastes are used per year for production of medical and cosmetic wool at the facility of Ashgabat Textile Complex while the remaining is exported. In this regard, the proposal on opening of production line for waste generation and production of environmentally friendly and high quality non-woven materials, which would compete with foreign analogues, has been given.

Summing up the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that solution of strategic objectives for import substitution and increment of export oriented goods is aimed at comprehensive development of textile industry.

The Head of the State gave specific assignments on speeding up the rates of implementation of the state programme of import substitution production as well as on establishment of beneficial cooperation with foreign companies, which have big experience in this sphere.

After, the President of Turkmenistan received the report on the work for production of iron ore material, which is required by cement factories of the country in 2019.

Having listened to the report, the President demanded the intensify the works for fulfilment of the programmes if import substitution production and outlined number of important objectives for expansion of production of construction materials including the cement.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the work for the establishment of inter-departmental commission for selection of the land plots for construction of different facilities.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier for infrastructural development of Ashgabat, modernization of its road and transport network, planning of the city, creation of comfortable conditions for residents and guests. The Commission has to include different specialists who will review all issues of development of architectural and construction projects like ecological planning, engineering and technology analysis, design of the facilities, etc. on systematic and comprehensive base taking into account natural and climate conditions.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance of further control of the construction of social and industrial facilities, having addressed the Vice-premier to provide high quality works.

Further, the report on Minister of Energy Ch. Purchekov on the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power line has been listened by digital video call.

By the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and Çalik Holding A.Ş on cooperation in the implementation of this project has been signed in January last year for development of legal base of beneficial partnership in construction of 500 kilovolt power line along Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line.

Foundation stone laying ceremony of new energy bridge was held in February last year with the participation of the Head of the States and Governments of Turkmenistan, the Islamic republic of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India. At the same time, the Agreement on Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power line between the Government of participating countries has been signed.

The Agreement between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the project of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power line has been signed in October 2018. The documents provides the volumes of power energy too be supplied to Afghanistan by new line. It was also informed in the report that construction is carried out according to the schedule.

The Head of the State demanded to activate the work for the implementation of the programmes of development of energy sphere and outlined number of important objectives related to energy policy of the country. It was highlighted that special attention has to be paid to the attraction of investments.

The Implementation of the project would support further increment of export of Turkmen energy to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan where the formation of relative infrastructure would allow making new work places, Turkmen leader highlighted, having requested to hold the completion and quality of works under strict control.

In his turn, the Minister of Construction and Architecture S. Selimov reported on the work in the sphere under his supervision. It was mentioned that construction of new modern social and production facilities is carried out under high rates in all regions of the country.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of the formation of high-speed transport routes under steadfast implementation of new integrated concept of development of the main city of the country and under urban construction policy pursued in Turkmenistan for creation of comfortable conditions for life of people, their creative work and rest. The state is oriented to innovative technologies and advanced world practice in the sphere of road construction, the President noted, having addressed Minister S. Selimov with relative assignments.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the preparation of the ceremony of the start of construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, which was given to the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs by the President of Turkmenistan.

Having highlighted the importance of this big project for Turkmen economy, the Head of the State ordered to hold the events on this occasion on high level and to hold under strict control the construction of the facility.

Further, the Head of the State made video call to Chairman of the Trade and Industrial Chamber O. Gurbannazarov and Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations A. Ishanov.

Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov reported on the work for the establishment of Turkmen – Uzbek Entrepreneurs Council according to the Agreement between the Trade and Industry Chambers of two countries signed during the state visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan in April last year.

Addressing the Vice-premier, the Minister of Trade and Foreign economic Relations and the Head of Trade and Industrial Chamber, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of the establishment of efficient contacts between business circles of friendly neighbouring states, definition of the most topical areas for joint projects and expansion of trade turnover.

The Head of the State also noted good experience gained in Turkmen – Uzbek partnership, its commitment to new level, having addressed specific assignments for the implementation fo bilateral agreements in trade and economic sphere.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation to the events and opening of new social facilities in February.

It is planned to organize cultural meetings, conferences, exhibitions, musical festivals, theatre performances, educational events and various sport competitions in honour of slogan of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” in February.

Having listened to the report and called the Minister of Culture A. Shamyradov and Chairman of the State Committee for Television, Radio and Cinematography N. Garliyev, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity to hold under control the situation in cultural sphere, to activate the work for improvement of professional level of cultural representatives.

Having focused on planned event including in honour of slogan of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” and opening of socially important facilities, the Head of the State ordered to hold all events on high organizational level. The assignments on high-level organization of the event in honour of the Motherland Defender Day and its wide popularization in mas media have been given.

After, the President called Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova by digital video call who informed about the activity of the Parliament of the country for improvement of national legislation base in the context of important priorities of the state policy.

The President noted the necessity to activate parliamentary work for improvement of legal foundation of the reforms aimed at social and economic development of the country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the work under practical implementation of interstate agreements achieved between the Governments of Turkmenistan and Japan in the last several years. It was informed that open, equal and friendly political dialog and regular contacts on different levels are reliable base of bilateral relations.

Fruitful partnership in economic sphere is one of the main vectors of cooperation between our countries. Great role in this case is given to the activity of Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation, which sessions outline perspective directions of cooperation and list of joint projects planned to be implemented in different fields. In this context, the information on the outcomes of the meeting with Japanese delegation chaired by the Co-chairman of Japanese – Turkmen Committee for economic cooperation, which arrived in Ashgabat on working visit, on January 21 has been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that great importance is given to multidimensional partnership with Japan in the context of development of constructive dialog between Turkmenistan and the countries of Asian Pacific. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on activation of investment activity, the Head of the State continued, having noted that petroleum processing and industrial sectors, financial and banking complex, development of small and medium business and other are priority aspects. It is important to study the implementation of advance Japanese practice in humanitarian sphere in our country, the Head of the State said, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Continuing the subject, the President noted the necessity of development of bilateral cooperation in such directions as the formation of transport and transit corridors, provision of energy security, ecological and water diplomacy. In this context, it was said about the importance of development of joint projects with Japanese side and the states of Asian Pacific region for practical implementation of international initiatives proposed by Turkmenistan at the UN General Assembly and other international and regional forums.

After, the Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Department informed Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the outcomes of the meeting with the delegation of the Energy Charter Secretary General, which agenda included the future of bilateral cooperation.

Having focused on the subjects related to the improvement of productive contacts between Turkmenistan and the Energy Charter, the President highlighted that being one of leading energy powers, our country implements targeted foreign course for the last several years, focusing the attention of the world community on provision of security in this strategic sphere.

In this regard, the partnership in energy sector with different states is among the main factors of sustainable development of the countries at modern stage, Turkmen leader highlighted, having addressed the Minister of foreign Affairs with specific assignments.

Finishing digital video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants great success in work.