Ï Outcomes of work of security forces in 2018 are discussed at the session of the State Security Council

Outcomes of work of security forces in 2018 are discussed at the session of the State Security Council

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President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the State Security Council where outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies of the country in 2018, provision of peace and security, further improvement off equipment and facilities base of security forces have been reviewed. Priority tasks of these departments in 2019 has also been discussed.

Early in the morning the Head of the State came to the building of the General Department of Civil Defence and Rescue Works of the Ministry of Defence.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev made report to President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor for report on the work for the period under review to Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev. The report on the implementation of the military reform, measures for solution of social issues of military and law enforcement agencies personnel, improvement of personnel potential of National Army has also been presented.

Having noted that Military Doctrine, which has exclusively defensive character, provides number of priority objectives of the security forces, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of provision of coordinated activity of all departments for fulfilment of the plans of future development of the Armed Forces.

All necessary conditions are made for efficient performance of works by military and law enforcement personnel in accordance with the time requirements, the President continued. The State would continue taking practical measures for improvement of professional training of personnel of all Armed forces as well as systematic improvement social and living conditions of military personnel and their families, the Supreme Commander said.

Speaking of the main role of the Ministry of National Security in provision of individual, social and state interests in all spheres of activities from various threats, in provision of stable development of the country, the Head of the State noted the necessity of permanent improvement of peaceful life foundations of Turkmen society, unity and solidarity as an integral condition of further economic and spiritual wealth of Turkmenistan. Having outlined priority directions of work of this structure in the nearest future, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev with number of specific orders.

Minister of Interior I. Mulikov reported on the outcomes of activity of his department for 2018, practical measures for provision of public order and prevention of crimes, road transport accidents and fire safety in the country. The Minister also reported on the implementation of new work methods and modern technologies, provision of personnel of the ministry with comfortable living.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of improvement of the activity of authorities of the Ministry of Interior, having ordered the heads of structural divisions of the Ministry to hold under permanent control the provision of public order in the country and compliance with law on high level. The Head of the State ordered the State Service of Traffic Control to make detailed analysis of the situations related with breaching of traffic regulations and to take certain and efficient measures for the prevention of these violations.

Combating against illegal drugs trafficking is one of the function of the Ministry, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country continued, having pointed out the necessity to enforce the work in this direction. Preventive measures involving all structures including medical and educational facilities, public organizations as well as the elders as the most honoured people in Turkmen society, mass media give positive results, Turkmen leader highlighted, having ordered to hold propaganda and educational activity on systematic base.

Minister of Defence B. Gundogdiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of military divisions of the Armed Forces of the country for the period under review, fulfilment of the assignments given by the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and preparation to the celebration of the Motherland Defender Day. The information about current work for provision of the structures under his command with latest equipment and machines, creation of proper conditions for service and life of military personnel and their families has also been presented.

Having expressed the satisfaction with the outcomes of the activity of this department in general, the President focused on the social aspect of military reform. Speaking of current objectives of the divisions of the Armed Forces in 2019, the Head of the Stare addressed the assignments on the preparation of military parade timed to the 28th anniversary of the Independence on high level.

The President continued that defence capability of the country serves to single purpose – the improvement of peace and security of the Motherland, as Military Doctrine of independent neutral Turkmenistan has exclusively defensive character. Super modern ground and air equipment, which enters into service of security forces, is the evidence of care of the state and unremitting attention to the issues of consolidation of security of the country, improvement of activity of military and law enforcement agencies.

It is necessary to pay greater attention to the improvement of personnel potential of National Arm, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted that commanders of structural divisions of the Defence Ministry have to hold under control the issues of improvement of professional skills and discipline of military personnel.

Having ordered to pay special attention to educational work, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country said that young soldiers have to follow military traditions demonstrating the model of loyalty to the oath.

Further, Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on the work for bringing of judicial system to the compliance with universal standards of international law, creation of proper conditions for fruitful service of the personnel of the department in 2018. The information about the outcomes of the I Judge Conference of Turkmenistan has also been presented.

Having focused on the importance of the reforms in this sphere, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to hold explanatory activity about the importance of legal culture among the population, at the facilities, organizations, educational institutes, military division and in mass media together with military and law enforcement agencies.

Systematic organization of seminars in improvement of professional skills of qualification of personnel of judicial authorities has been outlined as the utmost objectives for the next year. Conducting of the training with application of modern technologies is one of the most important requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, having addressed the Head of this authority with number of specific assignments.

Continuing the session, the Supreme commander of the Armed Forces signed the Order on appointment and release of the judges of the courts of Turkmenistan and on the conferment of qualification classes to them.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the outcomes of the activity of his structure for the period under review, measures for control of the compliance with the law in all spheres. Outcomes of the inspections held by the order of the President of Turkmenistan was separate subject of the report. It was informed that prosecutorial measures are implemented, control for execution of laws and other standard-setting instruments is held, complex of works for protection of the rights and freedoms of the citizens, state and public interests protected by the law is carried out.

Prosecutorial authorities have big role in the support of the supremacy of Law and prevention of any crimes, the President highlighted, having noted the responsibility of the heads of velayat, city and etrap divisions of this authority. The State takes permanent care of the improvement of equipment and facilities base, improvement of social and living conditions of personnel of this law enforcement structure and their families. Modern administration buildings and high comfort residential buildings are built for this purpose.

It is necessary to recruit personnel thoroughly; in addition to professional skills, they have to have wide world outlook, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country noted, having ordered the Prosecutor general to take proper measures for provision of law and public order.

Further, the floor was given to the Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev who reported on the work for 2018, steadfast measures for enforcement of protection of the borderd of the country, modernization of equipment and facilities base of the divisions. The report on the construction of new buildings of frontier outposts, comfortable living with all relative social infrastructure for personnel of the Motherland defenders and their families has also been made.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that fundamental changes in the country are to provide the progress of national economy and its reliable protection especially the integrity of the State border. Addressing the commanders of the divisions of the Service, Turkmen leader noted the importance of improvement of combat, physical and political training of the personnel.

Special attention has to be paid to the improvement of equipment and facilities base, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having ordered to hold under permanent control the construction of new residential complexes for military personnel and their families and to provide all social conditions.

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country signed the Order on conferment of the Major General rank to head of the State Border Guard Service Colonel Sh. Durdiyev.

Chairman of the State Customs Service A. Osmanov reported on the main results of work for the period under review and current situation in his structure. It was informed that activity of this department has significantly activated recently due to the increment of volumes of international cargo traffic, which indicates stable development of the economy of Turkmenistan and its successful integration to international economy

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the interest of the world community in Turkmenistan has considerably increased in the result of the implementation of open doors policy. Practical measures for the formation of modern transport and transit corridors are taken these days under integrated work for revival of the Silk Road, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces continued, having brought the construction of international railroads and airports, Turkmenbashy International Seaport, highways, railway and automobile bridges as example.

Speaking of promising directions of work of this structure in 2019, the Head of the State ordered to study advanced practice in organization of customs control. In this regard, the heads of all divisions of the Service have been ordered to analyse the dynamic of cargo traffic on regular basis. This work is necessary for improvement of transit and transport potential and development of logistic system, Turkmen leader highlighted.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to pay special attention to solution of social issues, in particular the provision of modern living to personnel of the department. Active implementation of advanced technologies to regional divisions of the Service has been outlined among the priorities.

Minister of Justice of Turkmenistan B. Muhamedov reported on the measures taken in 2018 for the improvement of legal base, in particular on the development of new draft of legal and regulatory acts.

Focusing the attention of personnel of the Ministry of Justice on the importance of legal reform, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of proper organization of explanatory work.

Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov made the report on the work carried out last year and measures for provision of efficient activity of his structure. The report on the fulfilment of the assignments, in particular on improvement of professional level of personnel and creation of necessary conditions for their productive work, has been made.

Having listened to the report, the Head of Turkmenistan focused the attention of personnel of the Service on the main vectors of coming work. Active implementation of advanced experience and world practice in this sphere as well as training of young competent personnel have been outlined among priority objectives. The activity of the divisions of the Service has to be aimed at the provision of correct record on foreign guests coming to Turkmenistan, the President noted.

It is also necessary to hold steadfast improvement of service and life conditions of personnel under control, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country continued, having ordered the Chairman of the Service to take all necessary measures for fulfilment of set objective.

Director of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes of Turkmenistan M. Hudaykuliyev reported on the outcomes of work in 2018.

Continuing the session, the Head of Turkmenistan signed the Order on merging of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes with the Ministry of Interior for enforcement of the combat against economic crimes and improvement of the activity of law enforcement agencies, having ordered the Head of this department to take relative measures for proper organization of the activity of new structural division.

Having addressed the participants of extended session of the State Security Council, the President noted that the Motherland Defender Day is observed on January 27.

Protection of independence, permanent neutrality, economic, cultural and spiritual development, improvement of prosperity and social level of the nation is sacred duty of every defender of the Motherland, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country highlighted.

Having expressed firm confidence that strictly serving military and civic duty, soldiers and officers would always stand on guard of national interests and security of the country, peaceful life of Turkmen nations with honour, the President congratulated the participants on the Motherland Defender Day.

During the session, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Order on conferment of personnel of military and law enforcement agencies with the state awards as well as with military and special ranks and classes.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also signed the Orders on conferment of the second qualification grade to Chairman of the Supreme Court of the third qualification class G. Halliyev, class rank of the State Counsellor of Justice to Senior Counsellor of Justice B. Atdayev, military rank of the Major General to the Head of the State Border Guard Service Colonel Sh. Durdiyev, military rank of the Major General to Chairman of the State Customs Service Colonel A. Osmanov.

Having signed the orders, the head of the State presented personally relative insignia to the heads of military and law enforcement agencies.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State noted that following the provisions of the Military Doctrine, which was adopted according to peaceful and humane state policy, practical measures for steadfast improvement of equipment and facilities base of security forces would be continued.

Care of military personnel and their families is one of priority aspects, the President noted, having highlighted that complex of works for improvement of the wealth, improvement of social and living conditions, creation of wide opportunities for fruitful activity, honest service and comfortable rest is carried out.

The Government would continue taking targeted measures in this direction, the Head of the State said. Other subjects, on which relevant decisions were taken, have been reviewed at the extended session of the State Security Council.

In the end, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in responsible work for further prosperity of the country and wealth of the nation to the participants.

After, the Head of the State received congratulation of the heads of military and law enforcement agencies on the Motherland Defender Day. Having expressed the gratitude for the congratulations, the President highlighted that military personnel has to serve the duty honestly and to demonstrate the faith to the Motherland, military oath being deserving successors of patriotic values and such high merits of Turkmen character as love of the homeland, dedication and courage.