Ï The President of Turkmenistan makes personnel decisions in judicial system

The President of Turkmenistan makes personnel decisions in judicial system

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President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the following Order assigning:

To appoint Rahman Hojiyev as the Deputy Chairman of the Koetdag etrap Court of Ashgabat, having released him from the post of the Judge of Berkararlyk etrap Court of Ashgabat;

To appoint Babajan Velmamedov as the Judge of Berkararlyk etrap Court of Ashgabat, having released him from the post of the Administrative and Executive Judge of Berkararlyk etrap Court of Ashgabat;

To appoint Gulrovshen Annayeva as the Judge of Gyorogly etrap, Dashoguz Velayat, having released her from the post of the Judge of S. A. Niyazov etrap, Dashoguz Velayat;

To appoint Gurbanmyrat Hudayberdiyev as the Chairman of Mary City Court, Mary Velayat, having released him form the post of the Chairman of the Kopetdag etrap Court of Ashgabat;

To appoint Rozymurat Hudayberdiyev as the Judge of Sakarchaga etrap Court, Mary Velayat, having released him from the post of Mary etrap, Mary Velayat;

To appoint Vepa meredov as Administrative and Executive Judge of Berkararlyk etrap Court of Ashgabat and to confer him with the fifth qualification class;

To appoint Shokhrat Veljikov as the Administrative and Executive Judge of Dyanew etrap Court, Lebap Velayat and to confer him with the fifth qualification class;

To appoint Azamat Chariyev as the Administrative and Executive Judge of Mary etrap, Mary Velayat and to confer him with the fifth qualification class;

To release Jumageldy Bayramov from the post of the Judge of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan upon the expiry of the terms of office;

To release Jumamyrat Nazarov from the post of the Judge of Berkararlyk etrap Court, Ashgabat upon the expiry of the terms of office;

To release Durdymuhammet Akjayev from the post of the Deputy Chairman of Kopetdag etrap Court, Ashgabat upon the expiry of the terms of office;

To release Rejepdurdy Hudayberenov from the post of the Judge of Lebap Velayat Court upon the expiry of the terms of office;

To release Sulgun Annadurdiyeva from the post of the Judge of Mary Velayat Court upon the expiry of the terms of office.