Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Congratulates Military Servicemen on Defenders of the Fatherland Day

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Congratulates Military Servicemen on Defenders of the Fatherland Day

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I extend to you my cordial congratulations on the 27th founding anniversary of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and Defenders of the Fatherland Day! This day reflects the enormous trust and endless respect towards the National Army that defends the country’s independence, its sovereignty, inviolability of the borders and the constitutional order, the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Turkmenistan’s Armed Forces, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, says in his address to officers, cadets and servicemen of the Armed Forces.

Defenders of the Fatherland play a major role in transforming our country into an industrially developed and economically prosperous country, in achieving progress. You have the privilege of being the trustworthy protectors of independence and permanent neutrality, the two pillars that form the foundation for our progress in economics and the humanitarian sphere and the steadily increasing standards of living. Serving your country faithfully is your sacred duty.

I trust that, by being an example of loyal service, you use your knowledge and skills to honor the military traditions, to power patriotism, to enhance courage, fearlessness and bravery, the message highlights.

In international relations, we strictly adhere to the legal status of permanent neutrality of our country. We maintain friendly and good-neighborly relations with countries and peoples of the world. These principles wholly serve the national interests of our people and comply with the foreign policy course of our country. In this regard, Turkmenistan consolidates the efforts of foreign countries, international and regional organizations towards strengthening peace and solidarity through steady development of relations based on mutual understanding and reciprocal trust. This is the strategic course of our international policy.

By adequately protecting the economic and political interests of our Motherland and by being loyal to the military oath, you must successfully implement the principles, goals and objectives of the Military Doctrine that defines the political, economic, military and strategic foundations of securing the inviolability of our country’s borders.

Being guided by the slogan The State Is for the People!, Turkmenistan steadily improves the social and living conditions of the servicemen and the staff of military and law enforcement authorities and their families. To that end, new residential complexes and other facilities are being built. This is also evidenced by the fact that this year, when we celebrate the slogan Turkmenistan: Land of Prosperity, 538 more families of military servicemen will relocate to new superior apartments.

We will continue to place greater emphasis on enhancing and modernizing the infrastructure and logistics capacity of all arms of Turkmenistan’s Armed Forces; to create most favorable living and working conditions for defenders of the Fatherland.

By fulfilling your military service obligations in accordance with the Military Doctrine of independent, neutral Turkmenistan, you must become the steel shield for your Motherland and its people. The patriotic traditions of our heroic ancestors must be credibly followed by you, and you must be as strong, brave and fearless as your predecessors. I wish you good health, longevity, well-being and much success, the head of state says in his congratulatory Address.