Ï Nomination of the candidates to the members of the Parliament, People’s Council and Gengeshys instead of outgoing members starts on January 30

Nomination of the candidates to the members of the Parliament, People’s Council and Gengeshys instead of outgoing members starts on January 30

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Session of the Central Election and Referendum Committee of Turkmenistan dedicated to the preparation of the election of the Mejlis deputies, members of the People’s Council and Gengeshys to replace outgoing members was held. Members and personnel of the Central Committee, representatives of working groups formed up under the Committee, national observers from political parties and non-governmental organizations and mass media took part in the meeting.

The agenda included the subjects of coming social and political event. In particular, the elections of the Mejlis deputies, members of local representative authorities of people’s power and local administrations instead of outgoing are appointed on Sunday, March 31, 2019. The nomination of the candidates starts on January 30 and will last until February 28. The registration will be held from February 9 to March 5.

Having discussed and approved the plan of events, which are to provide the election campaign and elections on high organizational level, the participants of the session defined the sequence of pre-election activity.

Information about work in the velayats and Ashgabat for preparation to this social and political event have been presented by the members of Central Election Committee. It was noted that implementation of democratic principles mainly depends upon existing election legislation, traditions, technologies and order of election of the members of the State power and local administration, equality of right of the electorate and candidates, voting procedure, frequency of the elections, provision of free will of the citizens. In this regard, the participants of the session outlined the provision of transparency and wide alternative of the elections as well as proper explanatory work with the population among the utmost objectives.

Members of the Central Election Committee expressed the confidence that coming social and political campaign would be another important step toward the intensification of democratic processes, which are reliable foundation of the implementation of progressive reforms aimed at further prosperity of the country.

Two deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan will have to be elected in the country. the elections of velayat members of the People’s Council will be held in three electoral districts, members of etrap and city People’s Council in 14 districts, members of Gengeshys in 100 districts, 188 polling stations will be opened for the voting.

Taking into account the information and following further objectives of the elections, other issues, on which relative decisions were made, have been reviewed at the session of the Central Election Committee.