Ï Gurbangul Atayeva is elected as the Head of the Women Union and National Trade Unions Centre

Gurbangul Atayeva is elected as the Head of the Women Union and National Trade Unions Centre

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The Centre of Public Organizations hosted IX session of the Central Council of the Women Union and IV session of National Trade Unions Centre where directions of activity of these public associations have been discussed.

Organizational issues have also been discussed at the sessions. By the decision of the Central Council of the Women Union, Gurbangul Bayramova has been released from the post of the Chairperson of the Central Council of the Women Union due to the retirement. Gurbangul Atayeva has been elected to this post.

Representatives of public organizations expressed the gratitude to Gurbangul Bayramova for fruitful activity and big social important work.

In return, Gurbangul Bayramova expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for excellent conditions for productive work as well as wished great success in implementation of constructive projects initiated by the Head of the State.

In her turn, Gurbangul Atayeva, who previously occupying the post of Deputy Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat for education, culture, health protection and sports, expressed the gratitude to the Central Council of the Women Union and National Trade Unions Centre for the trust and assured that she would put all efforts, knowledge and experience for prosperity of the country.