Ï Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day

Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day

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Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Number of events is organized on the Motherland Defender Day
Turkmenistan widely observed the Motherland Defender Day and the 27th anniversary of the formation of National Army.

At the extended session of the State Security Council on January 25, Turkmen leader highlighted the importance of coordinated activity for development of the Armed Forces. At present time, the work for provision of National Army with latest equipment and machinery is carried out, measures for improvement of professional level of personnel are take and proper conditions for service and life of are made in the country.

Practical measures are taken in the country for systematic improvement of social and living conditions of military personnel and their families according to the time demands for efficient solution of set objectives by military and law enforcement personnel.

The sessions were held in military and law enforcement agencies on January 26. The participants of the meetings noted that integrated programme for provision of defensive capability of independent neutral state, modernization of equipment and facilities base of the Armed Forces and training of qualified military personnel is implemented in Turkmenistan.

National Army serves to the interests of peace and security of the country being an unbreakable foundation of prosperous life and creative work of the nation. These principles are reflected in the Military Doctrine based on the status if permanent neutrality of our state and having exclusively defensive character.

To honour military traditions and memory of lost heroes, the events of the celebration day have started from the flower laying ceremony to the monument of Berdymuhamed Annayev in Specialized Military school No. 1 and to «Halk hakydasy» (National Memory) Memorial.

The Central Officer’s Club of the Ministry of Defence hosted the award ceremony of distinguished military personnel, officers and other employee of military and law enforcement agencies as well as the key handover ceremony of new comfortable apartments located on the territory of the capital Olympic village.

The celebration became an unforgettable event in life of the defenders of the Motherland. They were expressing sincere gratitude President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, according to whose initiative all conditions for the wealth of the nation.

In the context of steadfast improvement of social and life level of military and law enforcement personnel and their families, another 500 of them will receive new comfortable apartments this year.

Celebration concert with the participation of art collectives of military personnel, which performances reflected unbreakable ties of the generations and invariable commitment of Turkmen nations to the ideals of peace and creation, has been held in honour of the Motherland defenders in the Central Officers’ Club.